Monday, June 24, 2024

Why Ships Stopped Using Weapons Against Pirates

Who needs actual achievement when your address is the "context"?!!-----Yet Another Bad Admissions Idea

The College Board’s “Landscape” tool is terrible news for admissions fairness. Graham Hillard
  • Leigh made a 34 on the ACT. 
  • Bill made a 23. 
Which of the two do you want attending your academically selective college? ...
Yet, following the logic of Landscape, the College Board’s quietly insidious “contextualization” resource, admissions officers may find themselves shunting Leigh aside in Bill’s favor.
Developed in 2018 and broadly available since 2020, Landscape is a free admissions dashboard that allows decision makers to “consider each student within the context of where they’ve learned and lived.”...

End Game - by Matt Orfalea - The Orf Report

Fauci explained to CNN that when you impose authoritarian restrictions on people, like COVID lockdowns in China, “You have to have an end game.”
Now watch how long Fauci didn’t answer the question when Rep. Jim Jordan asked precisely what the COVID endgame was in the United States of America.

World moving rapidly towards de-dollarization | WND | by Andrew Powell

World moving rapidly towards de-dollarization | WND | by Andrew Powell

Saudi Arabia has officially ended its 50-year petrodollar agreement with the U.S. and will now be accepting multiple currencies to purchase its crude oil. According to a report from the Atlantic Council, Saudi Arabia announced on June 13 that it will not be renewing its agreement with the U.S., which was signed in 1974 during the Nixon administration, to sell oil exclusively in U.S. dollars.

State Police Fleet Includes 79 Defective Brand New Vehicles

Their scam is so weak, they're forced to lie to convince the gullible.-----No, Bloomberg, Neither Extreme Weather Nor Climate is Worsening in Swelling Cities

What is most telling is that the Bloomberg map shows clearly the at-risk urban cities that have the lowest per-capita income and lower access to inexpensive energy. It is no surprise that most of economically depressed Africa and much of Asia and India are shown to be the most “at risk.” - From ClimateREALISM - By Anthony Watts
An article in Bloomberg, titled “Climate Change Is Putting Swelling Cities at Risk,” with the subtitle, “A warming world is putting Bangladesh, Niger, Pakistan, and other countries more at risk for extreme weather,” makes some false claims that are refuted by real-world data and by scientific research which examines the impacts of growth and the densification of cities...

Lunch video-----The Most Important Reasons Why There is No Climate Emergency


Teamsters general president Republican National Convention | Blaze Media

Teamsters general president Republican National Convention | Blaze Media

International Brotherhood of Teamster's union general president Sean O'Brien is slated to speak at the Republican National Convention next month in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

"Sean O’Brien, the General President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, has accepted my invitation to speak at the RNC Convention in Milwaukee. Our GREAT convention will unify Americans and demonstrate to the nation’s working families they come first," former President Donald Trump declared in a post on Truth Social.



Canada's capital wants in on race-based tree planting in the name of "tree equity" | Not the Bee

Canada's capital wants in on race-based tree planting in the name of "tree equity" | Not the BeeJessica Swietoniowski
As a hardworking taxpayer, you may have blocked this out of your memory for the sake of your blood pressure, but in 2021, the Democrats' spending bill included $2.5 BILLION for "tree equity."
Since then, the non-profit group American Forests has been expanding throughout the U.S., the U.K., and now Canada.
  • The City of Ottawa, Canada's capital, wants to choose which neighborhoods deserve more trees based on race and other identity factors
  • They want to make sure the urban forest meets their diversity, equity, and inclusion goals...

The report, under the section "INDIGENOUS GENDER AND EQUITY IMPLICATIONS" (whatever that means for tree-planting), proposes one analysis, known as a "Tree Equity Score," which considers factors such as race, age, language, employment, mental health, and income...

#1 Movie this week 1949-----Little Women (1949) Trailer in Color

They knew!!!-----Pfizer claimed their vaccine was 100% safe and helped coerce millions into getting the jab. Now, the truth comes out — they knew all along.

 Facebook - Mammoth Nation
Pfizer claimed their vaccine was 100% safe and helped coerce millions into getting the jab. 
Now, the truth comes out — they knew all along.

#1 This day 1955-----Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White - Pérez Prado (Video Version)

The IOC bosses gonna do without too?-----Teams Bring Their Own AC Units to Paris: Exposing the Absurdity of “Sustainability” at the Olympics - Charles Rotter

The recent announcement that air conditioning will not be provided at the Olympic venues is a prime example
  • The 2024 Paris Olympics are shaping up to be an event filled with athletic prowess and, unsurprisingly, a hefty dose of virtue signaling. 
  •  In a bid to flaunt their environmental consciousness, the organizers have decided to rely on “sustainable” cooling methods, leaving teams to fend for themselves in the sweltering Parisian summer. 

Soviets experienced same.


