Friday, June 14, 2024



Scholars stunned when they find earliest known record of Jesus' childhood in manuscript that went unnoticed for decades | Blaze Media

Scholars stunned when they find earliest known record of Jesus' childhood in manuscript that went unnoticed for decades | Blaze Media

Scholars have deciphered an ancient papyrus fragment that they believe contains the earliest account of Jesus' childhood. The fragment, which sat unceremoniously at the Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky State and University Library for decades, is believed to be a fragment from the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, an ancient apocryphal account that claims to tell the story of Jesus' childhood from ages 5 to 12.

"...why no one watched it in the first place...


The Left Has Been Doing ‘Oppo Research’ on Conservative Justices for Years

...conservatives need to understand that there is nothing to all the media stories concocting ethics complaints about the justices —they are simply being targeted by coordinated “oppo research” campaigns. - BY MARK JUDGE
  • Over the last 18 months, the conservative justices on the Supreme Court have found themselves in the corporate media’s crosshairs. 
  • Justice Samuel Alito, in particular, has faced a coordinated attack from the left ever since he wrote the majority opinion that struck down Roe v. Wade. Alito’s 2022 opinion was leaked to the media and published by Politico before the Court’s ruling striking down the nationwide abortion law. 
  • The justices’ addresses and personal information was shared online afterward and they needed increased security after threats from outraged abortion activists.
  • The attacks haven’t slowed in the two years since, though they have gotten sillier... 

4 more years of Bidenomics surely gonna hurt!


WALSH: The Horrifying Origins Of Left-Wing Gender Ideology

Considering the magnitude of suddenness of this shift in our understanding of human nature, we should probably take the time to acquaint ourselves with the people responsible for it.  - By Matt Walsh
"...A professor at York University recently published a book labeling John Money “the man who invented gender.”...
That fact ought to trouble gender theory proponents because John Money was, among other things, a fraud and an abuser. 
Along with more conventionally degenerate views — his advocacy of open marriages and group sex, for example — Money was also, as a not very critical article in Salon puts it, “ambivalently supportive” of pedophilia. 
Drawing a distinction between what he called sadistic pedophilia and affectional pedophilia, Money held that a relationship between a grown man and a child who really love each other should not be considered disordered...

#1 This day 1976-----Wings - Silly Love Songs (Official Music Video)

The Silent Insurrection: General Milley’s Hand on January 6

" “irrational” fear among a “clique” of senior military officers concerning the potential misuse of the National Guard by the president. 
He indicated that these concerns were influenced behind the scenes by Milley, who often made disparaging remarks about the president and regularly referred to his fear of a so-called potential “Reichstag moment.” 
  • Milley was then deeply engaged with a circle of confidants including 
  • House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 
  • Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, 
  • former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice, and 
  • former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, among others—all of whom shared a unified disdain for President Donald Trump....

Trust those guys?!!


House holds Attorney General Garland in contempt of Congress | Blaze Media

House holds Attorney General Garland in contempt of Congress | Blaze Media

House Speaker Mike Johnson said in as statement, "Today, the House took a significant step in maintaining the integrity of our oversight processes and responsibilities by holding Attorney General Garland in contempt of Congress. This decision was not made lightly but is essential to ensure transparency and accountability within the Special Counsel's office.

"It is up to Congress — not the Executive Branch — to determine what materials it needs to conduct its own investigations, and there are consequences for refusing to comply with lawful Congressional subpoenas.

Place Your Bets: What Will Be in Biden's Pre-Debate Chemical Cocktail? STEPHEN GREEN

"Some are speculating that [Presidentish Joe] Biden...may be medically revitalized during his visit to the Maryland presidential resort."

"...I've certainly seen enough in my 55 years — several of them spent among the hippies in northern California — to have a few handy rules to help you tell who is on what.

  • Inappropriate laughter (See: Kamala Harris) and/or Cheetos? Marijuana.
  • Invites select people to the bathroom every eight-to-15 minutes? Cocaine.
  • Homeless/No teeth? Meth.
  • Can't stop dancing and/or sharing positive vibes? Ecstasy.
  • Ate own face? Bath salts.
  • Seeing things no one else can/Convinced everything is "bendy?" LSD or shrooms.
  • Missing and/or dead? Heroin.
  • Died in the '90s? Crack cocaine.
  • Freshly dead? Fentanyl.
  • I joke because it's either that or weep over the state of our Republic. 

Rewatch that clip of him at that Juneteenth celebration, smiling and staring without blinking at things that aren't there, and you might think he'd dropped a seriously good tab...

AM Fruitcake


History for June 14

History for June 14 - 
Donald J. Trump 1946 - 45th President of the United States, real estate developer, television personality
  • 1775 - The Continental Army was founded by the Second Continental Congress for purposes of common defense. This event is considered to be the birth of the United States Army.
  • 1777 - The Continental Congress in Philadelphia adopted the "Stars and Stripes" as the national flag of the United States. 
  • 1834 - Isaac Fischer Jr. patented sandpaper.
  • 1893 - Philadelphia observed the first Flag Day.
  • 1940 - The Nazis opened their concentration camp at Auschwitz in German-occupied Poland.
  • 1940 - German troops entered Paris. As Paris became occupied loud speakers announced the implementation of a curfew being imposed for 8 p.m.
  • 1951 - "Univac I" was unveiled. It was a computer designed for the U.S. Census Bureau and billed as the world's first commercial computer.
  • 1952 - The Nautilus was dedicated. It was the first nuclear powered submarine.
  • 1954 - U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed an order adding the words "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • 1982 - Argentine forces surrendered to British troops on the Falkland Islands.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Nancy Pelosi panics when new Jan. 6 footage shows her make damning admission about Capitol security: 'Directly contradicts' | Blaze Media

Nancy Pelosi panics when new Jan. 6 footage shows her make damning admission about Capitol security: 'Directly contradicts' | Blaze Media

The footage is significant not only because of Pelosi's admission, but because the Jan. 6 committee never released it. Why they chose to keep the footage hidden remains unknown. In fact, the only reason the footage is now seeing the light of day is because House Republicans requested it from HBO, according to Politico. Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.), chairman of the House Administration Oversight Subcommittee, said the footage "directly contradicts" Pelosi's narrative about Jan. 6.

