Saturday, July 13, 2024

What Obama chose not to do about George Clooney's essay speaks louder than any words could: 'Eye-popping revelation' | Blaze Media

What Obama chose not to do about George Clooney's essay speaks louder than any words could: 'Eye-popping revelation' | Blaze Media

"While Obama did not encourage or advise Clooney to say what he said, he also didn’t object to it, we’re told from people familiar with their exchange," Politico reported.

"The lack of pushback is an eye-popping revelation," Politico explained, because Obama is one of Biden's chief defenders — at least in public. Obama even defended Biden after his disastrous debate performance last month, advancing the White House talking point that Biden simply experienced a "bad night."

Buying votes (and payback $$) with your money!-----Biden Admin Announces $1.7 Billion to Modernize Auto Manufacturing Facilities | The Epoch Times

Eleven plants will receive grants to retrofit and produce electric vehicles. - Andrew Moran
  • The federal government is spending $1.7 billion to modernize automobile manufacturing facilities, helping the industry compete with foreign subsidies and create and protect jobs.
  • As part of the Automotive Community Benefits Plan, the current administration will extend grants to 11 selected manufacturing plants in eight states, including in Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, that have temporarily closed or were at risk of closing.
  • Federal funding, which will come from the Inflation Reduction Act, will be dedicated to retrofitting factories, installing equipment, and bolstering annual production...

AM Fruitcake


History for July 13

History for July 13 - 
Jack Kemp 1935
  • 1099 - The Crusaders launched their final assault on Muslims in Jerusalem.
  • 1585 - A group of 108 English colonists, led by Sir Richard Grenville, reached Roanoke Island, NC.
  • 1754 - At the beginning of the French and Indian War, George Washington surrendered the small, circular Fort Necessity in southwestern Pennsylvania to the French.
  • 1863 - Opponents of the Civil War draft began three days of rioting in New York City, which resulted in more than 1,000 casualties.
  • 1972 - Carroll Rosenbloom (owner of the Baltimore Colts) and Robert Irsay (owner of the Los Angeles Rams) traded teams.
  • 1978 - Lee Iacocca was fired as president of Ford Motor Co. by chairman Henry Ford II.

Friday, July 12, 2024

'Sadistic abuse': Biden loses shocking number of kids in trafficking schemes | WND | by Bob Unruh

'Sadistic abuse': Biden loses shocking number of kids in trafficking schemes | WND | by Bob Unruh

But whistleblowers now are revealing the catastrophe that has developed for migrant children is much, much worse than "cages" with Biden in the Oval Office. Under his open borders policies, some 85,000 children have gone missing.

The way we were-----Defunctland: The History of the 1964 New York World's Fair

3 Car Brands That are Crap

Seems pretty close to what too many American politicians are saying now!-----Canary Mission on X: "EXCLUSIVE! (Adolf's) reaction to Meta's new policy against using the word "Z**nist" as of hate speech against J*ws and Isr**l.

Canary Mission on X: "EXCLUSIVE! Hitler's reaction to Meta's new policy against using the word "Zionist" as of hate speech against Jews and Israel. WATCH" / X
EXCLUSIVE! Hitler's reaction to Meta's new policy against using the word "Zionist" as of hate speech against Jews and Israel. WATCH

Heed this warning!-----Victor Davis Hanson on the Illusion of Invincibility - American Thinker

Victor Davis Hanson on the Illusion of Invincibility - American Thinker - Terry Scambray
  • The warning comes in the form of a graphic depiction of the hideousness of war and the terrifying state of those who suffer ignominious defeat.
  • However different the four societies described in the book were, be they Thebans, Carthaginians, Byzantines, or Aztecs, each was blinded by the illusion of invincibility. 
  •  Hanson shows that such an illusion is so persistent that even as the conquered were being slaughtered, they continued to think: “It cannot happen here.”...

'Fighting pure evil': Hostage families rip Biden for ignoring U.S. citizens | WND | by David Brummer

'Fighting pure evil': Hostage families rip Biden for ignoring U.S. citizens | WND | by David Brummer

Leshem-Gonen concluded, "This is also the responsibility of the international community. Everyone is tied to everybody else. Where is the U.S. president? There are eight U.S. citizens held, and they don't seem to be doing very much. As the civilians of Israel, we have to make sure our leadership will do what we need them to do."

Oil Prices Slump as Israel Gaza Conflict Ease

A Kalamazoo man fled from officers. The state Supreme Court said he had the right to.

A Kalamazoo man fled from officers. The state Supreme Court said he had the right to.
  • Kalamazoo police officers approached Douglas Prude on May 30, 2019, as he was sitting alone in his car with the engine off in the parking lot of Fox Ridge Apartments, a complex that police patrolled regularly because of frequent reports of criminal activity, according to court documents...
  • He didn’t give his name, but one of the officers knew who he was.
  • When Deleeuw went to check an apartment complex database to see if Prude had been warned about trespassing there in past, Prude asked the other officer, Nathan Belen, whether he was being detained. Belen said he was.
  • Prude started his car. He drove away, fast. 
  • He was caught, charged and convicted by a jury Kalamazoo County...

Lunch video-----Oregon Anarchists Claim Responsibility for Torching 15 Police Cars in Pl...


Biden biographer exposes the 'red flag' he saw inside Biden's White House: 'I'd never heard of that before' | Blaze Media

Biden biographer exposes the 'red flag' he saw inside Biden's White House: 'I'd never heard of that before' | Blaze Media

"The thing to understand here is that the DNA of this White House is controlling the narrative. And I can tell you, having written a book about it, that this White House is the most battened down, buttoned up, scripted White House in modern history," he alleged.

Not only does the White House control its narrative, but access to Biden is tightly supervised — even for his biographer.

Half the country!


Statewide Temperature Extremes

Highest Temperatures Recorded in Each U.S. State and Territory

The "evil"...PROJECT 2025!


The real enemies of children and parents!-----Chicago Teachers Union fails to turn $68K per student into even 1 academic win

Chicago Teachers Union fails to turn $68K per student into even 1 academic win - Hannah Schmid
  • None were proficient on the SAT.
  • The Chicago Teachers Union wants to add at least eight staffers there and at every other school in the district at a cost of $1.7 billion.
  • Only 35 students enrolled in Douglass Academy High School for the 2023-2024 school year, but the building can hold over 900 students.
  • Logic would say it should be closed, but the Chicago Teachers Union prohibits closing it and other underused schools. In fact, CTU sees the 23 staffers at Douglass as inadequate...

#1 This day 1979-----Donna Summer ~ Bad Girls

Who enabled Biden? A case study - Washington Examiner

Who enabled Biden? A case study - Washington Examiner - Byron York
On June 4, the Wall Street Journal published a story headlined, “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping.”...
  • The Wall Street Journal described a January White House meeting with congressional leaders on Ukraine policy in which Biden “spoke so softly at times that some participants struggled to hear him, according to five people familiar with the meeting. 
  • He read from notes to make obvious points, paused for extended periods and sometimes closed his eyes for so long that some in the room wondered whether he had tuned out.”...
White House and Democratic pushback was furious. Biden is as sharp as ever, Democrats said. The article was a hit piece based on Republicans who were playing partisan politics...

As the country is being totally destroyed. We gonna have to pay to fix it too?

Following Blaze Originals documentary, senators from both parties reach deal to ban congressional stock trading | Blaze Media

Following Blaze Originals documentary, senators from both parties reach deal to ban congressional stock trading | Blaze Media

Their plan is called the ETHICS Act, and if passed, it would prevent members of Congress from buying or selling stock or similar investments beginning 90 days after the bill is signed into law. It would further prohibit congressional spouses and other members of their immediate family from purchasing stocks as of March 2027. Violations of the law would result in a fine of either a month's salary or 10% of each asset's value, whichever is greater.

Cold War heats up?-----Chinese Spying Facilities In Cuba Signal America's New Cold War

China has likely upgraded and expanded its spying facilities in Cuba, posing potentially severe implications for the U.S. - HELEN RALEIGH
  • The report not only confirms that a Cold War between China and the U.S. has already started, but also raises new concerns that China may be aiming to bring it to America’s doorstep, posing potentially severe and grave implications for the U.S....
  • China had secretly agreed to pay cash-strapped Cuba several billion dollars to establish a Chinese electronic eavesdropping facility on the island.
  • Probably not wanting the news to disrupt the Biden administration’s détente approach to Beijing, the White House initially insisted that the Journal’s report was inaccurate. Yet, two days later, a U.S. official confirmed that China had a spy base in Cuba since at least 2019. 

AM Fruitcake

History for July 12

History for July 12 -
Milton Berle 1908 - Actor
  • 1543 - England's King Henry VIII married his sixth and last wife, Catherine Parr.
  • 1862 - The U.S. Congress authorized the Medal of Honor.
  • 1870 - The first rotary can opener with a cutting wheel was patented by William W. Lyman.
  • 1954 - U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower proposed a highway modernization program, with costs to be shared by federal and state governments.
  • 1957 - The U.S. surgeon general, Leroy E. Burney, reported that there was a direct link between smoking and lung cancer.
  • 1982 - The last of the distinctive-looking Checker taxicabs rolled off the assembly line in Kalamazoo, MI.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Joe Biden Vows to Block Bill Requiring Proof of U.S. Citizenship to Vote

Joe Biden Vows to Block Bill Requiring Proof of U.S. Citizenship to Vote

President Joe Biden is seemingly vowing to block legislation, known as the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, that would require proof of American citizenship before an applicant is registered to vote in federal elections.

The way we were-----New York's Lost Monorail

"Jordan Peterson: Something HUGE is Going Down in Europe..."

We Haven’t Seen A “Historic Surge” Of Corporate Bankruptcies Like This Since The Great Recession MICHAEL SNYDER

Unfortunately, there are signs that things will soon get even worse
We continue to get numbers that indicate that the U.S. economy is steamrolling in the wrong direction as we approach the most chaotic election season in our history...
  • Homelessness has been growing at the fastest pace ever recorded, hunger and poverty are exploding, and we are in the midst of a cost of living crisis that doesn’t seem to have any end in sight. 
Unfortunately, there are signs that things will soon get even worse. 
For example, we experienced a “historic surge” of corporate bankruptcies during the first half of this year that was worse than anything we have witnessed since the first half of 2010