Thursday, June 20, 2024

Jonathan Turley: There's A Movement To Rewrite The First Amendment | Video | RealClearPolitics

...we have this alliance of government, corporations, media, and academia and all supporting censorship, blacklisting and other forms of limitations  - Tim Hains
JONATHAN TURLEY: Free speech is under attack and what the book argues is that we are living in the most dangerous anti-free speech period in our history...
  • We have the largest censorship system in history. But, more importantly, we have this alliance of government, corporations, media, and academia and all supporting censorship, blacklisting and other forms of limitations and this book looks at that history and why we continue to struggle with what Brandeis called "the indispensable right."...

'How is this legal?' Sparks fly over tax-funded LGBT-only housing | WND | by Bob Unruh

'How is this legal?' Sparks fly over tax-funded LGBT-only housing | WND | by Bob Unruh

LGBT promoters for years have been demanding "non-discrimination" laws and regulations across America, claiming, "All we want is equality." Now, it seems, they want a little more than equality.

Why are left-wing hooligans tolerated, and even admired, in a way that f...

Pfizer Pro Quo: more evidence emerges that drugmakers cut deal to help Biden win election

We already know that Pfizer decided to inexplicably delay publishing the results of their mRNA trial from October 2020 to right after the election - JORDAN SCHACHTEL
"Anthony Fauci’s new book has granted the public more detail concerning the truly impeccable timing of Pfizer’s mRNA Covid-19 vaccine trial data rollout.

Lunch video-----$1 Trillion in Interest Every Year: The Crushing Reality of Federal Debt



Peter Doocy tells the truth about viral Biden videos after White House meltdown: 'These clips are not being manipulated' | Blaze Media

Peter Doocy tells the truth about viral Biden videos after White House meltdown: 'These clips are not being manipulated' | Blaze Media

But on "Fox & Friends," Doocy provided critical context to the videos and why the Biden administration is attacking them. "She referred to 'cheap-fakes' and also 'deepfakes' while dismissing these clips. But there's an important difference: A deepfake is if somebody is using AI or some other software to change the things that President Biden is doing or saying. A cheap-fake is just if a clip is cut shorter than they want, or from an angle that they don't like," Doocy explained.

The way they "think".


The solution?!!


NEW: Rumblings From Inside the Biden Campaign Range From Delusional to Despondent By Bonchie

A new report paints a bleak picture as responses range from delusional to despondent.
"...The president's approval rating hit another all-time low in June, clocking in at just 37.4 percent, and there's no relief on the horizon.
  • So how are the various handlers surrounding Biden handling their current situation? 
  • A new report paints a bleak picture as responses range from delusional to despondent. 
We'll start with the former...

Joe's gift to his comrade Xi?-----Exclusive: Chinese ‘cyber police’ agent runs online network helping illegal immigrants flood into US - Philip Lenczycki

The American Self-Guided Tour Channel is a Chinese-language group with over 8,000 members on the encrypted instant messaging platform Telegram that serves as both a forum for discussing Chinese illegal immigration and a hub for documents detailing specific routes to the U.S.,
  • Documents in the Telegram channel translated by the DCNF identify U.S. border wall gaps, instruct Chinese nationals on how to answer questions from Border Patrol agents, and provide scripts for requesting asylum.
  • Furthermore, the channel is overseen by an individual who spreads Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda, bans accounts that fail to toe the Party line, and identifies himself as a Chinese police officer.
  • “We’re allowing an element that is completely beyond our law to be established firmly as a beachhead in the United States of America, and the people of America are going to pay a severe price, much worse than we are paying even now,” North Carolina Republican Rep. Dan Bishop said after learning about the findings of the DCNF’s investigation...

#1 This day 1967-----The Young Rascals - Groovin' (1967)

Michigan House Democrats vote against bill requiring detention of illegal immigrants who assault police and first responders | Great Lakes Wire

Reps. Dingell, Stevens, Thanedar, and Tlaib joined 144 of their Democrat colleagues in opposing the bill
  • Representatives Debbie Dingell (D-MI06), Haley Stevens (D-MI11), Shri Thanedar (D-MI13), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI12) were "nay" votes on H.R. 7343, aka the Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act, a bill which would’ve required federal officials to detain migrants accused of assaulting law enforcement until deportation...
The Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act would require the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) "to take custody of any non-U.S. national (alien under federal law) who meets certain inadmissibility criteria and is arrested for, is charged with, is convicted of, or admits to assaulting a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or other first responder."



'Gender-affirming' treatment gets shattered by new study | WND | by Bob Unruh

'Gender-affirming' treatment gets shattered by new study | WND | by Bob Unruh

It reveals Riittakerttu Kaltiala, psychiatrist who presided over youth gender transition treatments for years, confirmed 80% of those children who question their gender "eventually accept their bodies if no medical interventions are carried out." Kaltiala is a leading scientist regarding pediatric gender medicine in Finland and operates at the country's largest gender clinic.

