Sunday, July 21, 2024

Many different billboards in Grand Rapids MI. Smart marketing when hate is all you've got left.---- Democratic party buys billboards in Grand Rapids area as Trump holds rally

Democratic party buys billboards in Grand Rapids area as Trump holds rally

AM Fruitcake


History for July 21

History for July 21 - 
Ernest Hemingway 1899 - Author, journalist
  • 1861 - The first major battle of the U.S. Civil War began. It was the Battle of Bull Run at Manassas Junction, VA. The Confederates won the battle.
  • 1925 - The "Monkey Trial" ended in Dayton, TN. John T. Scopes was convicted and fined $100 for violating the state prohibition on teaching Darwin's theory of evolution.
  • 1940 - Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia were annexed by the Soviet Union.
  • 1944 - American forces landed on Guam during World War II.
  • 1949 - The U.S. Senate ratified the North Atlantic Treaty. NATO
  • 1980 - Draft registration began in the United States for 19 and 20-year-old men.
  • 2004 - White House officials were briefed on the September 11 commission's final report. The 575-page report concluded that hijackers exploited "deep institutional failings within our government." The report was released to the public the next day.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Secret Service Failure Gets Even More Embarrassing, Let Tree Disrupt Them from Saving Trump: Report

Secret Service Failure Gets Even More Embarrassing, Let Tree Disrupt Them from Saving Trump: Report

On Wednesday, Republican Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming confirmed that Crooks had caught the attention of law enforcement more than an hour before he wounded Trump, killed one attendee and wounded two other people, according to Fox News

The way we were-----Neil Armstrong - First Moon Landing 1969

How Romania Defeated Communism

Instapundit - This question is going to trail Democrats for the entire general election season

Republicans keep trying to make Biden’s mental capacity an issue. —CNN’s Chris Cillizza, August 19th, 2021. - JULY 19, 2024

Majority of Democrats think Kamala Harris would make a good president, AP-NORC poll shows -

A new poll from the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that about 6 in 10 Democrats believe Kamala Harris would do a good job in the top slot.
  • As for Americans more broadly, they are more skeptical of how Harris would perform in the Oval Office. Only about 3 in 10 U.S. adults overall say Harris would do well as president. About half say Harris would not do a good job in the role, and 2 in 10 say they don’t know enough to say.
  • Harris’ favorability rating is similar to Biden’s, but the share of Americans who have an unfavorable opinion of her is somewhat lower. The poll showed that about 4 in 10 U.S. adults have a favorable opinion of Harris, while about half have an unfavorable opinion...

LEGENDARY companies make shocking anti-woke changes | Blaze Media

LEGENDARY companies make shocking anti-woke changes | Blaze Media

“It’s not just individual people waking up now. Massive corporations, many of whom have been the prime drivers of this woke nonsense, they’re waking up too,” Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” explains.

One of those companies is Microsoft, which has just laid off its entire DEI team.

Where Did All the Rioters Go in Milwaukee? | TIPPING POINT 🟧

No Sh*t: "A Loose Security Event" - by Mark Wauck

Yeah, it was planned that way.  - MARK WAUCK
Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., wrote on X Friday that “whistleblowers tell me that MOST of Trump’s security detail working the event last Saturday were not even Secret Service...
“Whistleblowers who have direct knowledge of the event have approached my office. 
  • According to the allegations, the July 13 rally was considered to be a ‘loose’ security event. 
  • For example, detection canines were not used to monitor entry and detect threats in the usual manner,” Hawley wrote. 
  • “Individuals without proper designations were able to gain access to backstage areas. 
  • Department personnel did not appropriately police the security buffer around the podium and 
  • were also not stationed at regular intervals around the event’s security perimeter.”
  • “In addition, whistleblower allegations suggest the majority of DHS officials were not in fact USSS agents but instead drawn from the department’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). This is especially concerning given that HSI agents were unfamiliar with standard protocols typically used at these types of events, according to the allegations,” Hawley also said.

