Saturday, June 15, 2024

The CCP owns Biden AND the American media!-----How Chinese Ownership Of U.S. Land Threatens National Security

As the specter of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan looms, the need to safeguard America’s interests has never been more pressing. - CHUCK DEVORE
"The Chinese spy balloon incident of early 2023 painted a tangible picture of the growing problem of Chinese espionage, heightening concerns over the government’s intentions. 
Partly as a result, efforts at the state level to curtail foreign ownership of farmland and sensitive infrastructure have accelerated.
Legislatures in two-thirds of U.S. states are advancing bills aimed at curtailing purchases of real estate by Chinese-controlled interests. 
  • This legislation is almost entirely backed by Republicans...

#1 This day 1958-----Sheb Wooley - Purple People Eater (1958)

When you have ENDLESS, FREE MONEY!-----Muskegon, MI: Apple Avenue Redesign

Muskegon, MI: Apple Avenue Redesign
In 2026, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is planning to rebuild M-46 (Apple Ave) from West Webster Avenue to Home Street in Muskegon, Michigan. MDOT and the City of Muskegon’s Department of Public Works (DPW) are working together to engage stakeholders in planning that reconstruction...
The ideas from those meetings, the city's master plan, and complete street policy were all shared with MDOT. MDOT is now creating draft plans for community review (see the timeline on this page). Attend one of the upcoming meetings to review the plans and give input, or give feedback online here.
    Apple Ave Vision + Redesign Work Group Stakeholder List
  • Residents
  • Commuters
  • Business Owners
  • Walkers
  • Non-Motorized Traffic
  • School Aged Youth/Parents
  • Neighborhood Associations
  • Bus Route Users
  • Schools

Societal collapse.


Democratic officials charged in connection with alleged voter fraud in mayoral primary involving felon incumbent | Blaze Media

Democratic officials charged in connection with alleged voter fraud in mayoral primary involving felon incumbent | Blaze Media

Four people involved with a primary race in Connecticut several years ago now face criminal charges related to election fraud. The case relates to the 2019 Democratic mayoral primary in Bridgeport, the most populous city in Connecticut. In that race, state Sen. Marilyn Moore took on longtime incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim, whose tenure in office was interrupted while he spent seven years in prison for 16 felony charges related to political corruption.

Biden, Zelensky hail $50 billion G7 loan for Ukraine - Breitbart

G7 leaders agreed Thursday on a new $50 billion loan for Ukraine using profits from frozen Russian assets, a move Joe Biden said showed Moscow “we’re not backing down”.
"...A senior Biden administration official said the United States was willing to provide up to $50 billion, but said its contribution could be “significantly less” as it would be a shared initiative.
We will not be the only lenders. This will be a loan syndicate. We’re going to share the risk, because we have a shared commitment to get this done,” the official said on condition of anonymity...

AM Fruitcake


History for June 15

History for June 15 - 
Erik H. Erickson 1902 - Psychologist and psychoanalyst
  • 1607 - Colonists in North America completed James Fort in Jamestown, VA.
  • 1752 - Benjamin Franklin experimented by flying a kite during a thunderstorm. The result was a little spark that showed the relationship between lightning and electricity.
  • 1844 - Charles Goodyear was granted a patent for the process that strengthens rubber.
  • 1864 - An order to establish a military burial ground was signed by Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton. The location later became known as Arlington National Cemetery.
  • 1911 - The Computing-Tabulating-Recording Co. was incorporated in the state of New York. The company was later renamed International Business Machines (IBM) Corp.
  • 1992 - It was ruled by the U.S. Supreme Court that the government could kidnap criminal suspects from foreign countries for prosecution.
  • 1992 - U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle instructed a student to spell "potato" with an "e" on the end during a spelling bee. He had relied on a faulty flash card that had been written by the student's teacher.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Federal judge makes history! Rules sex 'unambiguously binary' | WND | by Bob Unruh

Federal judge makes history! Rules sex 'unambiguously binary' | WND | by Bob Unruh

One of Joe Biden's key weapons in his promotion of the LGBT ideology for not just people in America but around the world has been his simple redefinition of words. "Sex," his administration has claimed, actually means "sexual orientation" or "gender identity." Thus, his LGBT goals have been "protected" in federal law for decades, he claims.

The way we were-----Forgotten Items In 1980s Homes!

The Truth About The Covenant School Shooting Comes Out.

James David Dickson on X: "The mood is about to change Charlie LeDuff is back" / X

8,000 more nursing home dead in Michigan buried in Whitmer's statistical mass grave.

The mood is about to change Charlie LeDuff is back
Charlie LeDuff
EXCLUSIVE: 8,000 more nursing home dead in Michigan buried in Whitmer's statistical mass grave. *If the media would like access to the material & data for a follow up, I'm more than happy to provide it. DM me.

