Monday, July 29, 2024

Lunch video-----Olympics receive MASSIVE BACKLASH over opening ceremony



Poll: Americans blame Kamala for hiding Joe Biden's mental decline * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

Poll: Americans blame Kamala for hiding Joe Biden's mental decline * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

"And of that vast majority charging Harris, a former prosecutor, with being part of a conspiracy to defraud the American people about the octogenarian's obvious decline, most believe she knew a 'great deal' about Biden's issues — but chose not to say anything," the Post reported.

Twitchy confirmed, "That number is not a typo."

The polling showed 68% say she had ample knowledge of Biden's deterioration with 78% of Republicans and 73% of independents "believing the VP was central to the coverup."

Criminalizing freedom to protest!

Waging War on Modern Agriculture and Global Nutrition

Demands for organic or subsistence farming worldwide would devastate nature and nutrition - Watts Up With That? - Paul Driessen
  • The World Economic Forum says the world faces a new crisis, “One-third of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions come from food production.” 
  • With the world’s population expected to reach 10 billion people by 2050, it is therefore “urgent” that we launch a “radical” and “comprehensive” transformation of the global food system – from “reinventing” farming to “reimagining” how food is produced, processed, distributed, consumed and disposed of.
  • Reinforcing this message, Stop Ecocide Now founder Jojo Mehta expanded on Greta Thunberg’s incendiary 2020 rant that “our house is on fire and you’re fueling the flames.” Farming is a “serious crime,” equal to “genocide,Ms. Mehta told elites at the 2024 WEF meeting in Davos...

#1 Movie this week 1967-----Dirty Dozen (1967) Official Trailer

Whitmer’s Michigan: Great Lakes State ranked among ‘worst school systems in 2024’ Great Lakes State ranked 36th.

The WalletHub findings are not surprising, as Michigan’s educational rankings have been on a steady decline since Gov. Gretchen Whitmer took office in 2019
...“In addition, schools need to focus not just on test scores but also on making sure that students feel safe, comfortable and cared for.”...
  • Michigan’s overall ranking fell well behind DC’s 28th place finish, despite the city’s nation-leading dropout rate, second-lowest math test scores, and third lowest reading test scores.
  • As it stands now, only about 41.6% of third-graders are proficient in reading, a figure that’s at 16% for black third-graders, or more than 10% behind students still learning English at 26.4%, according to 2022 data.
  • A report in December from the governor’s own Growing Michigan Together Council found the state is “lagging behind” others with less than 33% of fourth- and eighth-grade students testing proficient in reading or math...

#1 This day 1980-----Olivia Newton-John - Magic

The U.S. Navy's Seawolf-Class Submarine Nightmare Is An Awful Reality

The U.S. Navy's Seawolf-Class Submarine Nightmare Is An Awful Reality
  • The U.S. Navy prioritized expensive Ford-class aircraft carriers over expanding the Seawolf fleet.
  • With just two operational Seawolf subs, the strategic advantage is limited, especially against rivals like China and Russia...
Rather than investing in the dynamic Seawolf class, the U.S. government opted instead to invest in the Navy’s lavishly funded...Ford-class aircraft carriers. 
For the same cost, at $3.5 billion per unit, the Navy could have built four more Seawolf-class submarines.
  • Because of the advent and refinement of the anti-access/area-denial capabilities of America’s main strategic rivals, all of the investment into new aircraft carriers is basically a waste. 
  • If China or Russia can seriously threaten the safety of American aircraft carriers, Washington will keep those assets far removed from any war zone, creating a hulking gap in its power-projection capabilities...

Not one!


Biden's abortion czar must not become America's abortion president | Blaze Media

Biden's abortion czar must not become America's abortion president | Blaze Media

Harris is a longtime ally of abortion giant Planned Parenthood, where pregnant women are sold an abortion 97% of the time rather than helped to keep their children or make an adoption plan, and where minors may be trafficked out of state for abortions while their parents are kept in the dark.

Meanwhile, Harris praises efforts to shut down more than 3,000 pregnancy resource centers nationwide that provide an emotional, physical, and financial lifeline to mothers facing unexpected pregnancies.

On the policy level, Harris’ support for abortion puts her among the most extreme American politicians. She was an original co-sponsor of Democrats’ nationwide, all-trimester abortion mandate, deceptively dubbed the “Women’s Health Protection Act.”

Burning "CLEAN" wood pellets shipped over the Atlantic from N. America!----British Green Energy Biomass Plant Hands £300 Million to Shareholders, then Demands More Subsidies Eric Worrall

‘A large part of profits come from public subsidies Drax is given by claiming that burning forests is good for the planet.’ …
  • The UK’s biggest wood burner is in talks with the Government over further handouts to cover funding its controversial biomass plant.
  • Despite whopping profits and a £300million share buyback...It has been handed more than £6billion of subsidies for the power station in Selby, North Yorkshire that generates more than 4 per cent of the UK’s electricity...
  • ‘A large part of profits come from public subsidies Drax is given by claiming that burning forests is good for the planet.’

