Sunday, June 16, 2024

Buying "votes" even if it destroys our country.


Why does Michigan have MORE registered voters than citizens? | Blaze Media

Why does Michigan have MORE registered voters than citizens? | Blaze Media

After Biden’s supposed victory in 2020, Americans’ faith in our election system has waned significantly. With November 5 just around the corner, people across the country are skeptical about whether or not we will have a fair election this time around.

BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales along with the Blaze Originals team recently headed to Michigan to investigate the state’s voting system, granted the swing state heavily altered its voting laws after Trump’s victory in 2016.

What they uncovered suggests that a fair 2024 election is highly unlikely.

Ignore The Media-Driven Climate Hysterics: Weather Disasters Have Decreased - Climate Change Dispatch

A recent scientific study has confirmed what climate realists have been highlighting for some time: Natural and climate-related disasters have been declining rather than increasing during the 21st century.  -  Benny Peiser, Ph.D.
  • Based on the best available data, the two scientists concluded the 21st century has seen “a decreasing trend [of natural disasters] to 2022” which is “characterized by a significant decline in number of events.”

AM Fruitcake


History for June 16

History for June 16 - 
Katherine Graham 1917
  • 0455 - Rome was sacked by the Vandal army.
  • 1858 - In a speech in Springfield, IL, U.S. Senate candidate Abraham Lincoln said the slavery issue had to be resolved. He declared, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
  • 1903 - Ford Motor Company was incorporated.
  • 1925 - France accepted a German proposal for a security pact.
  • 1952 - "Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl" was published in the United States.
  • 1980 - The movie "The Blues Brothers" opened in Chicago, IL.
  • 2000 - U.S. federal regulators approved the merger of Bell Atlantic and GTE Corp. The merger created the nation's largest local phone company.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

'NIAID cannot be trusted': Fauci's agency planned to make monkeypox more deadly, says congressional report | Blaze Media

'NIAID cannot be trusted': Fauci's agency planned to make monkeypox more deadly, says congressional report | Blaze Media

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases under Anthony Fauci funded deadly gain-of-function research on coronaviruses at the likely epicenter of the pandemic. Although millions of Americans died from COVID-19, the NIAID apparently did not learn its lesson. According to congressional investigators, the NIAID received approval to execute radical gain-of-function experiments on MPXV, the virus that causes monkeypox.

The way we were-----Kmart in the 70s & 80s - Why We LOVED IT

Lab leak evidence

"Fauci congressional hearings indicate lab leak scenario.
The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2

BBC Hails Green Election Letter From “408 Climate Scientists” Signed by Psychologists, Accountants and Landscape Designers THE DAILY SCEPTIC

Scientists, you say? The first ‘scientist’ in the alphabetical list is an Associate Professor of Accounting, the second is a geographer specialising in “disaster risk reduction”, while the third is an archaeologist. - by Chris Morrison
"...The green Grantham stunt is of course the latest in a long line of attempts to suggest that most ‘scientists’ believe humans control the climate... 
  • This evidence-lite but ubiquitous assertion is not even backed up by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which finds there has been no human involvement in most natural events such as floods, droughts, wildfires and cyclones to date. 
  • Nor is human involvement detected in forecasts stretching to 2100...

Palestinianism Began with Nazism And Today Is Based on Antisemitism, Sexism, Homophobia and Denial of Human Rights. So Why Is the Left So in Love with It? :: Gatestone Institute

It was [Hitler's friend, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-] Husseini who turned the Arab-Jewish dispute from a resolvable conflict over land to an irresolvable conflict over religion. - by 

'Our plates are full': Biden agency chief says staff too busy to notify state about major reversal | WND | by Around the Web

'Our plates are full': Biden agency chief says staff too busy to notify state about major reversal | WND | by Around the Web

The director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) claimed that the agency had no time to advise Alaska of a significant reversal of policy during a Thursday hearing. BLM Director Tracy Stone-Manning made the assertion during a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing while being grilled by Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska over multiple restrictions on energy and mining projects which drew fire from Native American groups in the state and Democratic Rep. Mary Peltola of Alaska.

Tucker Carlson : Wow! This is Amazingly Revealed! He exposed all secret!

Ignore The Polls. Republicans Have A Major Voter Turnout Problem

The outcome of recent elections should cause GOPers to pump the brakes on celebrating a Trump victory before any ballots have been cast. - SHAWN FLEETWOOD
  • ...On the nongovernmental side, left-wing nonprofits funded by leftist billionaires evade federal law by targeting and registering Democrat-friendly demographics, such as racial minorities, college-educated women, and young people. 
  • After these likely-Democrat voters are on the voter rolls, left-wing activists and groups chase and harvest these low-effort votes in the weeks leading up to Election Day.
  • Organizations such as the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence — the newest iteration of the “Zuckbucks scheme used to boost Biden and Democrats in the 2020 election — are also attempting to influence election operations in various localities throughout the country...
  • At the same time, Biden is actively weaponizing the federal government’s taxpayer-funded resources to conduct voter registration drives benefiting Democrats. More commonly known as “Bidenbucks,” the executive order signed by Biden in March 2021 instructed hundreds of federal agencies to increase their voter registration and GOTV activities — which Congress never authorized...

AI Doublespeak

"AI is only as good as its training, and has no problem with regurgitating mutually exclusive ideas about climate.



House Committee Subpoenas 15 Biden Cabinet Secretaries Over Alleged Scheme to 'Tilt the Scales' in 2024 Election

House Committee Subpoenas 15 Biden Cabinet Secretaries Over Alleged Scheme to 'Tilt the Scales' in 2024 Election

In a Thursday news release (full text below), the committee said that it had begun an investigation into Biden’s Executive Order 14019, “Promoting Access to Voting,” soon after Biden signed it, which was in March of 2021, according to Fox News.