Biden Protects Over 860K Migrants from Deportation via 'Temporary' Amnesty

President Joe Biden’s administration is now protecting more than 860,000 foreign nationals from deportation from the United States thanks to its expansion of the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program.
The Congressional Research Service reports:
There are currently 16 countries under TPS designations. 
As of March 31, 2024, approximately 863,880 foreign nationals from the following countries who were in the United States were protected by TPS: 
Afghanistan, Burma, Cameroon, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, and Yemen. 
In addition, certain Palestinians, Liberians, and residents of Hong Kong living in the United States currently maintain relief under Deferred Enforced Departure...

In-N-Out Burger confirms customers can thank Democrats for higher menu prices: 'The economy is kind of bad' | Blaze Media

In-N-Out Burger confirms customers can thank Democrats for higher menu prices: 'The economy is kind of bad' | Blaze Media

In-N-Out Burger, the most recognizable California fast-food chain, has raised its menu prices because of a new minimum-wage law in California. Last year, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed a law increasing the state-mandated minimum wage at fast-food restaurants from $16 per hour to $20 per hour. The law took effect on April 1.

Hospital Sued for Putting Man in Straitjacket When He Claimed to Be Himself

How Public Schools Became Ideological Boot Camps | The Free Press

In nearly every public school in the country, children are given curriculum materials that have no official oversight or approval. By Robert Pondiscio
  • A pair of teachers at New Jersey’s Fort Lee High School recently taught students that Hamas is a peaceful “resistance movement” and Israel is committing genocide. 
  • Teachers at California’s Berkeley Unified School District are “indoctrinating students with antisemitic tropes and biased, one-sided anti-Israel propaganda disguised as education,” according to a complaint by the Anti-Defamation League. 
  • Meanwhile, students recently chanted “from the river to the sea” at college campus “tentifadas”—but when pressed could identify neither.
Why does this keep happening?...

Lunch video-----This School Helps Poor Kids Succeed, Teacher Unions Try To Shut It Down



Scholars stunned when they find earliest known record of Jesus' childhood in manuscript that went unnoticed for decades | Blaze Media

Scholars stunned when they find earliest known record of Jesus' childhood in manuscript that went unnoticed for decades | Blaze Media

Scholars have deciphered an ancient papyrus fragment that they believe contains the earliest account of Jesus' childhood. The fragment, which sat unceremoniously at the Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky State and University Library for decades, is believed to be a fragment from the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, an ancient apocryphal account that claims to tell the story of Jesus' childhood from ages 5 to 12.

"...why no one watched it in the first place...


The Left Has Been Doing ‘Oppo Research’ on Conservative Justices for Years

...conservatives need to understand that there is nothing to all the media stories concocting ethics complaints about the justices —they are simply being targeted by coordinated “oppo research” campaigns. - BY MARK JUDGE
  • Over the last 18 months, the conservative justices on the Supreme Court have found themselves in the corporate media’s crosshairs. 
  • Justice Samuel Alito, in particular, has faced a coordinated attack from the left ever since he wrote the majority opinion that struck down Roe v. Wade. Alito’s 2022 opinion was leaked to the media and published by Politico before the Court’s ruling striking down the nationwide abortion law. 
  • The justices’ addresses and personal information was shared online afterward and they needed increased security after threats from outraged abortion activists.
  • The attacks haven’t slowed in the two years since, though they have gotten sillier... 

4 more years of Bidenomics surely gonna hurt!


WALSH: The Horrifying Origins Of Left-Wing Gender Ideology

Considering the magnitude of suddenness of this shift in our understanding of human nature, we should probably take the time to acquaint ourselves with the people responsible for it.  - By Matt Walsh
"...A professor at York University recently published a book labeling John Money “the man who invented gender.”...
That fact ought to trouble gender theory proponents because John Money was, among other things, a fraud and an abuser. 
Along with more conventionally degenerate views — his advocacy of open marriages and group sex, for example — Money was also, as a not very critical article in Salon puts it, “ambivalently supportive” of pedophilia. 
Drawing a distinction between what he called sadistic pedophilia and affectional pedophilia, Money held that a relationship between a grown man and a child who really love each other should not be considered disordered...

#1 This day 1976-----Wings - Silly Love Songs (Official Music Video)

The Silent Insurrection: General Milley’s Hand on January 6

" “irrational” fear among a “clique” of senior military officers concerning the potential misuse of the National Guard by the president. 
He indicated that these concerns were influenced behind the scenes by Milley, who often made disparaging remarks about the president and regularly referred to his fear of a so-called potential “Reichstag moment.” 
  • Milley was then deeply engaged with a circle of confidants including 
  • House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 
  • Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, 
  • former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice, and 
  • former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, among others—all of whom shared a unified disdain for President Donald Trump....

Trust those guys?!!