The way we were-----The Race to Reverse the River — A Chicago Stories Documentary

WARNING! Radical New EU Law to Fundamentally Transform America - In The ...

Instapundit - Blog Archive COLD WAR II: A New Chinese Megaport in South America Is Rattling the U.S.

Instapundit  -  China is already the top trade partner for most of South America.

In this serene town on South America’s Pacific coast, China is building a megaport that could challenge U.S. influence in a resource-rich region that Washington has long considered its backyard.

The Chancay deep-water port, rising here among pelicans and fishermen in small wooden boats, is important enough to Beijing that Chinese leader Xi Jinping is expected to inaugurate it at the end of the year in his first trip to the continent since the pandemic.China is already the top trade partner for most of South America.

Previously: “Somebody from a developing country said to me, ‘what we get from China is an airport. What we get from the United States is a lecture.'” - 

A Character in This Bestselling '90s Romance Novel Is Based on Dr. Fauci - Posted on May 5, 2020

The author met Dr. Fauci and ‘just fell in love with him.’
"The author of a popular romance novel from nearly two decades ago has come forward to reveal that one of the main characters is based on Dr. Anthony Fauci.
  • Sally Quinn, who in 1991 released the bestselling book Happy Endings, told Washingtonian magazine that the character arose after meeting Fauci at a function in D.C.
  • “I just fell in love with him. Usually those dinners, you make polite conversation, and that’s it,” Quinn said. “But we had this intense conversation, personal conversation. I thought, ‘Wow, this guy is amazing.’”
  • That interaction led Quinn to create Michael Lanzer, a National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientist working on a therapy for AIDS in the book...

Scared of voter fraud in 2024 election? You should be! Newly released poll reveals shocking number of unabashed cheaters | Blaze Media

Scared of voter fraud in 2024 election? You should be! Newly released poll reveals shocking number of unabashed cheaters | Blaze Media

The 2020 election may seem like a distant memory, but as November 5 draws nearer, many are worried about repeated voter fraud.

And they should be worried.

Sara Gonzales points to a 2023 poll conducted by the Heartland Institute. According to the survey, “in the 2020 general election, more than one in five mail-in voters admitted to voting illegally.”

If that wasn’t disturbing enough, the Heartland Institute just released another poll indicating that “approximately 44 million Americans would vote illegally in the 2024 election ‘to prevent [the] other side from winning.”’

Feds Sought Data on EVERYONE Who Watched A Certain Video Last Year

Election interference!-----Interesting Development Inside Hungarian Election Outcome - Transparent Activity by U.S. State Dept and CIA - The Last Refuge

All political watchers will understand the #1 EU political enemy of the WEF globalists and U.S/NATO State Dept is Hungarian President Viktor Orban.
..Follow the timeline. 
Mr Peter Magyar assembles his Tisza party, exactly after Samantha Power was in Hungary organizing political opposition to Viktor Orban. 
This one is so transparent, it’s obvious...

Lunch video-----Containership Throttle Jammed Open Leaving Port of Charleston | Ravenel ...



Magic Kingdom erased 'Song of the South' elements from Splash Mountain. The remake may be another Disney flop. | Blaze Media

Magic Kingdom erased 'Song of the South' elements from Splash Mountain. The remake may be another Disney flop. | Blaze Media

Radicals hostile to America and the West committed to a campaign of deracination and iconoclasm in the summer of 2020, digging up graves, toppling statues, renaming animals, melting down busts, knocking out church windows, and killing off iconic brands. Disney made sure to get in on the action.

Why are WE funding this creepy fascism?!!


24 Hour Fitness says BLM, Pride flags are approved 'symbols of expression' but American flags are only for designated holidays

The list also includes "Flag or United States logo," with the stipulation that they only be worn on "holidays such as Memorial Day, Flag Day, July 4th, Veteran’s Day, Patriots Day, etc."
"A newly surfaced internal memo from the national gym chain 24 Hour Fitness has revealed that employees were told they can wear items containing Pride or Black Lives Matter logos without restriction, while items containing the American flag could only be worn on holidays like the 4th of July.
"We’ve committed to creating a more inclusive environment at 24 Hour Fitness, recognizing that we have work to do to become stronger allies in support of those who are impacted by systemic oppression and inequality," the internal memo...

Everyone was wrong!


The Contrarians Were Right About Covid Restrictions

Safetyism can lead to some of the worst infringements of individual rights. That is why we don’t live in a public-health dictatorship. Or rather, why we didn’t until Covid. - DAVID HARSANYI
"If you head over to “The Federalist” entry on Wikipedia, you will find, among other smears of our little operation, a “COVID-19 pandemic misinformation” section. 
It’s a sad reminder of how authoritarians misuse the idea of “misinformation” to quash debate and control the conversation...

#1 This day 1985-----Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule The World (Official Music Video)

Have *Any* Jobs Been Created Under Biden? I & I Editorial Board

But this “great jobs news” is entirely a fiction.
"...“The great American comeback continues,” Biden enthused. On my watch, 15.6 million more Americans have the dignity and respect that comes with a job.”
But this “great jobs news” is entirely a fiction.
 The truth is that the job growth under Biden is much closer to zero than it is to 15.6 million.
Let’s break it down...
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. I&I Chart