Tuesday, June 18, 2024

AM Fruitcake


History for June 18

History for June 18 - On-This-Day.com 
George Mallory 1886 - Mountaineer
  • 1812 - The War of 1812 began as the U.S. declared war against Great Britain. The conflict began over trade restrictions.
  • 1815 - At the Battle of Waterloo Napoleon was defeated by an international army under the Duke of Wellington. Napoleon abdicated on June 22.
  • 1863 - J.J. Richardson received a patent for the ratchet wrench.
  • 1961 - "Gunsmoke" was broadcast for the last time on CBS radio.
  • 1982 - The U.S. Senate approved the renewal of the 1965 Voting Rights Act for an additional twenty-five years.
  • 1998 - "The Boston Globe" asked Patricia Smith to resign after she admitted to inventing people and quotes in four of her recent columns.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Can a return to traditional discipline save public schools? | WND | by Around the Web

Can a return to traditional discipline save public schools? | WND | by Around the Web

The academy is one of an estimated 1,000 high-performing urban charters that run on the No Excuses model. Its firm rules for behavior require students to sit up at their desks, remain silent unless called upon, and respect each other, which creates calm conditions for learning. After another year of disarray in many urban public schools, with the vast majority of teachers reporting that behavior issues were their biggest challenge, proponents say No Excuses charters provide an example of how to restore order and learning.

The way we were-----Song of the Clouds - Air Travel in 1956 | Shell Historical Film Archive

It Is Time to Rethink Red Sea Convoys!

The Fighting-Like-Rats-in-a-Sack Theory of the Weather BY JAMES LEARY

...try to imagine one half of a zoo full of starved animals chasing around trying to eat the other half, all encased in a big elastic balloon. That’s how the Earth’s climate works. 
"The expression ‘fighting like rats in a sack’ barely covers how weather actually WORKS. 
Expand that thought for a minute, and try to imagine one half of a zoo full of starved animals chasing around trying to eat the other half, all encased in a big elastic balloon. 
  • That’s how the Earth’s climate works. 
  • A chaos theory....
But back in the REAL world, if this currently insane one can be described as real, how does the above scenario translate to what we see around us and what we are threatened with?
First we must lay to rest the difference between ’weather’ and ‘climate’.
  • Weather is what we see and feel every day...
  • Climate is weather in a particular area of the globe averaged out over a long period of time. I’m talking hundreds or thousands of years. Currently we have vaguely reliable figures for under 200 years but historical and anecdotal evidence for millennia...
Weather is the animals above fighting in the sack...

You CANNOT Make This Up: Los Angeles City Council Removes 'Homophobic ' No U-Turn Signs - Grateful Calvin

This afternoon, after seeing what the Los Angeles City Council just did to celebrate 'pride,' another movie quote also came to mind. This time, it was Mugatu in the movie Zoolander shouting, 'I feel like I'm taking CRAZY PILLS.'
That's right. You heard correctly. 'No U-Turn' signs are now 'homophobic.' 
And, yes, they are being serious

Michigan voter fraud EXPOSED | Blaze Media

Michigan voter fraud EXPOSED | Blaze Media

While many Americans are aware that elections haven’t exactly been fair, Sara Gonzales has put in the time to figure out exactly why that is.

Gonzales took a trip down to Michigan to find out for her latest Blaze Originals documentary, "Voter Fraud: Exposed," in which she looked into voter fraud in the state alongside Charlie LeDuff.

LeDuff, who is the host of “No BS News Hour” and a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, notes that an impossible 105% of adults in Michigan are registered to vote.

“You have 8.3 million registered voters, and you have slightly under 7.9 million adults,” he explains. “Not all adults in Michigan are citizens, so right there you have a problem.”

Bank Fires Workers For Faking Work

Boeing and Airbus planes were constructed with 'fake' Chinese titanium that could cause their jets to break apart in mid-air, FAA fears | Daily Mail Online

Boeing and Airbus planes were constructed with 'fake' Chinese titanium that could cause their jets to break apart in mid-air, FAA fears | Daily Mail Online 
  • Airliners manufactured by Boeing and Airbus have components made from titanium that was sold with fake documentation.
  • The Federal Aviation Administration revealed the problem after Boeing reported it to the agency when it was notified by parts supplier Spirit AeroSystems...
  • The FAA said it was 'investigating the scope and impact of the issue' and how it could affect the safety of the unknown number of planes using the parts...

