Sunday, July 07, 2024

There's No Stopping What's Coming Now!

Biden lied. AGAIN!-----The Nationwide 500,000 EV Charger Charade By Geoffrey Pohanka

The charade I refers to is President Biden’s $7.5 billion dollar investment to install 500,000 electric charging stations along America’s highways by 2030.
  • To identify the charade, one must first, look at the math: 500,000 charging stations, each with a minimum of four chargers, accomplished with an investment of $7.5 billion dollars. 
  • But that is only $15,000 per charging station, installed. 
  • A single high capacity charger can cost $100,000 or more, and most stations have multiple chargers. 
  • We are now in the second year of the program and only seven stations have been opened so far. 
  • At this rate, it will require thousands of years to build all 500,000 charging stations, assuming there are sufficient funds to do so...

Linch video-----How Javier Milei is beating inflation



Green new scam is dying | WND | by Around the Web

Green new scam is dying | WND | by Around the Web

The typical upper-income supporter of the climate cult including academics, media figures and celebrities is probably ignorant of the fact that there is no evidence that CO2 emissions cause climate change and that the real causes are solar cycles, volcanoes, ocean currents and atmospheric moisture not caused by humans.

Doesn't the common cold have the same symptoms as COVID??!!


Biden took a not-so-subtle dig at Warner.

However, it was nothing compared to a curious posting by author and Democratic activist Don Winslow, who appeared to threaten Warner on X - by Mark Wauck - Meaning In History
...He [Georgie Boy?] specifically mentioned the effort of Sen. Mark Warner (D., Va.) to organize members to pressure him to end his campaign... 
However, it was nothing compared to a curious posting by author and Democratic activist Don Winslow, who appeared to threaten Warner on X (formerly Twitter).
When the story broke in the Washington Post, Winslow posted a curious and ominous response:

Dear @MarkWarner

Are you sure you want to go down this road?

You definitely know what I'm talking about.

Think about it very carefully.

— Don Winslow (@donwinslow) July 6, 2024

It is not clear what Winslow meant …
No, yes. No, it’s not clear what Winslow meant, but, Yes, it certainly sounds threatening. And if Winslow has dirt on prominent Dems, you can probably safely assume that Zhou does, too...?...

Adolf would be envious!


Ukraine and the Winter War, 1939-1940 - Victor Davis Hanson

Ukraine and the Winter War, 1939-1940
In early World War II, on Nov. 30, 1939, a Soviet-Russian army invaded Finland in a surprise massive attack. 
The Finns were eventually outnumbered nearly 3 to 1...
Is any lesson from the Winter War applicable to the current Ukrainian conflict?
  • One, drawn-out heroic resistance to the Russian juggernaut wins a nation global praise, but not necessarily enough weapons or manpower to overcome the huge disparity of forces...
  • Two, the Russian Army has a long history of starting poorly in its wars. But after months of mismanagement, incompetence, and massive losses, its brutal command eventually readjusts. It then marshals the vast manpower and territorial power of Russia to slowly grind down a smaller enemy...
  • Three, smaller border nations facing Russian aggression cannot count on allied pledges of massive aid...

#1 This day 1971-----Carole King - I Feel the Earth Move (Official Audio)

Watch: 1982 Dan Rather’s CBS News report warning of ‘the so called greenhouse effect’ causing Florida to be flooded & a ‘widespread disruption of agriculture’ - CLIMATE DEPOT - Marc Morano

If these scientists are correct, about 25% of Florida would be flooded along with low lying areas all over the world...
CBS Evening News – March 25, 1982
  • “Concerned about rising temperatures on planet Earth heated up a hearing here in Washington today. For years, scientists have theorized about the dangers of the so called greenhouse effect, the warming of the Earth’s atmosphere due to the burning of coal and oil...
  • ...that the great sheets of pack ice in Antarctica are melting at a much more rapid rate than previously. 
  • Finally, that the sea level has been rising with increasing swiftness over the past 40 years. 
  • If these scientists are correct, about 25% of Florida would be flooded along with low lying areas all over the world...

Scary thought!


Illegal alien allegedly attacks Border Patrol agent: 'Visible injuries' | Blaze Media

Illegal alien allegedly attacks Border Patrol agent: 'Visible injuries' | Blaze Media

A Border Patrol agent at an El Paso, Texas, processing center was allegedly attacked by a female Venezuelan national in late June, according to the Border Report. The woman, Maria Alexandra Louze Flores, was apprehended on June 30 after border officials determined that she was "ineligible" to be in the United States, the news outlet reported. Louze Flores was stopped at an Interstate 10 checkpoint in Sierra Blanca, Texas.

And dems are worried about "retribution"??!!-----"Someone Has to Pay for This! - There Will Be Retribution!" | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

  • Matthew Perna, a non-violent Trump supporter who was arrested after January 6, committed suicide. 
  • He was never accused of violence or vandalism.
  • He walked inside the US Capitol.
  • The newly released Jan 6 footage shows Matthew Perna calmly walking through the Capitol alongside police.

His government targeted him, made up charges against him, and then destroyed him. In the end, it was too much...

