Thursday, June 27, 2024

The real America!


AM Fruitcake


History for June 27

History for June 27 -
H. Ross Perot 1930
  • 1787 - Edward Gibbon completed "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire." It was published the following May.
  • 1893 - The New York stock market crashed. By the end of the year 600 banks and 74 railroads had gone out of business.
  • 1929 - Scientists at Bell Laboratories in New York revealed a system for transmitting television pictures.
  • 1950 - Two days after North Korea invaded South Korea, U.S. President Truman ordered the Air Force and Navy into the Korean conflict. The United Nations Security Council had asked for member nations to help South Korea repel an invasion from the North.
  • 1954 - The world's first atomic power station opened at Obninsk, near Moscow.
  • 1955 - The state of Illinois enacted the first automobile seat belt legislation.
  • 1980 - U.S. President Carter signed legislation reviving draft registration.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Explosive study removed by Lancet, now public: 74% of deaths directly tied to COVID jab | WND | by Around the Web

Explosive study removed by Lancet, now public: 74% of deaths directly tied to COVID jab | WND | by Around the Web

The study, titled “A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination,” analyzed 325 autopsy cases and found that a staggering 73.9% of deaths were either directly due to or significantly contributed to by the COVID-19 vaccination.

The way we were-----The Brutal Last Hours Of Mussolini

‘Zombie' Mortgages Returning to Haunt Homeowners

Don’t just “Follow the science” You also need economics - Bjorn Lomborg

Yes, there are costs to climate change. But there are also costs to climate policy
  • Climate-concerned politicians and activists often repeat the claim that we have to "follow the science" on climate change, meaning we must magically abandon fossil fuels rapidly.
  • But this conflates climate science with climate policy.
  • Yes, there are costs to climate change. But there are also costs to climate policy: It would have huge consequences to “just stop” oil, gas and coal for a world that gets almost four-fifths of all its energy from fossil fuels. 
  • If we quickly ended our use of fossil fuels, billions would die...

The UN: "We must all work to eradicate (hate speech) completely.

The UN's global "plan" to eradicate free speech ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS
  • The “International Day for Countering Hate Speech” was on 18 June. Yep, there is now a special day to promote and legitimize propaganda and censorship. 
  • On that day, UN Secretary-General António Guterres released a press release outlining their new “plan of action” to censor speech and calling for more governmental propaganda.
  • “The United Nations Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech provides a framework to tackle both the causes and impacts of this scourge. 
  •  And the United Nations is currently preparing Global Principles for Information Integrity to guide decision makers around these issues.”
Basically, the UN will be rolling out a new edict requiring nations to censor citizens and organizations by documenting what they perceive as harms done by free-speech “this scourge.”...

House vote to consider doing DOJ's job and arrest U.S. attorney general | WND | by Bob Unruh

House vote to consider doing DOJ's job and arrest U.S. attorney general | WND | by Bob Unruh

Inherent contempt is a different process than the earlier vote on criminal contempt, and provides authority for Congress itself to make an arrest and pursue a prosecution. Luna is calling for members to "act now to protect the integrity and independence of the legislative branch." The report explained the criminal contempt case referred Garland to his own department for criminal charges. But the DOJ refused to act on it.

US surgeon general declares gun violence a public health emergency

FCC's Carr to Newsmax: Sound Alarm on Soros Radio Takeover Bid |

FCC's Carr to Newsmax: Sound Alarm on Soros Radio Takeover Bid |
  • ...warned Thursday on Newsmax about an effort by a foreign company founded by liberal billionaire George Soros that is seeking to fast-track the purchase of more than 200 radio stations in the U.S.
  • In February, Soros Fund Management reportedly purchased $400 million of debt in Audacy, which is the No. 2 U.S. broadcaster behind iHeartMedia...
  • FCC rules prohibit giving a radio station license to a company if more than 25% of its controlling interest is held by a foreign individual, government, or entity. To assume control of Audacy, the FCC would need to make an exception for Soros Fund Management...

Lunch video-----Historic Heatwave

""we live in an unscientific age in which almost all the buffeting of communications and television-words, books, and so on-are unscientific.
As a result, there is a considerable amount of intellectual tyranny in the name of science." Richard Feynman



Biden's DHS "Secret Police" wants you rat out your neighbors | Blaze Media

Biden's DHS "Secret Police" wants you rat out your neighbors | Blaze Media

In a move straight out of communist East Germany, the Department of Homeland Security had recently planned to turn mothers and teachers into informants who rat out their neighbors for “domestic extremism.”

The group behind the move was called the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group, which has since been disbanded. In notes released from a September 2023 meeting, they discussed ways to collect information on Americans and “get into local communities in a non-threatening way.”

“As we told you after the passing of the Patriot Act, be careful, because terrorism can be ‘one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist,’” Glenn Beck warns



Buying votes with YOUR money!-----Biden's student loan forgiveness plan suffers huge blow as two federal judges block key measure that would cost nation $160 BILLION - here's what if means for you | Daily Mail Online

Biden's student loan forgiveness plan suffers huge blow as two federal judges block key measure that would cost nation $160 BILLION - here's what if means for you | Daily Mail Online   


Yes, welfare offices are giving voter registration forms to illegal aliens, another ‘conspiracy theory’ that came true Chris Donaldson

But despite denials and ridicule over GOP concerns that illegal aliens could vote, the truth is that nearly every state provides voter registration forms to non-citizens without proof of citizenship, according to the New York Post.
  • The so-called “conspiracy theorists” have put together an impressive winning streak and they’ve once again been proven right, this time about illegal aliens voting in the 2024 election.

