Sunday, June 23, 2024

VIDEO: Everywhere is Warming Faster Than Everywhere Else, According to Climate Scammers

This fantastic compilation of headlines is making the rounds of X and other social media this weekend: - DAVID BLACKMON

Dear climate scolds: You can’t demand everyone “trust the science” when the “science” is so manifestly and blatantly a scam.
That is all.

Price Drop: Finland’s Grand Nuclear Move Delivers Cheap Power Bonanza

Thanks to their new nuclear power plants, Finns went from suffering among Europe’s highest power prices to enjoying its lowest.
"They now pay a mere fraction of what their wind and solar obsessed German neighbours are forced to pay for an ideological and delusional obsession.
When Finland fired up its 1,600MW Olkiluoto 3 nuclear plant in April 2023, power users were bound to notice that average spot electricity prices dropped from €245.98 per MWh in December 2022 to €60.55 per MWh hour in April 2023.
As Nick Cater points out below, Finland provides the perfect and obvious lesson for this Country, which, like the Germans remains wedded to the belief that it can run on nothing but sunshine and breezes...

Uproar over Dems' push to draft women for the military | WND | by J.M. Phelps

Uproar over Dems' push to draft women for the military | WND | by J.M. Phelps

When the U.S. House of Representatives passed its version of the National Defense Authorization Act last week, which authorized $895.2 billion in military spending, one of the measures included would automatically register men aged 18 to 26 for Selective Service. Not to be outdone, in the Senate, language from Democrats has been added to the NDAA, as it’s called, that would also require women to register for the draft.

Court Declares Woman Innocent After 43 Years in Prison

How Environmentalism Got Replaced By Climatism And Green Energy Fetishism - Climate Change Dispatch

Environmentalism in America is dead. It has been replaced by climatism and renewable energy fetishism. - Robert Bryce
"The movement birthed by Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring in the early 1960s and Earth Day in the 1970s — a movement that once aimed to protect landscapes, wildlands, whales, and wildlife — has morphed into the NGO-corporate-industrial-climate complex.
Rather than preserve wildlands and wildlife, today’s “green” NGOs have devolved into a sprawling network of nonprofit and for-profit groups aligned with big corporations, big banks, and big law firms.
  • The simplest way to understand how climatism and renewable energy fetishism have swamped concerns about conservation and wildlife protection is to follow the money...

Lunch video-----Gates foundation funding

Going into caves where humans are seldom found, taking a bat fecal sample containing thousands of viruses, bringing those viruses back to a laboratory, and culturing the specimens, where a virus that might be controlled in a diverse natural environment but is now able to grow unrestricted in pure culture provides an immense increase in opportunity for potential pandemic risk, even without genetic engineering.
This is the goal of the Global Virome Project, a Gates Foundation funded, EcoHealth Alliance associated effort...



Chris Cuomo DESTROYED in debate over COVID failures | Blaze Media

Chris Cuomo DESTROYED in debate over COVID failures | Blaze Media

“Just in the last few days he’s admitted that six-feet social distancing was largely made up. He completely admitted it,” Rubin explains. “He’s the head of the NIH.”

“The rule was from the CDC,” Cuomo argues, not budging.

“There was nothing backing it,” Rubin says, noting that wasn’t the only thing that had no backing. “There was no evidence that when you went to a restaurant, if you were sitting you could take your mask off, and COVID could only get the waiter who was standing and had to wear the mask.”

“Masks don’t work, at all.”

Did he miss anything?


When political "protest" was welcomed by the swamp!-----Protests across US after Donald Trump elected president - video | Donald Trump | The Guardian

Protests across US after Donald Trump elected president - video | Donald Trump | The Guardian
This article is more than 7 years old
  • "Thousands demonstrate against the election of Republican Donald Trump in 18 American cities on Wednesday night. 
  • The largest events took place in New York and Los Angeles

The TRUE criminals!


Must see!-----'What Percentage Of The Atmosphere Is Made Up Of Carbon Dioxide?': McCor...

#1 This day 1964-----A world without love - Peter and Gordon

The Nuclear Family is the Key to Closing Educational Gaps By Will Moravits

...low scores, poorly paid teachers, drugs, gang violence, lack of funding, threats from school shootings, claims of indoctrination - By Will Moravits
"...According to the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), if we compare the performance of American students as a whole to those of other countries, we do, in fact, lag in very serious ways...
The EPI reports, in part, that If U.S. adolescents had a social class distribution similar to that of frequently compared countries, the average reading scores in the United States would surpass those of similar post-industrial nations like France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. 
  • Public policy needs to reemphasize the importance of the nuclear family. 
  • Encourage marriage and discourage divorce. 
  • Encourage two-parent households, especially ones with a mother and father, where emotional, educational, and financial outcomes are shown to be the highest. 
  • Promote civic duty and societal unity in schools. 
  • Promote morality in public schools the way our country did for the first two hundred years of its existence.
Changing the culture of the American family is the only real solution to solving the problems that permeate the public school system.



AP leaves out illegal immigration status of the two men accused of killing 12-year-old | Blaze Media

AP leaves out illegal immigration status of the two men accused of killing 12-year-old | Blaze Media

The Associated Press is facing criticism for leaving out important details in their initial write up of the case of a 12-year-old girl being assaulted and killed allegedly by two Venezuelans who illegally crossed into the United States recently. Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, and Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, are accused of luring Jocelyn Nungaray, of Houston, Texas, under a bridge, holding her there for two hours, taking her pants off, tying her up, and then throwing her body in a bayou after killing her.

Gotta see the future of sports...and more!-----NIL Wire

NIL Wire
Astounding the businification of all sports. And maybe more. 
This same "business-plan" likely will be used to legitimize most all of what used to be under-the-table bribery. 
A very good site (that cheerleads) to view this... threat?


