Sunday, June 23, 2024

History for June 23

History for June 23 - 
David Ogilvy 1911
  • 1836 - The U.S. Congress approved the Deposit Act, which contained a provision for turning over surplus federal revenue to the states.
  • 1865 - Confederate General Stand Watie, who was also a Cherokee chief, surrendered the last sizable Confederate army at Fort Towson, in the Oklahoma Territory.
  • 1868 - Christopher Latham Sholes received a patent for an invention that he called a "Type-Writer."
  • 1952 - The U.S. Air Force bombed power plants on Yalu River, Korea.
  • 1966 - Civil Rights marchers in Mississippi were dispersed by tear gas.
  • 2004 - The U.S. proposed that North Korea agree to a series of nuclear disarmament measures over a three-month period in exchange for economic benefits.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

5 illegal aliens from Mexico and Honduras allegedly kidnapped teenage Indiana girl who thought she was meeting online friend | Blaze Media

5 illegal aliens from Mexico and Honduras allegedly kidnapped teenage Indiana girl who thought she was meeting online friend | Blaze Media

Missouri police arrested five illegal immigrants from Mexico and Honduras after they allegedly kidnapped a teenage girl from Indiana who thought she was meeting someone from social media. Indiana police said they were alerted to a report of a missing 14-year-old by the girl's father from their home in Cass County just before 2 a.m. He told police that he saw her get into a strange vehicle very early in the morning on Sunday, which was Father's Day.

The way we were-----Enver Hoxha: Europe's Most Deranged Dictator

Why it might be wise to view Pakistani doctors working in Britain with s...

The scandal which led to Pakistan’s national airline being banned from Europe for the last four years are relevant to this country’s reliance on doctors from the Indian sub-continent.

"Falsely believe"??!!-----The low-end consumer 'is really being stretched,' says Five Below CEO

The low-end consumer 'is really being stretched,' says Five Below CEO - Sean Conlon
"Lower-income U.S. consumers are feeling stretched with their spending, Five Below CEO Joel Anderson said Wednesday...
  • “The lower-end customer is really being stretched...consumers were more discerning with their dollars, increasingly buying to need,” Anderson added. 
  • The types of products they’ve been purchasing reflect this, he added, noting that consumers bought more in the company’s “consumable” categories such as candy, food and beverage, beauty and health and beauty aids.
...more than half of Americans falsely believe the country is in an economic recession...

NYT BEFORE the stolen election!-----Aug. 17, 2020---Opinion | If Trump Cheats in the 2020 Election, Activists Are Ready - The New York Times

Opinion | If Trump Cheats in the 2020 Election, Activists Are Ready - The New York Times:
  • Election sabotage needs to be met with the largest protests yet.
"This summer, a bipartisan group of former government officials, political professionals, lawyers and journalists held a series of war game exercises about how the 2020 election might go wrong. 
Convened by the law professor Rosa Brooks and the historian Nils Gilman, it was called the Transition Integrity Project, and the results were alarming.
  • “We assess with a high degree of likelihood that November’s elections will be marked by a chaotic legal and political landscape,” said a resulting report. President Trump, it said, “is likely to contest the result by both legal and extralegal means.”..
  • So a coalition of progressive groups, as well as some anti-authoritarian conservative ones, is organizing under the rubric Protect the Results to get people into the streets if Trump tries to cheat in November. 
  • “It’s a pretty massive effort that’s underway,” said Rashad Robinson, executive director of Color of Change, which is part of the coalition. Activists all over the country, he said, are “really gearing up for this fight.”...

Huge percentage of EV owners want to go back to normal cars | WND | by Around the Web

Huge percentage of EV owners want to go back to normal cars | WND | by Around the Web

Nearly half of American electric vehicle (EV) owners want to buy an internal combustion engine model the next time they buy a car, according to a new study from McKinsey and Company, a leading consulting firm.

Approximately 46% of Americans who own an EV want to go back to a standard vehicle for their next purchase, citing issues like inadequate charging infrastructure and affordability, according to McKinsey’s study, which was obtained and reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Something Big is Happening

"Europeans, we must take our continent back.

Read the book!-----Border Patrol Encountered 932 Afghans at Southwest Border In 156 Days

There is good reason for Americans to be concerned about individuals from Afghanistan coming across our southern border. - Terry Jeffrey 
  • When Gen. Michael Kurilla, commander of U.S. Central Command, testified in the Senate Armed Services Committee on March 7 he issued a warning about ISIS-K, a terrorist group based in Afghanistan.
  • "[V]arious groups in the Central Region retain the capability and will to target U.S. interests abroad in under six months with little to no warning," Kurilla said in a written statement to the committee...
  • "They have called for attacks globally on anyone not aligned with their extremist ideology, and Taliban efforts to suppress the group have proven insufficient," he said...

Lunch video-----"The United States is Crumbling Before Our Eyes" | Victor Davis Hanson



Biden plan to expand abortion fails when judge rules against EEOC | WND | by Bob Unruh

Biden plan to expand abortion fails when judge rules against EEOC | WND | by Bob Unruh

The ruling said, "At its core, this is a textbook case of a federal administrative agency exceeding its statutory authority in a way that both usurps the role of Congress and violates authority vested in the states under the principles of federalism."

Joe Biden wants to talk about character. So let’s talk about it.


