Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The way we were-----1908 New York to Paris Race

Helicopter Pilot's FATAL Mistakes Killed Kobe Bryant!

In MI, an absentee voter who brings in their absentee ballot on election day to cast it in person at a polling location must "surrender" their completed absentee ballot and complete a new ballot provided by the poll worker.

However, if they were to take that same absentee ballot to an early voting center before election day, they would be allowed to insert the completed ballot directly into the tabulator without having to "surrender" it to a poll worker and complete a new ballot. - Patrick Colbeck
1) There seems to be an undisclosed difference between the configuration of the ballots issued to absentee voters and those issued at the polls on election day. Why else would a new ballot be issued to a voter attempting to cast their absentee ballot at the polls on election day?
2) There seems to be an undisclosed reason for defining unique ballot processing requirements for early voting from that of voting on election day. Why would the timing of when someone votes drive the manner in which they vote?
By differentiating ballot configurations and tabulation processes as specified above, the election system appears to be designed to enable anyone with advance, privileged access to voting systems (e.g. MI SoS Jocelyn Benson, NGO's such as Dominion) to rig the election

Clinton for VP?!!


'Effed this up royally': Seeking truth about FBI raid at Trump home | WND | by Around the Web

'Effed this up royally': Seeking truth about FBI raid at Trump home | WND | by Around the Web

A recently discovered Department of Defense memo suggests that the federal government may well have had copies of the documents in Trump’s possession, also raising questions about the need for the raid. The content of those documents has not been disclosed but, critics ask, if Trump was not retaining copies of information that threatened national security, what was the need for an armed raid?

Many on the right see the Mar-a-Lago raid as part of a broader effort by the Department of Justice to intimidate its political enemies. 

Idiots React to N-Word Girl

Obama/Biden arm-grab was the moment everyone realized the president's not fit for office

We’re only five months away from the 2024 general election, but what is now painfully obvious is that Joe Biden’s already cooked as a candidate.Piers Morgan
  • I watched the viral clip of Barack Obama taking a frozen Joe Biden by the arm and leading him off stage at their star-studded $30 million LA fundraiser, and posted on X what I suspect everyone who watched it was thinking: “So embarrassing. The Democrats can’t let this go on, surely?...
  • When the last Democrat to occupy the White House has to literally grab the current one because he notices he’s had yet another “senior moment” and appears to be paralyzed like a statue on stage, it has to be the wake-up call everyone in the party must urgently heed before it’s too late, doesn’t it?

Lunch video-Cuz the MSM covered this up!-----'So embarrassing': Barack Obama awkwardly leads Joe Biden off stage after...



'Patently unconstitutional': School under fire for race-based scholarships | WND | by Bob Unruh

'Patently unconstitutional': School under fire for race-based scholarships | WND | by Bob Unruh

"The district uses the scholarships to train and recruit new 'teacher[s] who look like' certain students, and so the program extends only to members of certain racial minority groups preferred by the district," WILL explained.

"The district’s race-based GYO program violates numerous anti-discrimination prohibitions, including the United States Constitution and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. WILL warns of further action if the district insists on maintaining this unlawful program."

The Flintstones?

Yes, it's an important issue. NO, adding a sign won't help.-----Big News: The Surgeon General Calls For a Warning Label on Social Media

Big News: The Surgeon General Calls For a Warning Label on Social Media
"The current body of evidence indicates that while social media may have benefits for some children and adolescents, there are ample indicators that social media can also have a profound risk of harm to the mental health and well-being of children and adolescents.
Yesterday, June 17, Dr. Murthy dropped a bomb: An essay in the New York Times in which he called for government-mandated warning labels on social media, akin to those that a previous Surgeon General called for in 1964, on cigarettes...

Never forget this!


The Strange Finances of Biden’s Terror Ambassador

How does a government employee come into $61 million in twelve bank accounts? Daniel Greenfield
  • When Israel took out a top Hamas terrorist, Hady Amr warned that “every Israeli” would pay. And that America would too.
  • That was less than a year after 9/11. By Oct 7, when Hamas launched its murderous ethnic cleansing assault, Amr had become Biden’s Special Envoy to the ‘Palestinians’...
  • “I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada,” Amr wrote, making no secret of his hatred for America and Israel. The Muslim immigrant found his way into the State Department under Obama. But then he mysteriously also appeared on the list of Biden’s top bundlers.
Freedom Center Investigates had broken the Amr story and exposed his extremist activities, but there was still one big question hanging overhead. 
Where did all that money come from?

#1 This day 1968-----Herb Alpert - This Guy's In Love With You

The March of Dimes Syndrome | City Journal

The better things get, the more desperately activists struggle to stay in business. - John Tierney
"In the spring of 1979, a few weeks after the partial meltdown of a nuclear reactor at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania, more than 65,000 people marched on the United States Capitol chanting “No Nukes, No Nukes.” 
As a young reporter at the Washington Star assigned to cover this new movement, I interviewed march organizers and noticed that all of them had previously organized protests against the Vietnam War. 
This struck me as curious: How had they suddenly become so passionate and knowledgeable about nuclear power?
I later learned that a term exists for this phenomenon—the March of Dimes syndrome—and that the tendency affects many other movements, too. 
  • Why, last year, did the Human Rights Campaign declare a “national state of emergency” for LGBT people? 
  • Why was the election of the first black American president followed by the Black Lives Matter movement? 
  • Why have reports of “hate groups” risen during the same decades that racial prejudice has been plummeting? 
  • Why, during a long and steep decline in the incidence of sexual violence in America, did academics, federal officials, and the #MeToo movement discover a new “epidemic of sexual assault”?
These supposed crises are all examples of the March of Dimes syndrome, named after the organization founded in the 1930s to combat polio. 
The March helped fund the vaccines that eventually ended the polio epidemics—but not the organization, which, after polio’s eradication, changed its mission to preventing birth defects... 