A quick check list of Joseph Biden’s destruction of America

James Woods @RealJamesWoods A quick check list of Joseph Biden’s destruction of America

A quick check list of Joseph Biden’s destruction of America: (

AM Fruitcake


History for June 20

History for June 20 -
Jean Moulinn 1899 - High profile member of the French Resistance during World War II
  • 1793 - Eli Whitney applied for a cotton gin patent. He received the patent on March 14. The cotton gin initiated the American mass-production concept.
  • 1910 - Mexican President Porfirio Diaz proclaimed martial law and arrested hundreds.
  • 1941 - The U.S. Army Air Forces was established, replacing the Army Air Corps. The Army Air Forces were abolished with the creation of the United States Air Force in 1947.
  • 1943 - Race-related rioting erupted in Detroit. Federal troops were sent in two days later to end the violence that left more than 30 dead.
  • 1967 - Muhammad Ali was convicted in Houston of violating Selective Service laws by refusing to be drafted. The U.S. Supreme Court later overturned the conviction.
  • 1977 - The Trans-Alaska Pipeline began operation.
  • 2017 - Mattel announced it was adding 15 new body types for their Ken doll.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Freedom Wins: Court Deals Massive Blow to Biden's 2nd Amendment Attack

Freedom Wins: Court Deals Massive Blow to Biden's 2nd Amendment Attack:

While independence was declared in 1776, this great nation was arguably born on the Lexington, Massachusetts, town green the morning of April 19, 1775, when the British attempted to do just what the Biden administration wants to achieve – disarming a free people.

The way we were-----Juneteenth - 6 Facts The Government Does Not Want You To Understand

Houthi Strikes Bulker MV Tutor in the Red Sea with an Uncrewed Surface V...

Caused by cow farts?


Biden’s Lawfare Isn’t Working Out as Planned. It’s Working Out Better. By Dan Proft

Thus, Mr. 10% showed up post-conviction to hug his baby boy Hunter as if to tell him, keep it together. Keep your mouth shut.
"...The lawfare hasn’t worked out quite like the Biden Hillbillies conceived it. 
It worked out better. 
Throw enough lines in the water and you’re bound to get a bite.
  • But the convictions have slowed Trump’s mo’ and we’re only at the beginning of $500M worth of a media barrage designed to engineer the next moral panic which is, say it with me: we can’t have a convicted felon in the White House. 
  • And this will be directed to electoral cohorts socialized to give the system the benefit of the doubt and to subscribe to aphorisms like no one is above the law...

Biden officials let nearly 12,000 risky migrants roam the country | WND | by Around the Web

Biden officials let nearly 12,000 risky migrants roam the country | WND | by Around the Web

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released thousands of migrants into the country despite risk assessments recommending they be detained, according to a newly released report.

ICE officers released 11,754 noncitizens from their custody despite receiving Risk Classification Assessments (RCA) that recommended they remain detained, according to a report by the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General.

Insurance Co Denied $18K GAP Claim Over 60 Cent Typo

The Truth About What Is Happening To The Petrodollar

The Truth About What Is Happening To The Petrodollar - MICHAEL SNYDER
"...Today, most oil continues to be sold in U.S. dollars, and most global trade continues to be conducted in U.S. dollars. 
But that could change as other countries lose faith in our currency. 
  • In particular, we will want to carefully watch what the BRICS nations choose to do. 
  • 45 percent of the world’s inhabitants live in the BRICS nations, and they have been implementing strategies that are designed to promote their own currencies and reduce dependence on the U.S. dollar. 
As U.S. relations with leading BRICS nations continue to deteriorate, I would expect that trend to accelerate.
So I am not optimistic about the future of the petrodollar at all...

Lunch video-----Ep 15. Bjorn Lomborg: On Climate Change, Poverty, and How Governments WASTE your money.



CNN runs report calling Trump supporters who label US a 'republic' a threat to democracy | Blaze Media

CNN runs report calling Trump supporters who label US a 'republic' a threat to democracy | Blaze Media

"Yeah, we’re a constitutional republic. Sure, it’s a democratic form of government. But calling it a 'democracy' ignores important, constitutional limitations—put in place by our founders—designed to keep democratic impulses in check. That’s the whole point of the Constitution," Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) said in response to the report.

"How does CNN explain the Battle hymn of The REPUBLIC? Or the line: 'And to the REPUBLIC which it stands' in our pledge. Democracy is only a PART of the Republic. We have one man, one vote (democracy) to elect our REPRESENTATIVES, They Represent us to enact laws through the CONSTITUTION which they all swear to PROTECT AND DEFEND. Why does the left seem to only care about ‘democracy’. Yes, it is important, but with out the rest of it, democracy becomes mob rule," Glenn Beck noted.

Canary in our coal mine?!!