#1 This day 1966-----Frank Sinatra - Strangers In The Night

We Can’t Protect Kids Without Fathers - TERRY SCHILLING

However, it is impossible to understand the increasing threat to children without also recognizing the widespread assault on the American family that has taken place in recent decades.
AP Photo/Kathy Willens
There should be no doubt that there is a crisis. By any measure, America’s children today are struggling. 
  • Academically, students have never been in worse shape — according to the National Assessment for Educational Progress, in 2022 only 36% of fourth-graders were proficient in math and only 33% could read at grade level.
  • Our kids are also suffering from a severe mental health crisis. The number of children on anti-depressants grew by over 40% from 2015 to 2021, and youth suicides increased by 62% from 2007 to 2021.
...the most important, and perhaps least acknowledged, cause has been the disappearance of fathers from the lives of their kids.
There’s no getting around it: dads have not been as involved in protecting their children as they should have been. 
  • And this has resulted in a disaster for everyone...

Is "the fix" in?


Instagram urges users to reconsider following Tucker Carlson in 'insane warning' | Blaze Media

Instagram urges users to reconsider following Tucker Carlson in 'insane warning' | Blaze Media

"This combination of scale and independence is a serious threat to established power," continued Patel. "That is the only reason why people can't even go to a Tucker Carlson birthday post on Instagram without some insane warning." "Luckily, people are on to this," Patel added, noting that they've elected to sidestep "big tech censors" like Instagram altogether and go straight to Tucker Carlson's website.


Instapundit  Blog Archive 

Distress, depression rates double among transgender Americans in 10 years.
Related: Neurosis and the Curley Effect. “Reading all of these pieces I’m seeing a story that goes something like this: 
  • Depressed, neurotic people (especially single women) are more likely to support Democrats. 
  • Democrats support policies and messaging that produce more depressed, neurotic people, especially single women. 
Now maybe this is an accident, but maybe it isn’t. - Glenn Reynolds

AM Fruitcake


History for June 26

History for June 26 - 
Pearl S. Buck 1892
  • 1819 - The bicycle was patented by W.K. Clarkson, Jr.
  • 1900 - A commission that included Dr. Walter Reed began the fight against the deadly disease yellow fever.
  • 1907 - Russia's nobility demanded drastic measures to be taken against revolutionaries.
  • 1948 - The Berlin Airlift began as the U.S., Britain and France started ferrying supplies to the isolated western sector of Berlin.
  • 1959 - U.S. President Eisenhower joined Britain's Queen Elizabeth II in ceremonies officially opening the St. Lawrence Seaway.
  • 1963 - U.S. President John Kennedy announced "Ich bin ein Berliner" (I am a Berliner) at the Berlin Wall.
  • 1974 - In Troy, Ohio, a Marsh supermarket installed the first bar code scanning equipment, made by IBM, and a product with a bar code was scanned for the first time. The product was Juicy Fruit gum.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

US Marine Veteran Imprisoned in Russia Warns That If Biden Doesn't Do Something, Moscow Will 'Keep Grabbing People'

US Marine Veteran Imprisoned in Russia Warns That If Biden Doesn't Do Something, Moscow Will 'Keep Grabbing People'

"In Virginia, the law says that in a regular traffic case, you have the presumption of innocence, you have the right to remain silent, you have a right to a jury trial – all of the criminal protections that we get," Anderson said. "That’s what the case is about. If the court finds that traffic tickets are entitled to full constitutional protections, then I think we have a real shot at getting this injunction."

The way we were-----Battle Stack: Battle of the Little Bighorn (Custer's last stand)

Error or Fraud - A New Bombshell in the Data

"So the IPCC report is fraudulent

Pop Goes the West. Not With a Bang, But a Taylor Swift Tour

The evolution of Pop from being the music of freedom to being the official soundscape of the dumbest regimes JUPPLANDIA
  • Sometimes the most infuriating aspect of living through dystopia is not the lies, but the mediocrity.
  • Dystopia’s have no room for genuine creativity, genius, or talent...
  • During the Soviet era and the Cold War, western culture was producing a vibrancy and excitement that the heavily regulated, controlled and oppressed artists of the Communist world could not possibly match...Creativity doesn’t flourish when a man with a clipboard and a gun is examining every line for forbidden things...
Today, we are in a very different situation. 
The modern Communist is aligned entirely with the modern Bright Lights...
  • Don’t just build a prison. Don’t just control thoughts and speech. Paint rainbows everywhere. Make it a big decadent party. Let them sing the songs you put in their mouths, as if they had found them in their hearts.
And so we come to Taylor Swift...

A Luxury Nobody Can Afford | The Pipeline

Corporate America finally wises up to the scam. - Joan Sammon 
  • From Boeing to Starbucks and BP to Budweiser, the landscape of Wall Street is increasingly strewn with failed executive boards that adopted ideological policies that have been bad for business...
  • Filled with acolytes from some of America’s most prestigious business schools, executive boards have been persuaded by promises of increased executive compensation -- lots more money -- to not question, not challenge and not fight the adoption of transient faddish standards into boardroom decisions, even in direct violation of their fiduciary obligations to shareholders.
  • Now...shareholders are finally demanding that the ideologically strident environmental, social and governance nonsense known as "ESG," economic foolishness underpinned by narratives of "climate catastrophe" and the make-work, economically suicidal foolishness of "diversity equity and inclusion" (DEI), be scrapped...