Lunch video-----Confirmation of mRNA fears

"Important statement from Dr. Joseph Fraiman, physician and clinical scientist. 
Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults



Black Lives Matter leaders doled out lucrative contracts to family and friends, new documents reveal | Blaze Media

Black Lives Matter leaders doled out lucrative contracts to family and friends, new documents reveal | Blaze Media

Charity Watch Executive Director Laurie Styron told the Daily Caller that Black Lives Matter "has no independent oversight."

"Whether a person loves this charity’s mission or hates it, they should be angry that significant amounts of charitable dollars are being channeled to interested parties without adequate oversight in place," Styron said. "Charities are expected to avoid both real and perceived conflicts of interest to maintain public trust. This charity is doing the opposite. The optics here are really, really bad."

Another crooked democrat caught trying the "Jussie".


Former CDC Director Predicts Bird Flu Virus Will Cause Next Pandemic | The Epoch Times

‘It’s not a question of if, it’s more a question of when we will have a bird flu pandemic,’ Dr. Robert Redfield said. 
"...“I really do think it’s very likely that we will, at some time—it’s not a question of if, it’s more a question of when—we will have a bird flu pandemic,” Dr. Redfield told NewsNation in an interview published on June 14...
The former CDC director said the bird flu, when it enters humans, has a “significant” mortality.
“Probably somewhere between 25 and 50 percent mortality, so it’s going to be quite complicated,” Dr. Redfield said....

#1 Movie this week 1965-----Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines Trailer [HD]

Be Prepared for Chaos - American Thinker - Clarice Feldman

Be Prepared for Chaos - American Thinker - Clarice Feldman
  • I suggest you start preparing for a great deal of left-wing civic violence, supply disruptions (including food shortages) and widespread urban chaos
  • I say this because it is my sense that the Democrats, deep state, and their media enablers are all in rough shape and have no other way out but to fall back on their usual criminal methods of retaining power.
I find it impossible to believe that President Biden will be the Democrat nominee, and if he is, that he can win. 
What do the Democrats do?... 

#1 This day 1980-----Lipps Inc. - Funkytown (1980)

Wanted: A Return to Common Sense | The Pipeline

Wanted: A Return to Common Sense | The Pipeline - Steven F. Hayward 
"About two weeks ago President Biden’s Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm made an announcement that did not receive much notice given the enormous underlying concession and major potential policy shift it contained. 
  • Granholm said matter-of-factly that if the United States is going to meet it ambitious Net-Zero emissions by 2050 target, “we have to at least triple our current nuclear capacity in this country. That means we’ve got to add 200 more gigawatts by 2050.”...
This declaration, which Granholm has repeated at subsequent appearances since she first said this on June 7, represents a decisive break with longstanding environmental orthodoxy in at least two ways. 
  • First, it implicitly acknowledges that wind, solar, grid-scale batteries, and other “renewables” will be insufficient to supply America’s electricity needs...
  • Second, opposition to nuclear power has been a central principle of the environmental movement going back to the 1970s...

Illegals + criminal voting officials = STOLEN ELECTIONS!


Federal Judge Blocks Biden's Transgender Title IX Changes, Slams Admin for 'Abuse of Power'

Federal Judge Blocks Biden's Transgender Title IX Changes, Slams Admin for 'Abuse of Power'

“This case demonstrates the abuse of power by executive federal agencies in the rulemaking process. The separation of powers and system of checks and balances exist in this country for a reason,” Doughty wrote, noting that the Biden administration went beyond its authority in imposing a rule that would have drastic fiscal impacts on every school in the nation and affirming that Title IX “was written and intended to protect biological women from discrimination.”

The Media Plot to Question Trump's Cognition is in Full Swing JAZZ SHAW

The latest well-coordinated plan among the legacy media to bail out Joe Biden's floundering reelection bid is coming clear this weekend.
  • ...the press had clearly decided that if they can't make Biden look better, they will need to try to convince the public that Donald Trump is just as bad. 
They've begun watching him like a hawk, looking for the slightest verbal gaffe they might be able to highlight and claim that he is also in cognitive decline... 
While demanding that Biden take a cognitive test, Trump mixed up the name of former White House Physician Ronny Jackson. The media pounced immediately. (NJ.com)

You’d think he’d remember his name.

After all, Ronny Jackson is the former White House physician who likely lied about Donald Trump’s weight and health, then became one of the former president’s staunchest supporters as a Texas Congressman.

But a funny thing happened on Saturday night as Trump demanded that President Joe Biden take a cognitive test: The guy who could remember “Person, woman, man, camera, TV” couldn’t remember the name of his former physician.