AM Fruitcake


History for July 29

History for July 29 - 
Benito Mussolini 1883
  • 1773 - The first schoolhouse to be located west of the Allegheny Mountains was built in Schoenbrunn, OH.
  • 1786 - "The Pittsburgh Gazette" became the first newspaper west of the Alleghenies to be published. The paper's name was later changed to "The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette."
  • 1914 - The first transcontinental telephone service was inaugurated when two people held a conversation between New York, NY and San Francisco, CA.
  • 1958 - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was authorized by the U.S. Congress.
  • 1981 - England's Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer were married.
  • 1985 - General Motors announced that Spring Hill, TN, would be the home of the Saturn automobile assembly plant.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Dramatic video from would-be Trump assassin's roof perch fills in details of tragic shooting | Blaze Media

Dramatic video from would-be Trump assassin's roof perch fills in details of tragic shooting | Blaze Media

In other developments in the attempted assassination, U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) said, according to a whistleblower, the U.S. Secret Service “repeatedly” refused offers from a local law enforcement agency to have drone technology available to secure the site for the Trump rally.

“This means that the technology was both available to the USSS and able to be deployed to secure the sight,” Hawley wrote in a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. “Secret Service said no.”

The way we were-----Henry Flagler: The Man Who Built Florida

Olympics receive MASSIVE BACKLASH over opening ceremony

Jason Jacoby - The Oculus We've Stopped Counting Rubicons

During the last days of the Roman Republic, the country was fragmenting under the pressure of political infighting and corruption.
Big money began  to influence policy.
Julius  Caesar was an aristocrat with huge ambition  and popular  support. 
He was named governor  of a Province  of Gaul. 
He was summoned  home by the Senate. 
The Rubicon was a small river separating Rome proper from its provinces( territories). 
  • No general was allowed  to bring his army across the Rubicon as it was seen as a threat both figuratively  and politically  to the Republic. 
  • On January 10, 49 BC , Caesar in defiance of this norm and in defiance  of the Senate crossed the Rubicon  with his army...
  •  He gambled the Senate would cave in, which it did and he was declared dictator ( a position  only granted in emergency,  existing for the term of the emergency) for life.
  •  The Republic essentially was dead and Civil War erupted 5 years later with his assassination 
Our Republic has had norms and rules established  since our founding, both to limit  power and maintain social integrity.
Obama declared  his die is cast by declaring an era of fundamental  change.
The Rubicons  crossed  since then by the Democrats:

New study is garbage!-----Does the new study on face masks show they prevent respiratory illnesses?

A new randomised trial in The BMJ is being touted as proof that surgical face masks are effective at an individual level for reducing respiratory infections. - Maryanne Demasi, PhD
  • After a Cochrane review in 2023 found that face masks made “little or no difference” to the spread of respiratory viruses, the issue became highly politicised...
  • Then, in September 2023, former White House physician Anthony Fauci told CNN, “There’s no doubt that masks work.” Fauci said that while studies might show masks do not work at a population level, they do work “on an individual basis.”
Could this be true?
Well, a new study published in The BMJ is being touted as proof that face masks are effective at an individual level for reducing respiratory infections.
The study...
  • Over a 14-day period (between Feb-April 2023), 4647 participants were randomly assigned to either wear a surgical mask in public places (shopping centres, streets, public transport) or not to wear a surgical face mask in public places (control group).
  • The group wearing masks showed an absolute risk reduction of ~3 percent in “self-reported symptoms consistent with respiratory infection”...

'Left-wing domestic terrorism': Trump shooter used popular social site, appears to be pro-Biden * WorldNetDaily * by Joe Kovacs

'Left-wing domestic terrorism': Trump shooter used popular social site, appears to be pro-Biden * WorldNetDaily * by Joe Kovacs

Torba said Gab "has published the first evidence making it very apparent that Crooks was a left-wing partisan who hated President Trump's immigration policies – noting that the shooter fired on President Trump when he started talking about those same policies.

"This raises the possibility, for the first time, that his attempted assassination of President Trump was the latest instance of a wider pattern of left-wing domestic terrorism that has plagued our country since the summer of 2020."

Tucker Carlson : This is UNBELIEVABLE

Read all!-----Daniel Jupp - Communism is evil. Satanism is evil. The greediest... | Facebook

But this is how evil works.
A FB friend posted about not boycotting these games because they have young relatives who are Olympians and are (rightly) proud of their efforts.
But this is how evil works. 
  • It corrupts and taints good things and good people
  • It sidles alongside something worth while, and then says, well, if you want this….you have to accept me...

Lunch video-----Tulsi Gabbard rips Kamala Harris' record on criminal prosecutions


Kamala Harris supported group that bailed violent rioters out of jail in 2020, but media now obscuring that fact | Blaze Media

Kamala Harris supported group that bailed violent rioters out of jail in 2020, but media now obscuring that fact | Blaze Media

The nonprofit bailed out other violent criminals as well, including a man who committed murder weeks later. The mainstream media continues to gaslight Americans about the truth regarding Vice President Kamala Harris and her track record of supporting far-left causes. As Blaze News previously reported, many outlets have tried to say that Harris was never the designated border czar of the Biden administration, even though she tweeted in April 2021 that Biden had asked her "to lead our diplomatic work with Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras" and "to address the situation at the southern border."

Few seem upset at the murder and injuring of those at the rally. Why?-----Security Team Had Nearly an Hour to Cancel Trump Rally

...potentially clear the entire venue saving all lives from injury or death.

Dave McCormick on X: "Bob Casey just endorsed the most liberal nominee in U.S. history." / X

Why do this?

2014 Russian Olympics VS 2024 French Olympics- click link to see video!

How far have we fallen?
🇷🇺 2014 Russian Olympics VS 🇫🇷 2024 French Olympics

#1 This day 1979-----Donna Summer ~ Bad Girls