Friday, July 19, 2024

'An absolute country-killer': Navy commander: Biden's 'weaponized mass migration' about to explode * WorldNetDaily * by J.M. Phelps

'An absolute country-killer': Navy commander: Biden's 'weaponized mass migration' about to explode * WorldNetDaily * by J.M. Phelps

"It's an absolute country-killer, and the size of the human time bomb we've ingested, that we're all sitting on top of right now throughout the entire country, is gargantuan, and there's nothing to be done with it [from the Biden administration]," Furman pointed out. "These people aren't assimilating, and no one really knows where any of them are." Furman is greatly concerned "things could go kinetic" before November, and some of the people who slipped across the southern border will engage various targets around the United States. "Or it could definitely happen after the election, depending on who wins," he added.

3 Exercises to Help You Get Up Off the Floor (Ages 50+)

Why a Significant Amount of Democrats Think the Trump Assassination Attempt Was Staged

One in three registered Democrats believe it is "credible" that the shooting Saturday in Butler, Pa., was staged and not intended to kill Trump, according to a Morning Consult poll released Monday. - Matt Vespa
...(via Free Beacon):
  • A conspiracy theory has run unabated in Democratic circles following the assassination attempt against former president Donald Trump on Saturday. It posits that Trump staged the shooting for a photo op, that the wound on his ear was caused by something other than an assassin's bullet, and that he was never in mortal danger...
  • The poll showed that 34 percent of Democratic voters found it either definitely or probably credible that Trump staged Saturday's shooting, with less than half—45 percent—saying the conspiracy theory is not credible...



Exactly how did the would-be assassin get so close to Trump? | Blaze Media

Exactly how did the would-be assassin get so close to Trump? | Blaze Media

How is it the Secret Service has a female bodyguard who doesn't even reach Trump's nipples? How was she going to guard the president's body with hers? How is it another female Secret Service agent pulled her gun out a good four minutes too late, then looked around, apparently not knowing what to do? She then couldn't even get the pistol back into the holster because she's a Melissa McCarthy body double. I don't think it's a good idea to have Melissa McCarthy guarding the president.

Here’s the critical question now: Who trusts the FBI with the shooter’s computer? Will his hard drive get filed with the Nashville manifesto? How is it that the Secret Service almost didn't have snipers at all but decided to supply them only one day before the rally because all the local resources were going to be put on Jill Biden? I want Jill Biden safe, of course. I want Jill Biden to have what the first lady should have for security, but you can’t hire a few extra guys to make sure our candidates are safe?

Very cool!


Not confirmed, but fully believable!-----NOT ALL HERO'S WEAR CAPES

Jonathan Willis made the critical decision to take down the assailant.
  • Following this brave action, Willis was detained by the FBI, interrogated, relieved of his duties, and ultimately dismissed for insubordination.

"Monster" J D Vance!


Watch 'em all!-----The 35 greatest war movies of all time – ranked

Heroism, acts of unimaginable brutality, rollicking action… The best war films ever made have all this and more -  Tom Fordy
6. Das Boot (1981)  
Wolfgang Petersen’s U-boat film is cold, cramped, and slow. It’s all by design, as Petersen documents life aboard German submarines in WWII – the tedium and mental strain – punctuated by moments of terror or excitement: rivet-bursting depth charges, or an Allied convoy in the distance...
5. The Longest Day (1962)  
The Longest Day was an attempt to tell the story of D-Day as it happened. Scene for scene, it remains cinema’s most accurate depiction, coming from the perspectives of the British, the Americans, the French, and the Germans – and shot by British, American, and German directors...
4. Paths of Glory (1957)  
Directed by Stanley Kubrick, Paths of Glory is a commanding, sumptuously shot morality tale – the story of three French soldiers who are sentenced to be shot for cowardice. The film is so vehemently anti-war that Hollywood studios were reluctant to make it...

#1 This day 1958-----Sheb Wooley - Purple People Eater (1958)

Not-so-silent COUP!-----James Woods on X: "I loathe Joseph Biden. He has been a cancer to our Republic for over half a century.

In what universe does Nancy Pelosi or any other swamp creature from the Democrat Party cesspool in Washington have the right to decide he must step down as president, simply because he is doing poorly in the polls? ... - James Woods @RealJamesWoods
...we have processes in place by which our leaders are likewise removed from office. 
  • Democrats have consistently abused those processes in their unabashed ongoing coup against President Trump, while he was in office, and now that he is running for office once again. 
  • As painful as it is to say this, I believe the effort to remove Joseph Biden from office without due process of the law is literally a coup against the sitting president and must be fought against as vigorously as we would fight against the coup of a president we love...

"...dangerous for media organizations..."??!!

Keen observers noticed a major change in the makeup of Trump's Secret Service detail | Blaze Media

Keen observers noticed a major change in the makeup of Trump's Secret Service detail | Blaze Media

"Look, I'm not sure about who the individuals are on the individual detail of the Secret Service, but I can tell you under this Biden administration, the one thing I've seen is massive DEI hires," Republican Rep. Cory Mills (Fla.), a former U.S. Army sniper, told Fox News on Sunday. "And I can tell you, when you primarily go after DEI, you end up with D-I-E."

Former FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker told the New York Post, "The women I saw up there with the president — they looked like they were running in circles. One didn’t know how to holster, the other one didn’t seem to know what to do, and another one seemed not to be able to find her holster. DEI is one thing. Competence and effectiveness is another, and I saw DEI out there."