AM Fruitcake


History for July 7

History for July 7 - 
David McCullough 1933 - Author
  • 1846 - U.S. annexation of California was proclaimed at Monterey after the surrender of a Mexican garrison.
  • 1920 - A device known as the radio compass was used for the first time on a U.S. Navy airplane near Norfolk, VA.
  • 1937 - Japanese forces invaded China.
  • 1969 - Canada's House of Commons gave final approval to a measure that made the French language equal to English throughout the national government.
  • 1994 -, Inc. was founded in Seattle, Washington under the name "Cadabra."
  • 1998 - A jury in Santa Monica, CA, convicted Mikail Markhasev of murdering Ennis Cosby, Bill Cosby's only son, during a roadside robbery.

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Everyone knew the Biden presidency was a scam | Blaze Media

Everyone knew the Biden presidency was a scam | Blaze Media

The Biden fiasco should make it clear that the elected president does not run the executive branch. This has probably been the case for a very long time and should have been evident as the entire deep state defied Trump. Now it’s too obvious to ignore.

An unaccountable oligarchy installed a senile fake president through a soft coup. Instead of grappling with this stunning truth, the media, both left and right, debates whether Gavin Newsom is too white to overtake Kamala Harris and run in Biden’s place. The Biden presidency was always a sham, but Americans seem more interested in speculating on who will get the rose next rather than facing the reality that our political system is fake.

The way we were-----What School Was Like in 1950s America | A Documentary

Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words Trailer #1 (2020) | Movi...

Uganda: Muslims murder Christian evangelist when other Muslims convert to Christianity after hearing him. Under Islam, those who leave Islam must be killed.

Dave Agema - Jihad watch reports: Uganda: Muslims murder... | Facebook
Jihad watch reports:
  • Hizballah launches 200 rockets and a swarm of drones into Israel. Yet the UN and EU condemn Israel for what Muslims do. America must get out of the UN.
  • Australia: Pro-Hamas protesters scale roof of Parliament carrying banners — ‘Palestine will be free. Muslims have infiltrated nearly all countries. Palestine is NOT a country- never has been.
  • India: Muslim leader commits Taliban-like public flogging, another says West Bengal is ‘Muslim nation’. 
  • Everywhere Muslims go they claim the land theirs, cause chaos and do not assimilate but change the country to Islam as demanded by the Quran and Sunna...

Gavin Newsom says Joe Biden should have sole authority over the nuclear codes at age 86

The journey continues, whereby I take on the solemn task of asking as many Democratic Party “insiders” I can find whether they think Joe Biden ought to have “sole authority” over the US nuclear launch codes at age 86.  - Michael Tracey
  • ...If there’s any “Dem insider” you might expect to have as skillful an answer as is possible under the circumstances, it’s probably Gavin Newsom...
  • Luckily the meager turnout enabled me to get fairly quick access to a glad-handing Newsom. “Should Biden have sole authority over the nuclear launch codes at age 86?” I asked.
  • “I think he’s extraordinarily competent,” Newsom replied. “I can’t speculate about 86, but right now…I think he has all the competence and all the capacity,” Newsom continued. “So, yes.”...

Creeps: AI Giants Are Training Systems on Pictures of Children Without Consent

Creeps: AI Giants Are Training Systems on Pictures of Children Without Consent

A recent investigation by Human Rights Watch (HRW) has uncovered a disturbing trend in AI development, where images of children are being used to train artificial intelligence models without consent, potentially exposing them to significant privacy and safety risks.

The Truth About the UK Election

Wind turbines seldom produce enough revenue to pay for their manufacture and installation, but that's a different metric.

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming | | Facebook - Nick Bekant
In most cases 'wind farms' are at-best a break-even economic situation, which is why they are only built if subsidized.
In any case read the article and the studies linked before commenting. 

Lunch video-MUST SEE the paranoia of losing their funding/power!-----Game Over For The Climate

See all but it gets really whacky at 4:22.



Hezbollah launches massive rocket barrage on Israel's north | WND | by David Brummer

Hezbollah launches massive rocket barrage on Israel's north | WND | by David Brummer

JERUSALEM – Israel's north came under heavy bombardment today, as Iranian Shi'ite proxy group Hezbollah responded to the IDF's killing yesterday of one of its senior commanders, Muhammad Nimah Nasser, also known as Abu Nimah.

Comparing him to Hitler is a pretty clear message to the VIOLENT loons in their party. ANTIFA/BLM, anti-Sematic fools whipped into a frenzy of fear and hate!


A Wife’s Revenge from Beyond the Grave

Caught in a brutal divorce, Catherine Kassenoff committed medically assisted suicide. Then the campaign to destroy her ex-husband truly began. - By Francesca Block
"...But this is the juiciest read you could have at the beach this weekend.
...When Francesca started digging into their story, she found that nothing was as it seemed...
  • Because it isn’t just a story about one family’s ugly domestic dispute, though that story is a wild one. 
  • It’s equally a story about how social media can distort our perceptions, reflecting complicated human beings in a funhouse mirror that bears little relationship to who we really are. —The Editors

Why? Because liberals/media are NEVER really interested in helping victims. Victims are a weapon to used against their political enemies.