Lunch video-----European Parliament



Court rules in favor of election integrity law to require proof of citizenship in Arizona | Blaze Media

Court rules in favor of election integrity law to require proof of citizenship in Arizona | Blaze Media

Liberal groups sued to stop the bill that required proof of citizenship. The Arizona Republican Party declared victory after an appeals court ruled in favor of an election integrity law to ensure that only those who are citizens can turn in a voting ballot. Arizona House Bill 2492 required that new voters provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote with state forms to vote in presidential elections or in order to vote early by mail for any office.

Message sent!


"...also downplayed the incident..."-----Chinese Warships 'Pop-Up' Near U.S. After Russian Nuke Sub; Freedom Of Navigation Or Message To NATO?

The Arctic and northern Pacific have emerged as pivotal areas in the ongoing power struggle among global giants—China, Russia, and the United States. - Shubhangi Palve
  • Earlier this month, the United States Coast Guard reported an encounter involving several Chinese military ships and US Coast Guard vessels in the Bering Sea near Alaska...
  • Concurrently, a US Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak aircrew identified a fourth Chinese vessel about 84 miles (135 km) north of Amukta Pass.
  • In a statement, the United States Coast Guard downplayed the incident and said that all four Chinese ships were transiting international waters “in accordance with international rules and norms” but were within the US exclusive economic zone (EEZ), which extends 200 nautical miles (370 km) from the US coast.
  • The US had also downplayed the incident when the Russian nuclear submarine Kazan and other warships had docked a mere 90 miles off Florida.

Happening in USA too!


The eco-hysterics are lying to us!-----Storyline Attribution: “Just so…” stories about Weather Events - Kip Hansen

In the last decade or so, there has been an increasing effort to tie every strong or unusual weather event, no matter how local, to Global Climate Change.
  • This need arose from the inability of the IPCC and its thousands of contributors to actually find, “detect” is the word they use, the negative effects of Climate Change in the real world, despite over 40 years of endless dire predictions.
You may have seen this before, but I offer it as evidence of the above:

A few notes about AR6 WG1 Chapter 12 Table 12.12: 

1.  ONLY the middle column represents real information “Already Emerged In Historical Period”.  This means that the IPCC has failed to even to detect increases/decreases in all the other Climate Impact Drivers (see definition at end of essay) which have white boxes in that column...

2.  The darker colors in the Already Emerged  column indicate that the climate-impact driver has been detected with high confidence – but any numeral in the box is a caveat as to in what regions.  For instance, “Cold Spell” has been detected only in “Australia, Africa and most of Northern South America”.  Decreases in “Lake, river and sea ice” has been detected only for Arctic sea ice...

#1 This day 1960-----Brenda Lee - I'm Sorry

'At What Cost': Guard Chief Argues Border Mission Is Getting in the Way of Warfighting |

"There is no military training value for what we do,"
  • The reason the Guard exists is to fight and win our nation's wars, period," Gen. Daniel Hokanson, the National Guard's top officer, said in an interview with on Wednesday. "We can do stuff along the southwest border. But at the end of the day, that is [demands] on individuals not related to their military mission set."
  • "There is no military training value for what we do," he told lawmakers, referencing border missions and adding that the Guard's time would be better spent preparing for war and being available to respond to state emergencies.
  • For Hokanson, the issue is twofold. A border mission, even a shorter one that can span about a month, consumes a significant chunk of a part-time Guardsman's duty time in a given year. The border mission is mostly static security and surveillance, but troops typically are not allowed to interact directly with migrants or suspected smugglers. He also argues it adds yet another strain on the relationship between Guardsmen and their lives back home...



Trump critic Steve Deace just put Trump sign in front yard | Blaze Media

Trump critic Steve Deace just put Trump sign in front yard | Blaze Media

“The shooting crystallized something for me,” he says. “When Trump pumped the fist and said ‘fight,’ I frankly thought for the first time in a while that Donald Trump was talking to me — directly to me.”

