Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Pay to play at its "best"!


On the subject of Chicago’s outrageous violence, its communist mayor, Brandon Johnson, had some words yesterday:

Do you know what kind of resources he’s asking for?  - John F. Di Leo
"I am urging all of you across the entire city to step up and say, 'We've had enough,'" Johnson said. "And I'm hopeful that our ongoing discussions will ensure that our state partners, as well as our federal partners, will swiftly come into the support of the city of Chicago. The city cannot afford to wait any longer."
Yes. Great idea. Blame the federal government for not helping enough, and expect the gunslingers to just stop shooting because you’re appealing to their hearts.
  • And now for the other half of that quote…
Brandon Johnson is calling for more resources from the federal government. 
Do you know what kind of resources he’s asking for? 
  • Victims’ assistance. 
  • He wants money and psychologists, to help the families of the people who have been shot...

A lawless regime!


Debunking the climate change hoax - by Joel Smalley

This paper aims to show that anyone who still believes in dangerous man-made CO2 global warming (aka “climate change”) urgently needs to reassess their views before the dictatorial Net Zero oppressions and privations being inflicted on us under the pretense of “tackling climate change” become unacceptably onerous and destructive. - By Doug Brodie
  • The indomitable Douglas Brodie argues that climate change is a politically motivated hoax designed to impose totalitarian control and redistribute wealth through flawed science and data manipulation.
  • He traces its origins to anti-capitalist ideologies and figures like Maurice Strong, criticizes the scientific basis for CO2-induced warming, and highlights manipulation by influential figures and organizations.
  • Doug contends that Net Zero policies are economically damaging and futile, urging skepticism towards the establishment and advocating for voting against mainstream political parties supporting climate policies...

#1 This day 1978-----Shadow dancing Andy Gibb

Hunter Biden’s the real point person in Joe’s White House — don’t underestimate the first son Miranda Devine

Democrats trying to dislodge Joe Biden will first have to combat the proxy commander-in-chief, Hunter Biden — and that’s more easily said than done.
  • But Hunter is glued to his father’s side for a reason. He was with him at Camp David to help prepare for the disastrous debate; was there for the vainglorious Annie Leibovitz family photo shoot post-debate; then flew back with the president to the White House, where he has been ensconced ever since.
  • Dad’s pardon power is not something Hunter will relinquish lightly, Devine writes.
  • He reportedly is acting as “gatekeeper” to his father and helping write speeches for him, while White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed that he has been sitting in on Joe’s meetings with senior staff.
  • Hunter has always regarded himself as smarter than his father’s aides, some of whom are telling reporters that they are flabbergasted by his presence at this crucial time...

We KNOW their reasons!


Marco Rubio corners CNN host with historical fact that upends popular leftist narrative about Trump: 'He didn't do it then' | Blaze Media

Marco Rubio corners CNN host with historical fact that upends popular leftist narrative about Trump: 'He didn't do it then' | Blaze Media

That's when Rubio pointed out a historical fact that undermines the argument that Trump will become a fascist dictator. "By the way, he was president for four years. He didn't go after Hillary Clinton. He didn't go after Joe Biden. He didn't go after Barack Obama. He didn't go after any of their consultants," Rubio explained.

NYC Giving Taxpayer-Funded Debit Cards to Over 7,000 Migrants

New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) is expanding his program that rewards newly arrived migrants with pre-loaded debit cards for food
  • New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) is expanding his program that rewards newly arrived migrants with pre-loaded debit cards for food — paid for by New Yorkers who remain some of the most tax-burdened residents of the United States.
  • Adams started the debit cards-for-migrants program in February, noting that it would cost about $53 million to provide roughly 500 migrant families with the prepaid cards meant only for food...

AM Fruitcake

History for July 10

History for July 10 -  
Nikola Tesla 1856
  • 1821 - U.S. troops took possession of Florida. The territory was sold by Spain.
  • 1913 - The highest temperature ever recorded in the U.S. was 134 degrees in Death Valley, CA.
  • 1925 - The official news agency of the Soviet Union, TASS, was established.
  • 1940 - The 114-day Battle of Britain began during World War II.
  • 1985 - Coca-Cola resumed selling the old formula of Coke, it was renamed "Coca-Cola Classic." It was also announced that they would continue to sell "New" Coke.
  • 1998 - The U.S. military delivered the remains of Air Force 1st Lt. Michael Blassie to his family in St. Louis. He had been placed in Arlington Cemetery's Tomb of the Unknown in 1984. His identity had been confirmed with DNA tests.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

NYC hotels are set to take in over $1 billion in taxpayer funds to support migrants: Report | Blaze Media

NYC hotels are set to take in over $1 billion in taxpayer funds to support migrants: Report | Blaze Media

“Our taxes are being used to pay for the migrants, and where are we supposed to make revenue?” Shandler said. "How as a business could we function?”

CoStar reported in November 2023 that hotels throughout the city have taken up to 16,000 rooms off the market to host migrants. Additionally, the migrant crisis in the city appears to be negatively affecting the hotel business itself.

CoStar mentioned:

The way we were-----The TERRIFYING Side of B-17 Flying Fortress Crews

Is Ireland's Economy a Scam?

