Sunday, July 14, 2024


Here's the link to the removed post:

How many times can you describe someone as an existential threat before this happens

They don’t want you to recognize that when you call someone a threat over and over again, someone is going to figure that killing them is self-defense. - TOM KNIGHTON 
  • On Friday, I noted how many of the Democrats describing former President Donald Trump may describe him as an “existential threat to democracy” but they clearly don’t believe that.
  • Yet not everyone out there disbelieves it. That’s always been clear, but less than an hour and a half ago, as I write this, we can see the damage caused by their hyperbole...

#1 This day 1956-----Gogi Grant The Wayward Wind

MUST SEE VIDEO!!--"...plausible intentional overlook of rooftop is more likely with CA team assignments given by SS.

Must see video of interview here, with someone who saw the shooter. click link
And this:
Clarice Feldman @JamesOKeefeIII
DEVELOPING…Shooter found dead on rooftop with vantage point to stage.
  • Secret Service tasks counter assault teams to cover ALL vantage points — rooftops most obvious.
  • Counter assault teams are outsourced professionals. 
  • Unlikely they make these mistakes, even “B” team tasked to cover Trump.
  • Glaring error or intentional overlook. 
  • Confirmed with former CA team organizer and trainer.
  • While massive errors are possible, plausible intentional overlook of rooftop is more likely with CA team assignments given by SS. 
  • Who makes those possible? 
  • Deep State Intel Community?
Signal in bio… @OKeefeMedia

The enemy of honest elections is the democrat party!


Pro-life groups slap back at 'terrorist' designation from Fort Liberty | Blaze Media

Pro-life groups slap back at 'terrorist' designation from Fort Liberty | Blaze Media

“The DOD has pegged us as domestic terrorists for a long time,” Miller told Blaze News. “Pro-lifers in general have been listed as domestic terrorists by the Obama administration. There was a small blip with [President Donald] Trump in there, but now with [President Joe] Biden, they’re back to the same old game.”

They knew the risk level was high!-----Report: Trump recently denied extra secret service protection

Report: Trump recently denied extra secret service protection - DAVE BONDY
  • WASHINGTON D.C. - A source familiar with Trump’s security detail tells the Federalist that the former and future president’s detail has been requesting enhanced protection and additional resources for weeks, but these requests have repeatedly been denied by Biden’s DHS.
  • DHS, which oversees the Secret Service protective detail, “wasn’t responsive to those requests” for more resources, according to the source.

AM Fruitcake


History for July 14

History for July 14 - 
Gerald Rudolph Ford (U.S.) 1913
  • 1430 - Joan of Arc, taken prisoner by the Burgundians in May, was handed over to Pierre Cauchon, the bishop of Beauvais.
  • 1789 - French Revolution began with Parisians stormed the Bastille prison and released the seven prisoners inside.
  • 1798 - The U.S. Congress passed the Sedition Act. The act made it a federal crime to write, publish, or utter false or malicious statements about the U.S. government.
  • 1868 - Alvin J. Fellows patented the tape measure.
  • 1933 - All German political parties except the Nazi Party were outlawed.
  • 1946 - Dr. Benjamin Spock’s "The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care" was first published.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

BREAKING: Trump Shot at During Pennsylvania Rally, Left Bloody as Secret Service Rush to Protect Him

BREAKING: Trump Shot at During Pennsylvania Rally, Left Bloody as Secret Service Rush to Protect Him

The Secret Service released the following statement: “An incident occurred the evening of July 13 at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania. The Secret Service has implemented protective measures and the former President is safe. This is now an active Secret Service investigation and further information will be released when available.”

James David Dickson - It’s not shocking that someone did what Democrats have openly suggested someone should do for months.

(21) Elon Musk on X: "I fully endorse President Trump and hope for his rapid recovery" / X

23 Unscreened Migrants Found as Stowaways on Train near Border in Texas

23 Unscreened Migrants Found as Stowaways on Train near Border in Texas

Border Patrol agents at the Falfurrias Checkpoint in Brooks County identified the migrants as citizens of Mexico and El Salvador. The migrants illegally entered the U.S. without inspection before being found nearly 80 miles inland from the border region. Border Patrol agents took custody of the four migrants.

The way we were-----New York's Lost Monorail

Fighting Climate Misinformation

"The Washington Post propagates huge amounts of climate misinformation, under the guise of fighting it.

Maybe cuz the media doesn't want us to know the TRUTH?!!



Ah, the state of Illinois, a beacon of liberal absurdity and progressive pandering, has once again decided to outdo itself in the grand theater of political correctness.
The latest spectacle? 
  • A bill that seeks to replace the term “offender” with the laughably euphemistic “justice-impacted individual.” 
State Representative Carol Ammons, a Democrat, naturally, is the proud architect of this linguistic contortion...