Draft women?!!


'Horrified': Teacher takes girl for abortion, pays serious price | WND | by Around the Web

'Horrified': Teacher takes girl for abortion, pays serious price | WND | by Around the Web

An investigation has found that a public school teacher in New Hampshire was fired after requesting sick leave, during which the teacher actually took a student to get an abortion.

Documents released by the New Hampshire Department of Education revealed that the teacher had been “counseling” the student — both names were redacted — for several weeks about an unexpected pregnancy.

Yet another government paid for "study" proving "racism" is everywhere!-----Researchers say moms' experience of racism noticeably effects children's aging

Two Colorado researchers looked at 205 pairs of mothers and children from non-white ethnic groups living in Massachusetts, in cooperation with scientists elsewhere.
"When mothers reported they’d experienced more types of racial discrimination, such as mistreatment at work or when looking for housing, their children appeared to be biologically “younger” than their chronological ages of between 3 and 7. 
Children of mothers who didn’t report discrimination had about the expected biological age. 
(The study didn’t quantify how distressing the mothers found the discrimination.)...

AM Fruitcake


History for June 18

History for June 18 - On-This-Day.com 
George Mallory 1886 - Mountaineer
  • 1812 - The War of 1812 began as the U.S. declared war against Great Britain. The conflict began over trade restrictions.
  • 1815 - At the Battle of Waterloo Napoleon was defeated by an international army under the Duke of Wellington. Napoleon abdicated on June 22.
  • 1863 - J.J. Richardson received a patent for the ratchet wrench.
  • 1961 - "Gunsmoke" was broadcast for the last time on CBS radio.
  • 1982 - The U.S. Senate approved the renewal of the 1965 Voting Rights Act for an additional twenty-five years.
  • 1998 - "The Boston Globe" asked Patricia Smith to resign after she admitted to inventing people and quotes in four of her recent columns.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Can a return to traditional discipline save public schools? | WND | by Around the Web

Can a return to traditional discipline save public schools? | WND | by Around the Web

The academy is one of an estimated 1,000 high-performing urban charters that run on the No Excuses model. Its firm rules for behavior require students to sit up at their desks, remain silent unless called upon, and respect each other, which creates calm conditions for learning. After another year of disarray in many urban public schools, with the vast majority of teachers reporting that behavior issues were their biggest challenge, proponents say No Excuses charters provide an example of how to restore order and learning.

The way we were-----Song of the Clouds - Air Travel in 1956 | Shell Historical Film Archive

It Is Time to Rethink Red Sea Convoys!

The Fighting-Like-Rats-in-a-Sack Theory of the Weather BY JAMES LEARY

...try to imagine one half of a zoo full of starved animals chasing around trying to eat the other half, all encased in a big elastic balloon. That’s how the Earth’s climate works. 
"The expression ‘fighting like rats in a sack’ barely covers how weather actually WORKS. 
Expand that thought for a minute, and try to imagine one half of a zoo full of starved animals chasing around trying to eat the other half, all encased in a big elastic balloon. 
  • That’s how the Earth’s climate works. 
  • A chaos theory....
But back in the REAL world, if this currently insane one can be described as real, how does the above scenario translate to what we see around us and what we are threatened with?
First we must lay to rest the difference between ’weather’ and ‘climate’.
  • Weather is what we see and feel every day...
  • Climate is weather in a particular area of the globe averaged out over a long period of time. I’m talking hundreds or thousands of years. Currently we have vaguely reliable figures for under 200 years but historical and anecdotal evidence for millennia...
Weather is the animals above fighting in the sack...

You CANNOT Make This Up: Los Angeles City Council Removes 'Homophobic ' No U-Turn Signs - Grateful Calvin

This afternoon, after seeing what the Los Angeles City Council just did to celebrate 'pride,' another movie quote also came to mind. This time, it was Mugatu in the movie Zoolander shouting, 'I feel like I'm taking CRAZY PILLS.'
That's right. You heard correctly. 'No U-Turn' signs are now 'homophobic.' 
And, yes, they are being serious

Michigan voter fraud EXPOSED | Blaze Media

Michigan voter fraud EXPOSED | Blaze Media

While many Americans are aware that elections haven’t exactly been fair, Sara Gonzales has put in the time to figure out exactly why that is.

Gonzales took a trip down to Michigan to find out for her latest Blaze Originals documentary, "Voter Fraud: Exposed," in which she looked into voter fraud in the state alongside Charlie LeDuff.

LeDuff, who is the host of “No BS News Hour” and a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, notes that an impossible 105% of adults in Michigan are registered to vote.

“You have 8.3 million registered voters, and you have slightly under 7.9 million adults,” he explains. “Not all adults in Michigan are citizens, so right there you have a problem.”

Bank Fires Workers For Faking Work

Boeing and Airbus planes were constructed with 'fake' Chinese titanium that could cause their jets to break apart in mid-air, FAA fears | Daily Mail Online

Boeing and Airbus planes were constructed with 'fake' Chinese titanium that could cause their jets to break apart in mid-air, FAA fears | Daily Mail Online 
  • Airliners manufactured by Boeing and Airbus have components made from titanium that was sold with fake documentation.
  • The Federal Aviation Administration revealed the problem after Boeing reported it to the agency when it was notified by parts supplier Spirit AeroSystems...
  • The FAA said it was 'investigating the scope and impact of the issue' and how it could affect the safety of the unknown number of planes using the parts...

Lunch video-----Confirmation of mRNA fears

"Important statement from Dr. Joseph Fraiman, physician and clinical scientist. 
Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults