- 1885 - The Statue of Liberty arrived in New York City aboard the French ship Isere.
- 1924 - The Fascist militia marched into Rome.
- 1928 - Amelia Earhart began the flight that made her the first woman to successfully fly across the Atlantic Ocean.
- 1930 - The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Bill became law. It placed the highest tariff on imports to the U.S.
- 1950 - Dr. Richard H. Lawler performed the first kidney transplant in a 45-minute operation in Chicago, IL.
- 1953 - Soviet tanks fought thousands of Berlin workers that were rioting against the East German government.
- 1991 - The Parliament of South Africa repealed the Population Registration Act. The act had required that all South Africans for classified by race at birth.
Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Monday, June 17, 2024
History for June 17
Sunday, June 16, 2024
Disturbing study: COVID shots destroyed young men's fertility | WND | by WND Staff
Scientific Racism - by Michael Smith - Unlicensed Punditry
Something I find is generally suppressed and ignored is that white progressives were as, if not more, racist than the KKK.
- We must remember progressives were the first scientific racists.
“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”...
Madison Grant was Anthony Fauci before Fauci was Fauci. He was an “amateur” who made stuff up based on incredibly ignorant biases - but he was part of the new progressive movement so, as happened with St. Anthony of Fauci, he got a pass...
Islamic updates: stories the news never reports!
- In Minnesota: a Former Islamic State jihadi says he joined group ‘with the belief that it was my religious duty. He grew up In Minnesota- an Islamic hotbed of recruitment.
- Hundreds of Pro-Hamas demonstrators surrounded the White House to scream “Intifada Now” and “Say No To Genocide” and “From the river to the sea/Palestine will be free.” The first is a call for mass murder of Israelis...
- Islamic State jihadis who crossed our open Southern border highlight US vulnerability to jihad attacks. Biden let them in and terror attacks are a certainty...
- DR Congo: Muslims launch jihad raid in village, murder at least 30 people, mostly women and children. The news disregards this. Why? Because they hide Islamic terrorism...
- Muslim student at U of Illinois Chicago says: “America is the cancer. America, secularism, democracy, capitalism”. He says Islam is the answer with its sharia law...
- France: Muslim screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ throws Molotov cocktail at police. Just another day in marvelous multicultural France...
Pro-Palestinian protester on crowded NYC subway train orders Zionists to identify themselves | Blaze Media
Little surprise as media covers, AGAIN, for this failed fool.-----RIP to Biden's Gaza Pier As He Chalks Up Another Foreign Policy Disaster By Bonchie
"...This marks the latest in a string of logistical issues involving the president's prized pier.
- For context, the pier has been in place for less than a month, and it's already suffered multiple shutdowns related to moderate seas overtaking it...
- That's $320 million of taxpayer money essentially flushed down the drain, never mind the ongoing costs to maintain, dismantle, and ultimately tow away the pier...
Timely lessons about tyranny from the Father of the Constitution | WND | by John & Nisha Whitehead
The lies the of the dems. ---To The Point: State budget, energy supply | WOODTV.com
State Sen. Sam Singh, D-East Lansing, talks about what he thinks the state’s new energy policy will do for ratepayers.
“I think what you’re going to see is that if we continue down the pathway where using very expensive coal and other types of things the increases would have been so much more significant. So, I think you’re going to see sort a natural part of inflation, but you’re going to see the reduction because we’re using cheaper forms of energy like renewables, which is a game changer I think for the industry,” he said.
Behold the Monster You Created - C.A. SKEET
- We keep blowhards like Majorie Taylor-Greene at arm's length. We've long since tired of hearing Hannity turn every other conversation into a banal trumpeting of his martial arts skills. The door hit George Santos on the way out.
- But aside from a few noble voices, the Left refuses to do any such thing within its own camp...
A Real-World Dr. Evil: Big Pharma's Conspiracy to Game Medical Literature
- “Do more reading,” I’d been told as a medical student when I worried aloud about overly liberal use of morphine (see Part I). Had I obediently done so, a thorough review of the medical literature could have turned up many studies demonstrating that a casually-written opioid prescription can wreck a person’s life.
- But to find them I would have had to sift through many hundreds of peer-reviewed publications arguing the opposite: that addiction with opioid prescriptions never really happens...
Why does Michigan have MORE registered voters than citizens? | Blaze Media
Ignore The Media-Driven Climate Hysterics: Weather Disasters Have Decreased - Climate Change Dispatch
- Based on the best available data, the two scientists concluded the 21st century has seen “a decreasing trend [of natural disasters] to 2022” which is “characterized by a significant decline in number of events.”
History for June 16
- 0455 - Rome was sacked by the Vandal army.
- 1858 - In a speech in Springfield, IL, U.S. Senate candidate Abraham Lincoln said the slavery issue had to be resolved. He declared, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
- 1903 - Ford Motor Company was incorporated.
- 1925 - France accepted a German proposal for a security pact.
- 1952 - "Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl" was published in the United States.
- 1980 - The movie "The Blues Brothers" opened in Chicago, IL.
- 2000 - U.S. federal regulators approved the merger of Bell Atlantic and GTE Corp. The merger created the nation's largest local phone company.
Saturday, June 15, 2024
'NIAID cannot be trusted': Fauci's agency planned to make monkeypox more deadly, says congressional report | Blaze Media
Lab leak evidence
BBC Hails Green Election Letter From “408 Climate Scientists” Signed by Psychologists, Accountants and Landscape Designers THE DAILY SCEPTIC
- This evidence-lite but ubiquitous assertion is not even backed up by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which finds there has been no human involvement in most natural events such as floods, droughts, wildfires and cyclones to date.
- Nor is human involvement detected in forecasts stretching to 2100...
Palestinianism Began with Nazism And Today Is Based on Antisemitism, Sexism, Homophobia and Denial of Human Rights. So Why Is the Left So in Love with It? :: Gatestone Institute
Were a Hamas-run state to replace Israel "from the river to the sea", it would be a theocratic regime closer to that of Iran than to the autocracies of Jordan or Egypt. Jews and Christians would not be allowed to live as equal citizens in such a state. Indeed, in areas currently controlled by Hamas, Christians and other non-Muslim minorities have been ethnically cleansed.
Hamas is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Iranian mullahs....
The real focus of these demonstrations is not on the alleged victims, but rather on the alleged perpetrators. The perpetrators are actually more anti-Israel than pro-Palestinian... It has always been more about identifying with the alleged perpetrators -- Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Che Guevara -- than with the alleged victims.
It is Hamas, not Israel, that is responsible for much, if not all, of the victimization of Palestinian civilians...