Thursday, July 11, 2024

Duped On Biden's Decline? You're Too Dumb To Be A Journalist

If You Were Duped On Biden’s Cognitive Decline, You’re Too Dumb To Be A Journalist - DAVID HARSANYI
  • And if you knew, you were in on it.
  • By the time we saw Joe Biden’s debate debacle, the media had spent four years covering up his mental and physical decline to help Democrats. 
  • After Biden’s fragile mental state was exposed, the media instantaneously began pushing Biden out of the presidential race to help Democrats.
  • The goal remains the same...

DEMENTIA-GATE: Massive cover-up of Biden health in works for YEARS | WND | by Bob Unruh

DEMENTIA-GATE: Massive cover-up of Biden health in works for YEARS | WND | by Bob Unruh

Why, or how, did someone with failing faculties get to be president? His circle worked desperately to conceal the truth, and Jill Biden pushed him into a scenario from which he could not mentally emerge successful.

Landowners Win in Fight Against Warrantless Searches

Soooo. Some election interference is "OK" with the media?

Lunch video-----China Returns to Mao | 5 Minute Videos



Why 'Queers for Palestine' support those who want to kill them | WND | by David Kupelian

Why 'Queers for Palestine' support those who want to kill them | WND | by David Kupelian

To get right to the nuclear core of the issue, consider the influential, passionately pro-Hamas umbrella group calling itself "Queers for Palestine." Across America, LGBT groups have played a major role in demonstrations against Israel and demanding the "liberation of Palestine – from the River to the Sea." In other words, the total annihilation of Israel.

But wait. There’s a slight problem with "Queers for Palestine."

Hot, 1936 style!


I’m old enough to remember the yellow ribbons.

Instapundit - Say their names, Mr. President. - Stephen Green
JOHN ONDRASIK: America’s Invisible Hostage Crisis in Gaza.
  • In 1979, Islamic radicals in Iran took 52 Americans hostage, holding them for 444 days. The hostages’ plight captured the nation’s attention. 
Some of them became household names. 
Across the country people prayed for their release.
The crisis was the lead story on the news every night.
Tying a yellow ribbon on a tree or lamppost became a public expression of sorrow and concern. Even the White House Christmas tree had one.
  • What a contrast to our current hostage crisis. On Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas killed more than 30 American citizens and took as many as a dozen Americans hostage. Of those who were taken, at least two have been murdered. Five, we pray, are still alive. 
Do you know any of their names? 
Have you seen one yellow ribbon?
Say their names, Mr. President. - Stephen Green

Agenda 47!

12 Most Horrifying Plans In Project 2025 | Babylon Bee

Babylon Bee obtained the following list of the most nefarious and horrifying top-secret plans
Article Image

Rumors about the controversial Project 2025 have been all over the news recently, but have you taken the time to learn what Project 2025 actually contains?

The Babylon Bee obtained the following list of the most nefarious and horrifying top-secret plans included in Project 2025:

  1. Put Kid Rock's face on the 20-dollar bill: Destroying democracy AND defacing our currency.

  2. Make Democrats scrub the floor of the Capital while singing ‘It's a Hard Knock Life' while the Republicans chill like Miss Hannigan from AnnieBlatant partisan cruelty. It'll be like reliving the horrors of Jan 6 every day.

  3. Mandate praying five times a day while facing Mar-a-Lago: Literal theocracy.

  4. Eliminate 2,371 of the current 2,373 genders: Literal genocide.

  5. Install the Fourth and Fifth Reichs: That's more Reichs than even Hitler installed...

#1 This day 1966-----Tommy James and The Shondells - Hanky Panky

Biden Said WHAT at the NATO Summit?

That headline isn't just a headline — it's a sincere question. we reported earlier, he went off script while talking to the United Auto Workers and started rambling about DEI and they cut the feed and went to a test pattern.
Biden is also hosting the NATO summit. 
The man has been slurring his words a lot lately, so we honestly don't know what he is saying here, but it doesn't sound good.
  • It kicked off like this:

That's what we heard. 

They'll fix it in the White House transcript. But wait, it gets worse:

"Attack dogs" yesterday!


The corrupt revolving door of vaccine bureaucrats is worse than you think | Blaze Media

The corrupt revolving door of vaccine bureaucrats is worse than you think | Blaze Media

If you thought the torrent of studies and data showing the COVID shots caused catastrophic levels of excess death would make the Centers for Disease Control reconsider, think again. The CDC just recommended more shots for all age groups and will continue to do so for one simple reason: the money.

On June 27, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices unanimously recommended both COVID and flu shots for children over six months old this fall. Despite being ineffective and dangerous for all age groups, the vaccine is now suggested years after the pandemic ended, targeting children who were never at risk. The committee ignored safety and efficacy concerns, focusing solely on the expiration of CDC’s Bridge Access Program, which funds free shots for children.