Steve calls Trump’s call to fight as he was being escorted off stage with blood on his face “one of the most badass moments in American history” and “certainly the most iconic imagery since 9/11.”

Secret Service Chief Faces Mounting Pressure To Resign By Susan Crabtree

New allegations that Secret Service training resources were reallocated to “executive leadership bonuses” - Susan Crabtree @susancrabtree
...and DEI-prioritized recruitment are among the torrent of charges leveled against agency Director Kim Cheatle...
  • “This was an assassination attempt!” stormed Sen. Marsha Blackburn, a Tennessee Republican. “You owe the people answers. “You owe President Trump answers.”
  • A tight-lipped Cheatle continued to walk briskly away...
Allegations leveled against the Secret Service over the last 24 hours include:
  • A Secret Service special agent or officer was assigned to the building rooftop where Thomas Matthew Crooks fired off the shots but never showed up for work that day.
  • The explanation Cheatle provided for the unmanned rooftop – that she had placed agents and/or officers inside the building because the “slope” of the roof posted a physical danger – was nonsensical because there was a similar rooftop nearby where two counter snipers were positioned.
  • Four Secret Service snipers were present at the Pennsylvania rally, but only two of them were from the highly trained Secret Service ranks. The other two, who were responsible for firing the shots that killed Crooks, were local law enforcement officers...

AM Fruitcake

History for July 20

History for July 20 - 
1920 Elliot Richardson
  • 1868 - Legislation that ordered U.S. tax stamps to be placed on all cigarette packs was passed.
  • 1942 - The first detachment of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, (WACS) began basic training at Fort Des Moines, Iowa.
  • 1944 - An attempt by a group of German officials to assassinate Adolf Hitler failed. The bomb exploded at Hitler's Rastenburg headquarters. Hitler was only wounded.
  • 1969 - Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr. became the first men to walk on the moon.
  • 1982 - U.S. President Ronald Reagan pulled the U.S. out of comprehensive test ban negotiations indefinitely.
  • 1998 - Russia won a $11.2 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund to help avert the devaluation of its currency.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Biden on verge of Supreme action: 'Major initiative on limiting the court' * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

Biden on verge of Supreme action: 'Major initiative on limiting the court' * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

Reports explain he wants to interfere in the judiciary by demanding term limits for justices and imposing procedures where the executive or legislative branches could retaliate against justices for actions and opinions they dislike – under the guise of an "enforceable" code of ethics, actions considered to be aimed at undermining the independence of the judiciary.

The way we were-----19th July 1870: The Franco Prussian War begins


Every affected computer needs to be rebooted in fail mode and have a driver manually removed. - Instapundit

Instapundit - I don't think you guys fully grasp how big this is.


Every affected computer needs to be rebooted in fail mode and have a driver manually removed.

Most corporate computers given to employees don’t let users do this themselves. Even if they could, imagine every single double-digit IQ wagie trying to handle a moderately complex task when many don’t even know what a file is anymore.

I can’t stress enough the scale of this happening.

This should give you some indication of the scale:

The Real Threat to Democracy - by Michael Smith

Spoiler alert: It ain't Donald Trump, J.D. Vance, Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, Paul Manafort or the GOP.
  • The elitist leadership of the Democrat Party hates its regular members.
  • That is not unusual, every Bolshevik (and Bolshevik-Lite) revolution eventually gets to the point when the leaders of the revolt secure complete control by disappearing former allies who are judged to be insufficiently supporting those at the top of the totem pole and then begin bullying the rank and file by totally ignoring their wishes...
  • In 1940, down in Mexico, Leon Trotsky got an ice ax in the back for his disloyalty to Stalin.
  • Members of the Jackass Party may not be getting the business end of the ax, but they are most certainly getting the shaft...