HOAs in Michigan lose veto power over rooftop solar, home EV charging and more -

Homeowners’ associations across Michigan just lost the right to block energy efficiency elements in their neighborhoods like rooftop solar panels.
  • Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed legislation today, July 8, 2024, that was previously adopted by (the DEMOCRAT DOMINATED!) both the state House and Senate to invalidate any HOA provisions against a litany of energy efficiency home improvements. 
  • The law covers a range of both high- and low-tech home upgrades from rooftop solar panels and home EV chargers to clothes lines and rain barrels.
  • HOA officials also can’t require fees to install energy efficiencies, nor demand post-installation reports or monitor homeowners’ energy usage, under the new law...

The magic phrase!


Hacker stole OpenAI secrets in 2023, raising questions about foreign actors hacking AI companies in the future | Blaze Media

Hacker stole OpenAI secrets in 2023, raising questions about foreign actors hacking AI companies in the future | Blaze Media

The New York Times recently reported that OpenAI experienced a "major security incident," which raises concerns about the security and safety of AI companies in the future. The development also suggests that AI companies could be a major hotspot for foreign actors to infiltrate. Former OpenAI employee Leopold Aschenbrenner alluded to the incident in a recent podcast episode. While he referred to it as a "major security incident," other unnamed company sources told the Times that the hacker only obtained an employee discussion forum. The nature of this discussion forum is unknown.

Tonga volcano caused record warming

France's triumphant left-wing coalition unveils its radical plans for government including a 90 per cent tax rate on the rich, lowering the retirement age and huge spending | Daily Mail Online

France's triumphant left-wing coalition unveils its radical plans for government including a 90 per cent tax rate on the rich, lowering the retirement age and huge spending | Daily Mail Online
  • Manuel Bompard, coordinator of France Unbowed, said: 'We are preparing to govern, to apply the programme which is ours.'
The programme includes
  • a 90 per cent tax rate on any annual income above €400,000,
  •  a reduction in the retirement age from 64 to 60,
  • a block on the price of essential goods, 
  • a 14 per cent increase in minimum wage 
  • and spending commitments of at least €150 billion over three years...

Lunch video-----Dr. Matthew Wielicki: I Refuse to Stay Silent about Climate Change



Woman complains about man in changing room, gets suspended | WND | by Bob Unruh

Woman complains about man in changing room, gets suspended | WND | by Bob Unruh

The newest case is being profiled by the Christian Institute, which explained the woman, whose name is not being released, complained to NHS Fife after she "encountered a male worker in the female-only changing room late at night." In response, the politically correct officials in her organization suspended her for three months.

"Community standards"


Cause or Effect? - Kip Hansen

The newspapers and newscasts are full of this phrase: “caused by climate change”.
  • This phrase is so ubiquitous that in certain quarters it is used as a joke punchline. It seems almost anything you can think of has been claimed to be “caused by climate change”. Of course, it used to be “caused by global warming” and that was a joke too: “10 feet of snow? Yep, must be global warming!”; “Wife pregnant again?” “Yeah, you know, climate change.”...
...Roger Pielke Jr. recently posted a substack post : Climate Fueled Extreme Weather...

Here’s the home-run quote:

“Let’s correct one pervasive and pathological misunderstanding endemic across the media and in policy, and sometimes spotted seeping into peer-reviewed scientific research:

 Neither climate nor climate change cause, fuel, or influence weather.

Yes, you read that right.

Climate change is a change in the statistics of weather — It is an outcome, not a cause.”

And one more:

“Weather can be characterized statistically, but weather does not occur as a result of simple statistical processes. Weather is the integrated result of at least: dynamical, thermodynamical, chaotic, societal, biospheric, cryospheric, lithospheric, oceanic, vulcanological, solar, and, yes, stochastic processes.”...

Supposed to be satire. Is it really?


Encouraging their army-of-crazed-haters to do something?-----Leftist rag raked over the coals for portraying Trump as Hitler on its cover - literally

The New Republic was raked over the coals for its outrageous cover depicting a former U.S. president as a fascist dictator responsible for the deaths of millions. - Frieda Powers
  • “We chose the cover image, based on a well-known 1932 Hitler campaign poster, for a precise reason: that anyone transported back to 1932 Germany could very, very easily have explained away Herr Hitler’s excesses and been persuaded that his critics were going overboard,” the publication explained.
  • “After all, he spent 1932 campaigning, negotiating, doing interviews—being a mostly normal politician. But he and his people vowed all along that they would use the tools of democracy to destroy it, and it was only after he was given power that Germany saw his movement’s full face,” it continued...

#1 This day 1962-----Bobby Vinton -- Roses Are Red (My Love)

Here Are the 20 Promises in the Trump-RNC 2024 Platform

focusing on making America wealthy, safe, strong, and great "once again." - Spencer Brown 
The RNC's platform committee adopted the GOP's 2024 platform ahead of next week's national convention in Milwaukee with a heavy focus on America's "serious decline" since 2021 when President Joe Biden took office and inflicted policies that brought "raging inflation, open borders, rampant crime, attacks on our children, and global conflict, chaos, and instability."

Worth remembering!


Only 24% of Americans believe Biden could stay awake long enough to navigate a Cuban Missile-like Crisis: Report | Blaze Media

Only 24% of Americans believe Biden could stay awake long enough to navigate a Cuban Missile-like Crisis: Report | Blaze Media

"What voters are looking for most from their politicians is strength: Strength in standing up for America, strength in facing down America’s adversaries, strength in getting things done domestically," Johnson said.

"Biden was already performing badly on that metric, now he is performing catastrophically."