IDF releases findings on why Oct. 7 mass slaughter wasn't stopped | WND | by David Brummer

IDF releases findings on why Oct. 7 mass slaughter wasn't stopped | WND | by David Brummer

There are some 40 additional military probes in various stages of completion. The army hopes to have them all published by August. One of these investigations is reviewing the IDF's conduct and conception of operational procedure stretching back to the March 2018 Hamas-led border riots. Its findings are considered key.

PROF: RYSZARD LEGUTKO: "Two minutes of truth, of bitter truth"...

""Madam President, Prime Ministers. 
Two minutes of truth, of bitter truth. 
And the bitter truth is that the European Parliament has done a lot of damage in Europe
It has been sending a false message it represents the European demos. 
There isn’t, and there won’t be any European demos. (European demos is about whether there is a collective identity or sense of belonging among the citizens of different EU member states.)
The Parliament infected Europe with shameless partisanship and the infection became so contagious that it spread to other institutions such as the European Commission...

Lying leftists count gangbangers as "children"-----Fact Check: Biden Claims Bullets the No. 1 Killer of Children

Fact Check: Biden Claims ‘More Childen Are Killed by a Bullet Than Any Other Cause of Death’ - 
  • VERDICT: False, This is a regurgitation of an ongoing, false, leftist claim that guns are the number-one killer of children. Via fact checks, Breitbart News has shown again and again that in making this claim, the left counts people of voting age — ages 18 and 19 — as children.
Breitbart showed that if a custom search is done on the CDC numbers so that you are limiting the category of “children” to those 0-17 (i.e. those below voting age) then the data completely flips.
The number of firearm-related deaths for children aged 0-17 was 2,281 in 2020, while the number of motor vehicle deaths for the same ages was 2,503...

Lunch video-----Milton Friedman - Only Government Creates Inflation



Fort Liberty responds after briefing to soldiers labeled pro-life movement as terrorists | Blaze Media

Fort Liberty responds after briefing to soldiers labeled pro-life movement as terrorists | Blaze Media

Fort Liberty issued a statement after getting backlash online when it was revealed the pro-life movement was labeled as a terrorist movement as part of a briefing to soldiers. First reported by X user @samosaur, the slide in question clearly states organizations such as National Right to Life are "terrorist groups."

Our schools are nothing less than child abuse!


Biden Threat ‘To Put Trump in a Bullseye’ Met With Shrugs, in Contrast With Firestorm Over Palin ‘Crosshairs’

Will Biden be accused of advocating violence the way, say, the Alert Alaskan was condemned for inspiring an attempt on a congresswoman’s life? - DEAN KARAYANIS
  • “It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,” President Biden is heard telling supporters in a recent conversation. 
  • Will he be accused of advocating violence the way, say, Governor Palin of Alaska was accused of inspiring an attempt on a congresswoman’s life?
  • On Monday, in a donors-only call given to Politico, Mr. Biden said he wanted to “move forward” and was “done talking about the debate.”...

After George Clooney dumped Joe Biden, Trump posted this 🤣 Ian Haworth

Trump is a beast on social media, and we all love to see it. And after news broke that George Clooney was dumping Biden, he's done it again.
This was after Democrat mega-fundraiser, George Clooney, took to The New York Times to publicly break up with Biden, in an op-ed titled, "I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee."..

Yet so many revel in their ignorance.


JIM TREACHER: At Least Biden Won’t Remember What Happened This Week.

Later he tried to explain what happened, which was even more baffling:

I’ll do my best to transcribe this gibberish:
“And the moo, the Putin piece, I was talking about Putin, and I said, ‘And now,’ at the very end, I said, ‘Here,’ I mean ‘Putin,’ I said, ‘Uh, no, I’m sorry, Zelenskyy.’ [DISCONCERTINGLY LONG PAUSE] And then I added five other names. Look, guys. The idea, anybody suggests that, that… we haven’t had an incredibly successful conference. How many times did you hear in that conference, I don’t, it sounds too self-serving, but other leaders, heads of state, in thanking me, saying, ‘The reason we’re together is because of Biden. Because Biden did the following.’ Look, folks. This is, uh… Well. Anyway.”
Well anyway indeed. Actually, that would be a great campaign slogan:
* And videos of reaction shots as well: Here’s Blinken, Austin and Sullivan Reacting to Biden Praising ‘Vice President Trump’ During Presser.

#1 This day 1969-----Zager And Evans - In The Year 2525 (Exordium & Terminus) (1969)

I saw something the other day, cannot remember who said it, but it struck me as being 100% true.

They said that while conservatives know everything about the left, the left literally knows nothing about conservatives. - Michael Smith
  • The right wing knows everything about the left's environment - what they are saying, doing and what the outcomes are. We do not care where the information comes from, we look at it.
  • The left knows nothing about conservatives, conservativism or literally anything that is not part of the leftist biosphere. The example of them not knowing about Biden's deteriorating mental condition because they treated it as a right-wing conspiracy and just did not investigate it is one example, but there are many more...

He may be president for 6 more months!