...But just how bad was Trump's verbal blunder? 
As usual, Trump was freestyling rather than reading from a prompter or cue cards as Biden always does. 
  • While reflecting on the cognitive test that he took while in office, he stumbled over Dr. Ronny Jackson's name, saying, "Doc Ronny. Doc Ronny Johnson. Does everyone know Ronny Johnson, congressman from Texas?"
To be fair, that was a mistake because he clearly meant to say Jackson. 
But that test was more than five years ago...
  • How many people does Donald Trump meet in an average week?...

AM Fruitcake


History for June 17

History for June 17 - On-This-Day.com 
John Hersey (John Richard Hersey) 1914 - Writer, journalist
  • 1885 - The Statue of Liberty arrived in New York City aboard the French ship Isere.
  • 1924 - The Fascist militia marched into Rome.
  • 1928 - Amelia Earhart began the flight that made her the first woman to successfully fly across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • 1930 - The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Bill became law. It placed the highest tariff on imports to the U.S.
  • 1950 - Dr. Richard H. Lawler performed the first kidney transplant in a 45-minute operation in Chicago, IL.
  • 1953 - Soviet tanks fought thousands of Berlin workers that were rioting against the East German government.
  • 1991 - The Parliament of South Africa repealed the Population Registration Act. The act had required that all South Africans for classified by race at birth.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Disturbing study: COVID shots destroyed young men's fertility | WND | by WND Staff

Disturbing study: COVID shots destroyed young men's fertility | WND | by WND Staff

A new study has suggested COVID shots, which already are known to cause serious side effects including heart ailments that can be fatal, also triggered a decline in male fertility. A study done by researchers in Denmark analyzed fertility levels from thousands of men ages 18-45, with half in the 18-24 age group, and revealed COVID mRNA shots "have caused widespread harm to fertility rates."

The way we were-----10 Old Home Features… That Have FADED Into History

EXPOSING Voter Fraud - How the 2024 Election Could Be Stolen

Scientific Racism - by Michael Smith - Unlicensed Punditry

The hidden truth is that progressives have always been virulent racists. MICHAEL SMITH
"Being a Southerner, I'm particularly sensitive to being called a racist, especially when, living in Michigan for a time, saw more open racism there than in Mississippi...
Something I find is generally suppressed and ignored is that white progressives were as, if not more, racist than the KKK
American racism has its roots in progressivism - and "science".
  • We must remember progressives were the first scientific racists.
Margaret Sanger, ironically the "mother" of Planned Parenthood, wrote to Dr. Clarence Gamble on December 19, 1939 letter, saying:
“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”...

Madison Grant was Anthony Fauci before Fauci was Fauci. He was an “amateur” who made stuff up based on incredibly ignorant biases - but he was part of the new progressive movement so, as happened with St. Anthony of Fauci, he got a pass...

Islamic updates: stories the news never reports!

Dave Agema - Wake up America! Know who your enemy is and it’s not Israel.
"All over the world Islam is causing harm... 
  • In Minnesota: a Former Islamic State jihadi says he joined group ‘with the belief that it was my religious duty.  He grew up In Minnesota- an Islamic hotbed of recruitment. 
  • Hundreds of Pro-Hamas demonstrators surrounded the White House to scream “Intifada Now” and “Say No To Genocide” and “From the river to the sea/Palestine will be free.” The first is a call for mass murder of Israelis...
  • Islamic State jihadis who crossed our open Southern border highlight US vulnerability to jihad attacks.   Biden let them in and terror attacks are a certainty...
  • DR Congo: Muslims launch jihad raid in village, murder at least 30 people, mostly women and children.  The news disregards this.  Why?  Because they hide Islamic terrorism...
  • Muslim student at U of Illinois Chicago says: “America is the cancer. America, secularism, democracy, capitalism”.  He says Islam is the answer with its sharia law...
  • France: Muslim screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ throws Molotov cocktail at police.  Just another day in marvelous multicultural France...

Pro-Palestinian protester on crowded NYC subway train orders Zionists to identify themselves | Blaze Media

Pro-Palestinian protester on crowded NYC subway train orders Zionists to identify themselves | Blaze Media

A witness came forward, WABC said, adding that the NYPD is asking other riders who were aboard that subway car and felt threatened to come forward as well. The station said police sources told ABC News that detectives are looking to file charges of attempted coercion. WABC said the "apparent protesters" had been rallying above ground at Union Square just minutes before the video of the chant on the subway train was recorded.