Committee Chairman Bryan Steil requested documents from the 15 Cabinet members on May 15 about what he called “Bidenbucks” and described as an “attempt by the Biden Administration to tilt the scales ahead of 2024,” and had received no response after nearly a month. Thus, the subpoenas.

The left is evil AND stupid. How come they're winning?!!


Teachers Union Issues List Of Climate Demands As Students Struggle To Read At Grade Level - DAILY CALLER

The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is making climate-related demands in contract negotiations as the city’s students continue to struggle mightily in the classroom - NICK POPE
"The CTU will push the city to include initiatives like 
  • electric school buses
  • green jobs training programs for students and 
  • reducing emissions from buildings with solar panels and other retrofits, among other initiatives, according to E&E News. 
Those demands are being made while 2023 testing data shows that about 75% of Chicago’s public school students were unable to read at grade level and 83% of students were behind grade level proficiency in math, according to the Illinois Policy Institute.

The union is also demanding...
  •  the creation of a “climate champion” role at each school to organize climate-related initiatives and activities, according to E&E News. 
  • CTU is also proposing to have solar panels and heat pumps installed in school buildings, 
  • as well as to create “heating and cooling centers” for communal use...
The union’s climate wishlist could cost hundreds of millions of dollars if granted in full, according to E&E News...

The FBI is at war with US!


The CCP owns Biden AND the American media!-----How Chinese Ownership Of U.S. Land Threatens National Security

As the specter of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan looms, the need to safeguard America’s interests has never been more pressing. - CHUCK DEVORE
"The Chinese spy balloon incident of early 2023 painted a tangible picture of the growing problem of Chinese espionage, heightening concerns over the government’s intentions. 
Partly as a result, efforts at the state level to curtail foreign ownership of farmland and sensitive infrastructure have accelerated.
Legislatures in two-thirds of U.S. states are advancing bills aimed at curtailing purchases of real estate by Chinese-controlled interests. 
  • This legislation is almost entirely backed by Republicans...

#1 This day 1958-----Sheb Wooley - Purple People Eater (1958)

When you have ENDLESS, FREE MONEY!-----Muskegon, MI: Apple Avenue Redesign

Muskegon, MI: Apple Avenue Redesign
In 2026, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is planning to rebuild M-46 (Apple Ave) from West Webster Avenue to Home Street in Muskegon, Michigan. MDOT and the City of Muskegon’s Department of Public Works (DPW) are working together to engage stakeholders in planning that reconstruction...
The ideas from those meetings, the city's master plan, and complete street policy were all shared with MDOT. MDOT is now creating draft plans for community review (see the timeline on this page). Attend one of the upcoming meetings to review the plans and give input, or give feedback online here.
    Apple Ave Vision + Redesign Work Group Stakeholder List
  • Residents
  • Commuters
  • Business Owners
  • Walkers
  • Non-Motorized Traffic
  • School Aged Youth/Parents
  • Neighborhood Associations
  • Bus Route Users
  • Schools

Societal collapse.


Democratic officials charged in connection with alleged voter fraud in mayoral primary involving felon incumbent | Blaze Media

Democratic officials charged in connection with alleged voter fraud in mayoral primary involving felon incumbent | Blaze Media

Four people involved with a primary race in Connecticut several years ago now face criminal charges related to election fraud. The case relates to the 2019 Democratic mayoral primary in Bridgeport, the most populous city in Connecticut. In that race, state Sen. Marilyn Moore took on longtime incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim, whose tenure in office was interrupted while he spent seven years in prison for 16 felony charges related to political corruption.

Biden, Zelensky hail $50 billion G7 loan for Ukraine - Breitbart

G7 leaders agreed Thursday on a new $50 billion loan for Ukraine using profits from frozen Russian assets, a move Joe Biden said showed Moscow “we’re not backing down”.
"...A senior Biden administration official said the United States was willing to provide up to $50 billion, but said its contribution could be “significantly less” as it would be a shared initiative.
We will not be the only lenders. This will be a loan syndicate. We’re going to share the risk, because we have a shared commitment to get this done,” the official said on condition of anonymity...

AM Fruitcake


History for June 15

History for June 15 - 
Erik H. Erickson 1902 - Psychologist and psychoanalyst
  • 1607 - Colonists in North America completed James Fort in Jamestown, VA.
  • 1752 - Benjamin Franklin experimented by flying a kite during a thunderstorm. The result was a little spark that showed the relationship between lightning and electricity.
  • 1844 - Charles Goodyear was granted a patent for the process that strengthens rubber.
  • 1864 - An order to establish a military burial ground was signed by Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton. The location later became known as Arlington National Cemetery.
  • 1911 - The Computing-Tabulating-Recording Co. was incorporated in the state of New York. The company was later renamed International Business Machines (IBM) Corp.
  • 1992 - It was ruled by the U.S. Supreme Court that the government could kidnap criminal suspects from foreign countries for prosecution.
  • 1992 - U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle instructed a student to spell "potato" with an "e" on the end during a spelling bee. He had relied on a faulty flash card that had been written by the student's teacher.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Federal judge makes history! Rules sex 'unambiguously binary' | WND | by Bob Unruh

Federal judge makes history! Rules sex 'unambiguously binary' | WND | by Bob Unruh

One of Joe Biden's key weapons in his promotion of the LGBT ideology for not just people in America but around the world has been his simple redefinition of words. "Sex," his administration has claimed, actually means "sexual orientation" or "gender identity." Thus, his LGBT goals have been "protected" in federal law for decades, he claims.

The way we were-----Forgotten Items In 1980s Homes!

The Truth About The Covenant School Shooting Comes Out.