House Passes Measure to Stop Noncitizen Voting in Federal Elections

198 Democrats voted against it - Fred Lucas
  • The Republican-controlled House voted 221-198 Wednesday to require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections.
  • The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, or SAVE Act, would amend the 1993 National Voter Registration Act, known as the “motor voter law,” to require that states obtain documentary proof of U.S. citizenship from someone before he or she may register to vote.
  • Five Democrats voted for the legislation, but 198 Democrats voted against it...

AM Fruitcake


History for July 11

History for July 11 - 
John Quincy Adams 1767 - Sixth President of the United States
  • 1786 - Morocco agreed to stop attacking American ships in the Mediterranean for a payment of $10,000.
  • 1798 - The U.S. Marine Corps was formally re-established by "An Act for Establishing a Marine Corps" passed by the U.S. Congress.
  • 1804 - The United States' first secretary of the treasury, Alexander Hamilton, was killed by Vice President Aaron Burr in a duel.
  • 1955 - The U.S. Air Force Academy was dedicated in Colorado at Lowry Air Base.
  • 1962 - The first transatlantic TV transmission was sent through the Telstar I satellite.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Congressman gives proof how Biden weaponized DOJ against Trump | WND | by Bob Unruh

Congressman gives proof how Biden weaponized DOJ against Trump | WND | by Bob Unruh

Joe Biden is responsible for the weaponization of the federal government, and Americans must make sure it never happens against. That's the message in a new video from the House Judiciary GOP, which has released a posting in which Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas, explains the proof.

The way we were-----Hiroshima - the unknown images

🚨The Most Powerful 6 Minutes of Media ANNIHILATION by Tucker Carlson (MU...

Gretchen Whitmer signs bill banning county canvassers from investigating voter fraud - The Midwesterner

Gretchen Whitmer signs bill banning county canvassers from investigating voter fraud - The Midwesterner
  • Senate Bill 603, one of 15 bills Whitmer signed on Monday, eliminates the ability of county canvassers to investigate fraud during recounts, and limits the basis for requesting a recount to errors that could sway the outcome...

A crazed movie-star, a drunk and a guy who stole your health insurance walk into a bar...-----Clooney, Pelosi, and... Obama??? Maybe Biden Is Being Pushed Out After All STEPHEN GREEN

"This is a fast-moving game where everything can change in a hurry," I wrote for the very first Biden Campaign Collapse Tracker a week ago today...
  • It seems like a month ago, dear reader, that I was assuring you that "the issue isn't whether desperate Democrats can push Biden aside because they can't," but it was only [checks watch] earlier this morning.
  • But there is one Democrat who might still have enough clout to dislodge even DOCTOR Jill "Hail to the Chick" Biden that she and Presidentish Joe have got to go.
  • I'm referring, of course, to the Sainted One, the Democrats' own Black Jesus, the one man who transcends race and gender and petty politics... the one and only Barack Obama (PBUH)...

Project 25 terrifies them, that’s because it strikes at the very root of their malignant networks

Is Trump’s distancing from it strategic or an error? JUPPLANDIA
  • Project 25 has been in the news cycle, and it has Democrats terrified. 
  • Across the legacy media, rippling even to the shores of Britain, startled globalists, leftists and ‘mainstream’ respectable types have been howling about how dangerous and wicked Project 25 is. 
  • Progressives are horrified by the idea that the Right might actually have an agenda...

Biden's DHS Offers 'Temporary' Amnesty to 4,000 Yemeni Nationals in U.S.

Biden's DHS Offers 'Temporary' Amnesty to 4,000 Yemeni Nationals in U.S.

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has extended and redesignated a so-called “temporary” amnesty to 4,000 Yemeni nationals living in the United States, ensuring they are not deported and can hold American jobs.

The Truth About the French Election

On this date 70-years ago in 1954, there was coast-to-coast heat!

...(contrary to what the media wants you to think), but this was quite common prior to 1960, particularly during the 1930s and 1950s. - Chris Martz Weather 
It was ≥95° in a total of 37 states and 28 of those states were also ≥100°.
• 95° in New Jersey and Wisconsin
• 96° in Minnesota
• 97° in Oregon and Washington
• 98° in Delaware and Wyoming
• 99° in Utah and West Virginia
• 100° in Florida, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico and Ohio
• 101° in Idaho, Iowa and Pennsylvania
• 102° in Louisiana and Virginia
• 103° in Alabama, Colorado, Kentucky, Mississippi, Oklahoma and South Carolina
• 104° in Arizona, North Carolina and Tennessee
• 105° in Arkansas, Georgia, Kansas and Texas
• 106° in Indiana, Missouri and Nebraska
• 108° in Illinois
• 109° in California
We don't get heat this intense over this large of an area very often these days in the U.S. (contrary to what the media wants you to think), but this was quite common prior to 1960, particularly during the 1930s and 1950s.

Lunch video-----Media Lying About Heatwaves



'Sleeper cells in almost every American urban area' | WND | by J.M. Phelps

'Sleeper cells in almost every American urban area' | WND | by J.M. Phelps

Every day, prominent voices sound an ever-more-urgent alarm over the Biden administration's border policies and the multiple threats to the nation's security they are causing. * In late June, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas concerned about the poor vetting procedures of Afghans by the Biden administration.