Report: China Owns Farmland Next to 19 Military Bases |

...raising fears of espionage and sabotage by communist agents.
  • "It is concerning due to the proximity to strategic locations," retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Robert S. Spalding III told the Post. His work focuses on U.S.-China relations.
  • "These locations can be used to set up intelligence collection sites and the owners can be influential in local politics as we have seen in the past," he said. "It is alarming we do not have laws on the books that would prevent the Chinese from buying property in the U.S."
  • Using farming as a cover, Chinese landowners could use radar and infra-red scanning to view bases, install tracking technology, conduct reconnaissance, and attempt to fly drones over installations, the Post's sources said.
  • The Wall Street Journal reported in September that there were more than 100 attempts to breach military facilities by Chinese nationals in recent years, including entering a missile range in New Mexico and scuba divers who were found near a rocket-launch site in Florida...

Spending to please eco-millionaires. Not to provide affordable, reliable energy!


Charlie Kirk on X: "Rachel Morin just wanted to go on a hike when she was raped and murdered by an illegal alien from El Salvador.

Victor Antonio Martinez had already committed a murder in El Salvador, and instead of being locked up by Nayib Bukele who has now made El Salvador the safest country

#1 This day 1961-----MOODY RIVER ~ Pat Boone (1961)

Why did Sen. Chuck Schumer delete this Father’s Day post? Check out the reactions. - Mister Retrops

Even the farthest-left commie father can't resist the call of the grill in the backyard on Father's Day. - Mister Retrops

Can you see why he deleted this post???

They hate "white" males?


Breaking news, CNN: We are a republic, not a democracy | Blaze Media

Breaking news, CNN: We are a republic, not a democracy | Blaze Media

We need to explain this to people. You need to understand that democracy is a very important part of our republic, but democracy alone is not what we are. We are a democratic republic. We vote for the people to represent us.

The Founders were careful to take human nature into account. Human nature is naturally swayed by feelings and emotion. That’s why the Constitution is written to restrain the government so those in power can't make every decision for you by exploiting the masses’ emotions — like they’re trying to.

Soooo, the rest of our allies/customers???-----US will redirect air defense inceptor missiles to Ukraine that other allies had on order

Kirby said the U.S. had taken the “difficult but necessary decision to reprioritize near-term planned deliveries of foreign military sales to other countries,” though he wouldn't say which nations would be affected or how many.
  • Everything we have is going to go to Ukraine until their needs are met,” Biden said. “And then we will make good on the commitments we made to other countries.”
  • The number of interceptors to be sent isn't clear but Kirby said it could involve “hundreds” of Patriot interceptor missiles.
  • Kirby said the move means “a range of countries” will face delays in receiving missile systems that are being diverted to Ukraine but that the shift would not affect Taiwan or what it “continues to need and receive for self-defense" in the face of potential threats from China...

AM Fruitcake


History for June 22

History for June 22 - 
Brit Hume 1943 - Broadcast journalist
  • 1611 - English explorer Henry Hudson, his son and several other people were set adrift in present-day Hudson Bay by mutineers.
  • 1807 - British seamen board the USS Chesapeake, a provocation leading to the War of 1812.
  • 1874 - Dr. Andrew Taylor Still began the first known practice of osteopathy.
  • 1933 - Germany became a one political party country when Hitler banned parties other than the Nazis.
  • 1945 - During World War II, the battle for Okinawa officially ended after 81 days.
  • 1970 - U.S. President Richard Nixon signed an extension of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. It required that the voting age in the United States to be 18.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Mexican cartel worked with US-based group linked to Chinese underground banking to launder drug money: DOJ | Blaze Media

Mexican cartel worked with US-based group linked to Chinese underground banking to launder drug money: DOJ | Blaze Media

The Department of Justice announced Tuesday that a five-year investigation revealed that a Mexican cartel worked with a United States-based group linked to Chinese underground banking to launder drug trafficking money.

The way we were-----Cold War Motoring: The Communist Cars of the Soviet Union

Trump Hater Refuses to Get Off Plane

New American Daily | Why is Congress Suddenly Unleashing Nuclear Energy? - The New American

Why the sudden turnaround on energy that has for decades been unjustly vilified? - by Paul Dragu
  • In a rare moment of sanity, Congress passed a nuclear energy package designed to unleash one of the greatest sources of cheap, reliable, powerful energy. 
  • The bill is heading to Joe Biden’s desk, which he’s expected to sign...

FREE MONEY!-----27 Michigan school districts to get 97 electric school buses

EV school buses cost up to three times a diesel school bus
  • Twenty-seven Michigan school districts will receive 97 school buses powered by electricity and three fueled by propane. The cost, nearly $24 million, will come from the federal Clean School Bus Program.
  • Buses powered by electricity often cost three times more than diesel buses, but they emit fewer tailpipe emissions over the long run...
  • The school system in Grand Rapids will receive $5.18 million for 15 buses. Trenton will receive $2 million for 10 buses, Allen Park will get $1.04 million for five buses and Comstock will get $1.04 million for three buses...

Arizona Schools Are Bearing the Cost of Biden's Border Crisis

Arizona Schools Are Bearing the Cost of Biden's Border Crisis

The exponential rise in illegal immigration has drastically altered the education policy landscape for local communities in Arizona, especially concerning school enrollments and associated costs and challenges. Unfortunately, state taxpayers are being forced to pay for the financial consequences of Biden’s refusal to uphold the fundamental rule of law and safeguard America’s borders. Education is a state, not a federal, issue. It’s time for Arizona — and all states — to take back control of their education policy and costs.

Police Intervene as Woman Gets Scammed For $20K