Investigating themselves??!!-----HS Opens Investigation into Secret Service Failure at Trump Rally | National Review

The objective of the probe is to “Evaluate the United States Secret Service’s (Secret Service) process for securing former President Trump’s July 13, 2024 campaign event,” 
  • No specific date was given for when the investigation was launched.
  • The newly launched investigation comes after President Joe Biden had directed the Secret Service to conduct an independent review of its security lapses at the rally in Butler, Pa.
  • The House Homeland Security Committee has also invited Cheatle, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and FBI director Christopher Wray to testify at a public hearing next Tuesday...

AM Fruitcake


History for July 19

History for July 19 -
George McGovern 1922
  • 1799 - The Rosetta Stone, a tablet with hieroglyphic translations into Greek, was found in Egypt.
  • 1870 - France declared war on Prussia.
  • 1939 - Dr. Roy P. Scholz became the first surgeon to use fiberglass sutures.
  • 1971 - In New York, the topping out ceremony for Two World Trade Center (South Tower) took place. The ceremony for One World Trade Center had taken place on December 23, 1970.
  • 1982 - The U.S. Census Bureau reported that 14% of the population had an income below the official poverty level in 1981.
  • 1985 - Christa McAuliffe of New Hampshire was chosen to be the first schoolteacher to ride aboard the space shuttle. She died with six others when the Challenger exploded the following year.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Black Republican Delegates Hold First-ever Meeting at RNC: 'This Movement Cannot Be Stopped'

Black Republican Delegates Hold First-ever Meeting at RNC: 'This Movement Cannot Be Stopped'

Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT) described the meeting as the fulfillment of a vision that he had ever since leaving the NFL in 1983. Thanks to the growth of the conservative movement among black voters, he said, black conservatives now had hope of rescuing black communities from Marxism, communism, and left-wing policies.

The way we were-----Norway's WWII "Paperclip Resistance."

Rapidly Rising Sea Level

"A look at how government agencies rewrite history to keep their sea level scam alive.

BIG news!---BABYLONBEE.COM New White House Doctor Sadly Informs Biden Only Cure For COVID Is Euthanasia

Washington sources report that the White House received "a real downer of a prognosis" yesterday - 

Clarice Feldman

New White House Doctor Sadly Informs Biden Only Cure For COVID Is Euthanasia
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Washington sources report that the White House received "a real downer of a prognosis" yesterday after Dr. Pillary Schminton informed President Biden that the only known cure for COVID is euthanasia.

What Is the End Goal of Education? - Intellectual Takeout

In the 1913 Elementary Course of Study, published by the State of Kentucky, the introduction to the second chapter states that “The highest function of the school is character building.”  - Anna Mathews
Below are words of advice and wisdom on this subject and its application to public education.
1. “Order is a habit and habits are formed by repetition. Train your students to walk quietly, to speak softly, to be gentle. In all the rooms, the same regulations as to seating, water, leaving and entering the room, recitations, etc., should prevail to the end that right habits be formed, and when formed, that they be not changed.”
2. “Good discipline is righteous self-regulation. Students should learn to govern themselves. From the first grade through the High School, the teachers should magnify the reign of self-control. Good citizenship is the end of school life.”
3. “That teacher fails grievously who does not help her pupils to see that hateful words, unkind acts, and untruthful statements injure, to an alarming extent, those who indulge in these vices.”...

Watch: New Visualization Shows How Close Trump Was to Losing His Life During Assassination Attempt

Watch: New Visualization Shows How Close Trump Was to Losing His Life During Assassination Attempt

Had it not been for that tilt to the left as he glanced to the right, the dotted line shows, the deadly trajectory would have sent the bullet through Trump’s right temple and out the back of his head.

There was some discussion in the comments to that post, debating whether Trump’s ear was hit by two bullets before he ducked as a third whizzed by. The audio that accompanied the video did indeed appear to include three distinct pops, with two dotted lines intersecting with Trump’s ear and a third passing by it as the head moved away.

These Police Will Arrest You for Drunk Driving If You Blow 0.00

Proudly spoken!-----DHS Opens Investigation into Secret Service Failure at Trump Rally | National Review

DHS Opens Investigation into Secret Service Failure at Trump Rally | National Review
To explain how her agency failed to secure the rooftop where the shooter positioned himself, the embattled Secret Service director said in an ABC News interview on Monday that the building “has a sloped roof, at its highest point,” citing safety concerns for the agents.
“And so, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,” she said. 
“And so, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside.”

Lunch video-----This is Getting Ridiculous



Secret Service director: Shooter's roof was too sloped to secure Trump rally * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

Secret Service director: Shooter's roof was too sloped to secure Trump rally * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh:

So how was a 20-year-old able to get within firing range of Trump while the Secret Service agents were supposed to be securing the location, and local police were helping.

"Diversity," the commentary charged, "has not managed to save a single person under the Secret Service's protection, at least that we know about, which makes the prominence given to that word just a little bit odd. And the fact that it makes it look like Cheatle was a diversity hire isn't her only issue…"

It's clear!


In Trump, I See a Combat Leader | The Free Press

When I led Marines in battle, I never showed my fear. Faced with gunfire, the former president had the same instinct. - Elliot Ackerman
When I led raids as a Marine Corps officer in Iraq and Afghanistan, I used to move around the objective with my hands in my pockets. 
I did this to show the Marines that I wasn’t afraid—even if I was. 
  • Acting calm in a firefight wasn’t always easy, but it’s what a combat leader does. 
  • Whatever you think of Trump, he proved himself to be a combat leader on Saturday...


The 29° being reported today doesn't seem that hot compared to 37.2° in 1937 or 35.6 in 1924

  • So as the news sources and "experts" are trying to scare us into believing that these temperatures are hotter than previous years.... 
  • Let's take a look at the temperatures in Edmonton from years past.
  • The 29° being reported today doesn't seem that hot compared to 37.2° in 1937 or 35.6 in 1924
  • Before allowing the main stream news to create a weather panic .... 
  • Use some common sense instead.