Former attorney general pulls rug from under DOJ's defense for keeping Biden tapes hidden | Blaze Media

Former attorney general pulls rug from under DOJ's defense for keeping Biden tapes hidden | Blaze Media

According to the former attorney general, the effort to hide the tapes strongly suggests that the Biden administration believes its release "would prove embarrassing to the President and politically damaging" — which is hardly a justifiable reason to assert executive privilege or shrug off FOIA requests.

Get US outof the UN!-----Shutting Afghan women out of key UN conference to appease Taliban ‘a betrayal’

Group allegedly demanding Afghan participation in Doha meeting this month be limited to men and that women’s rights be excluded from the agenda - Tom Levitt , Annie Kelly and Zahra Joya
  • Excluding Afghan women from an upcoming UN conference on Afghanistan would be a “betrayal” of women and girls in the country, say human rights groups and former politicians.
  • The Taliban are reportedly demanding that no Afghan women be allowed to participate in the UN meeting in Doha starting 30 June, set up to discuss the international community’s approach to Afghanistan, and that women’s rights are not on the agenda.
  • “This situation is an indirect submission to the will of the Taliban. Law, democracy and sustainable peace are not possible without including half of the population of the society who are women. I don’t think we have learned anything from past mistakes.

AM Fruitcake


History for June 24

History for June 24 - 
Ambrose Bierce 1842 - Journalist, editorialist
  • 1509 - Henry VIII was crowned King of England.
  • 1675 - King Philip's War began when Indians massacre colonists at Swansee, Plymouth colony.
  • 1896 - Booker T. Washington became the first African American to receive an honorary MA degree from Howard University.
  • 1910 - The Japanese army invaded Korea.
  • 1948 - The Soviet Union began the Berlin Blockade.
  • 1982 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that no president could be sued for damages connected with actions taken while serving as President of the United States.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Biden's DHS board painted Trump fans, military, 'religious' people as a 'risk' | WND | by Around the Web

Biden's DHS board painted Trump fans, military, 'religious' people as a 'risk' | WND | by Around the Web

Internal documents obtained by AFL show the board characterizing “supporters of the former president” as constituting “most of the Domestic Terrorism threat” in the United States. The documents also classified traits such as having served “in the military” and being “religious” as “indicators of extremists and terrorism,” citing unnamed research.

The way we were-----If You Grew Up in the 1970s – You Remember...

Cruise Ship Captain Breaks Down 8 Cruise Disasters In Movies And TV | Ho...

VIDEO: Everywhere is Warming Faster Than Everywhere Else, According to Climate Scammers

This fantastic compilation of headlines is making the rounds of X and other social media this weekend: - DAVID BLACKMON

Dear climate scolds: You can’t demand everyone “trust the science” when the “science” is so manifestly and blatantly a scam.
That is all.

Price Drop: Finland’s Grand Nuclear Move Delivers Cheap Power Bonanza

Thanks to their new nuclear power plants, Finns went from suffering among Europe’s highest power prices to enjoying its lowest.
"They now pay a mere fraction of what their wind and solar obsessed German neighbours are forced to pay for an ideological and delusional obsession.
When Finland fired up its 1,600MW Olkiluoto 3 nuclear plant in April 2023, power users were bound to notice that average spot electricity prices dropped from €245.98 per MWh in December 2022 to €60.55 per MWh hour in April 2023.
As Nick Cater points out below, Finland provides the perfect and obvious lesson for this Country, which, like the Germans remains wedded to the belief that it can run on nothing but sunshine and breezes...

Uproar over Dems' push to draft women for the military | WND | by J.M. Phelps

Uproar over Dems' push to draft women for the military | WND | by J.M. Phelps

When the U.S. House of Representatives passed its version of the National Defense Authorization Act last week, which authorized $895.2 billion in military spending, one of the measures included would automatically register men aged 18 to 26 for Selective Service. Not to be outdone, in the Senate, language from Democrats has been added to the NDAA, as it’s called, that would also require women to register for the draft.

Court Declares Woman Innocent After 43 Years in Prison

How Environmentalism Got Replaced By Climatism And Green Energy Fetishism - Climate Change Dispatch

Environmentalism in America is dead. It has been replaced by climatism and renewable energy fetishism. - Robert Bryce
"The movement birthed by Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring in the early 1960s and Earth Day in the 1970s — a movement that once aimed to protect landscapes, wildlands, whales, and wildlife — has morphed into the NGO-corporate-industrial-climate complex.
Rather than preserve wildlands and wildlife, today’s “green” NGOs have devolved into a sprawling network of nonprofit and for-profit groups aligned with big corporations, big banks, and big law firms.
  • The simplest way to understand how climatism and renewable energy fetishism have swamped concerns about conservation and wildlife protection is to follow the money...

Lunch video-----Gates foundation funding

Going into caves where humans are seldom found, taking a bat fecal sample containing thousands of viruses, bringing those viruses back to a laboratory, and culturing the specimens, where a virus that might be controlled in a diverse natural environment but is now able to grow unrestricted in pure culture provides an immense increase in opportunity for potential pandemic risk, even without genetic engineering.
This is the goal of the Global Virome Project, a Gates Foundation funded, EcoHealth Alliance associated effort...