Private Equity is Coming to College Sports

Private equity investments are coming to college sports – it’s only a matter of time. The Big 12 is reportedly considering a deal with Luxembourg-based private equity firm CVC Capital Partners, which would see a 15%-20% stake in the league sell for up to $1 Billion

This isn’t the first time private equity has been floated in the college sports world. In 2018 the Pac-12 tried to secure a private equity investment, but nothing came of the effort. If the Big 12 were to make a move in the private equity space, it would be the first of its kind.

AM Fruitcake


History for June 23

History for June 23 - 
David Ogilvy 1911
  • 1836 - The U.S. Congress approved the Deposit Act, which contained a provision for turning over surplus federal revenue to the states.
  • 1865 - Confederate General Stand Watie, who was also a Cherokee chief, surrendered the last sizable Confederate army at Fort Towson, in the Oklahoma Territory.
  • 1868 - Christopher Latham Sholes received a patent for an invention that he called a "Type-Writer."
  • 1952 - The U.S. Air Force bombed power plants on Yalu River, Korea.
  • 1966 - Civil Rights marchers in Mississippi were dispersed by tear gas.
  • 2004 - The U.S. proposed that North Korea agree to a series of nuclear disarmament measures over a three-month period in exchange for economic benefits.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

5 illegal aliens from Mexico and Honduras allegedly kidnapped teenage Indiana girl who thought she was meeting online friend | Blaze Media

5 illegal aliens from Mexico and Honduras allegedly kidnapped teenage Indiana girl who thought she was meeting online friend | Blaze Media

Missouri police arrested five illegal immigrants from Mexico and Honduras after they allegedly kidnapped a teenage girl from Indiana who thought she was meeting someone from social media. Indiana police said they were alerted to a report of a missing 14-year-old by the girl's father from their home in Cass County just before 2 a.m. He told police that he saw her get into a strange vehicle very early in the morning on Sunday, which was Father's Day.

The way we were-----Enver Hoxha: Europe's Most Deranged Dictator

Why it might be wise to view Pakistani doctors working in Britain with s...

The scandal which led to Pakistan’s national airline being banned from Europe for the last four years are relevant to this country’s reliance on doctors from the Indian sub-continent.

"Falsely believe"??!!-----The low-end consumer 'is really being stretched,' says Five Below CEO

The low-end consumer 'is really being stretched,' says Five Below CEO - Sean Conlon
"Lower-income U.S. consumers are feeling stretched with their spending, Five Below CEO Joel Anderson said Wednesday...
  • “The lower-end customer is really being stretched...consumers were more discerning with their dollars, increasingly buying to need,” Anderson added. 
  • The types of products they’ve been purchasing reflect this, he added, noting that consumers bought more in the company’s “consumable” categories such as candy, food and beverage, beauty and health and beauty aids.
...more than half of Americans falsely believe the country is in an economic recession...

NYT BEFORE the stolen election!-----Aug. 17, 2020---Opinion | If Trump Cheats in the 2020 Election, Activists Are Ready - The New York Times

Opinion | If Trump Cheats in the 2020 Election, Activists Are Ready - The New York Times:
  • Election sabotage needs to be met with the largest protests yet.
"This summer, a bipartisan group of former government officials, political professionals, lawyers and journalists held a series of war game exercises about how the 2020 election might go wrong. 
Convened by the law professor Rosa Brooks and the historian Nils Gilman, it was called the Transition Integrity Project, and the results were alarming.
  • “We assess with a high degree of likelihood that November’s elections will be marked by a chaotic legal and political landscape,” said a resulting report. President Trump, it said, “is likely to contest the result by both legal and extralegal means.”..
  • So a coalition of progressive groups, as well as some anti-authoritarian conservative ones, is organizing under the rubric Protect the Results to get people into the streets if Trump tries to cheat in November. 
  • “It’s a pretty massive effort that’s underway,” said Rashad Robinson, executive director of Color of Change, which is part of the coalition. Activists all over the country, he said, are “really gearing up for this fight.”...

Huge percentage of EV owners want to go back to normal cars | WND | by Around the Web

Huge percentage of EV owners want to go back to normal cars | WND | by Around the Web

Nearly half of American electric vehicle (EV) owners want to buy an internal combustion engine model the next time they buy a car, according to a new study from McKinsey and Company, a leading consulting firm.

Approximately 46% of Americans who own an EV want to go back to a standard vehicle for their next purchase, citing issues like inadequate charging infrastructure and affordability, according to McKinsey’s study, which was obtained and reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Something Big is Happening

"Europeans, we must take our continent back.

Read the book!-----Border Patrol Encountered 932 Afghans at Southwest Border In 156 Days

There is good reason for Americans to be concerned about individuals from Afghanistan coming across our southern border. - Terry Jeffrey 
  • When Gen. Michael Kurilla, commander of U.S. Central Command, testified in the Senate Armed Services Committee on March 7 he issued a warning about ISIS-K, a terrorist group based in Afghanistan.
  • "[V]arious groups in the Central Region retain the capability and will to target U.S. interests abroad in under six months with little to no warning," Kurilla said in a written statement to the committee...
  • "They have called for attacks globally on anyone not aligned with their extremist ideology, and Taliban efforts to suppress the group have proven insufficient," he said...

Lunch video-----"The United States is Crumbling Before Our Eyes" | Victor Davis Hanson



Biden plan to expand abortion fails when judge rules against EEOC | WND | by Bob Unruh

Biden plan to expand abortion fails when judge rules against EEOC | WND | by Bob Unruh

The ruling said, "At its core, this is a textbook case of a federal administrative agency exceeding its statutory authority in a way that both usurps the role of Congress and violates authority vested in the states under the principles of federalism."