Wednesday, July 31, 2024

WATCH: FBI whistleblower exposes corruption at shady agency in NEW interview | Blaze Media

WATCH: FBI whistleblower exposes corruption at shady agency in NEW interview | Blaze Media

According to Steve Friend, a former FBI agent who’s now come forth as a whistleblower, the FBI won't produce a result in its Trump Assassination Attempt Probe because that's not the goal of the bureau.

“The FBI loves to hide behind ‘we can't reveal sources and methods,’

The way we were-----12 Things Gone FOREVER…1950s - Life in America

The Needle's Secrets

"Potential COLLAPSE"??!!


Explains much!


Alarming Report: X/Twitter Still Suppressing Conservatives, Boosting Leftists

Alarming Report: X/Twitter Still Suppressing Conservatives, Boosting Leftists

According to a remarkable and unnerving study by the Media Research Center, Musk’s oft-stated and apparently sincere desire to transform X into a bastion of free speech has produced no meaningful improvement in the platform’s algorithm, which amplifies elected leftists and throttles their conservative counterparts.

MRC credited Musk with having “made strides” toward free speech. But data collected by MRC researchers suggested that “remnants of the Old Twitter censorship regime” remain.

Newsom Pretends to Tackle Homelessness In Election Season Stunt

BIG news from NPR!-----The Kamala Harris coconut tree meme, explained as best we can : NPR

The Kamala Harris coconut tree meme, explained as best we can : NPR
In the weeks before President Biden announced he would not be seeking reelection, some Democrats online rallied behind Vice President Kamala Harris to become the party’s new nominee. 
And their symbol became the coconut tree...
  • So how did the coconut tree emerge as the emblem of Harris' most devoted, or at least most-online followers? 
  • It's a story more than a year in the making.
Why are we even talking about coconut trees?
The “coconut tree” meme originates from a May 2023 speech Harris gave at a White House event for advancing opportunities for Hispanic Americans...

Lunch video-----Hottest Day Ever

NASA claims July 22 was earth's hottest day on record. In this video I look at the junk science behind this idiotic propaganda.



'Braindead': Lawsuit seeks to prevent Kamala from running for president * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

'Braindead': Lawsuit seeks to prevent Kamala from running for president * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

A lawsuit has been filed in Florida asking that the secretary of state be told to remove the name of Kamala Harris from the 2024 presidential ballot and that preliminary and permanent injunctions be issued "enjoining defendant Harris from running."

Will Americans see the threat and vote for freedom??!!


As the media attacks the messenger!-----Smurfing At Work - DAVID STROM

You know that $200 million that has been raised for Kamala Harris through ActBlue?
I have every reason to believe that the money is real but that many or most of the contributors are fake because ActBlue is basically a money-laundering operation by the evidence.
Campaigns generally don't have to report smaller donations by individuals, but ActBlue does...
Only citizen journalists like James O'Keefe have looked into ActBlue, and because the left has stigmatized O'Keefe, the mainstream media is given permission to explore what he has discovered.

Dems new political campaign demonizes those they call "weird".


Holi $hitakki!-----Preparing Against Putin - Team Behind Joe Biden Announce Expanded Nuclear Weapon Deployment for UK and Europe - The Last Refuge

Now ask yourself what you think Vladimir Putin will do next - Sundance
You have to take this announcement in full context:
(1) Sanctions against Russia failed.
(2) NATO expanded, creating more provocation.
(3) NATO pledged Ukraine NATO membership.
(4) Biden then pledged new long-range missiles will be located in Germany in 2026 able to reach all of Russia.
(5) Russia sailed a nuclear submarine into Cuba; and 
(6) Yesterday, Vladimir Putin pledged to put nuclear weapons close to the USA (likely Cuba) if Biden puts long-range missiles in Germany.
OK, that’s the escalation timeline. 
That’s the lead up to this next announcement.
The people behind Joe Biden just told congress they are expanding the nuclear weapon arsenal in the U.K and Europe [White House Announcement]; presumably for use against Russia. 
Now ask yourself what you think Vladimir Putin will do next.

#1 This day 1972-----Gilbert O'Sullivan - Alone Again (original version)

Republicans for Harris! LINCOLN BROWN

Yes, you read that right.
  • According to the website Michigan News Source, the group Republican Voters Against Trump is rolling out a campaign featuring disgruntled GOP voters who are standing with Kamala Harris this election. 
  • In addition to the ad above, Michigan News Source said the PAC had started a $500,000 billboard campaign in several swing states. 
  • The campaign is aimed at getting Trump voters to switch sides (and presumably sell their souls) and join Team Harris...

Donations = BRIBES!


Assassination attempt not a 'coincidence,' Donald Trump Jr. says | Blaze Media

Assassination attempt not a 'coincidence,' Donald Trump Jr. says | Blaze Media

“It’s really hard to separate incompetence from willful negligence or even simple negligence or malice," Waller said on the July 19 episode of "Blaze News Tonight." "You can’t rule out malice. You can’t rule out somebody wanted this to happen.”

A top-tier U.S. military special operations expert told Blaze News that after examining all of the evidence to date, the hallmarks are there to suggest that Crooks was groomed and trained for an assassination attempt.

"It’s not in the realm of real possibility for the government to be this incompetent," the special operator said on condition of anonymity. "There is no chance Crooks was not pointed to which building he needed to be on.

Emotion-Based Schooling Is Not the Education Our Children Need - Intellectual Takeout

With an average grade of B-, the overall score isn’t so bad. Looking closer at the individual categories, however, tells a different story. - Annie Holmquist
To mark the end of the school year, Gallup enlisted students in grades 5-12 to rank their schools in a June report card...
  • As the chart below shows, the higher ranking categories were in areas related to emotional support, such as racial and gender respect, safety, and inclusion.
  • The lower ranking categories, however, were more in line with what school is supposed to emphasize.
Less than a quarter of students ranked the quality of teaching at their schools as excellent. 
Preparation for the future and introduction to possible careers came in at 20 percent and 17 percent respectively. 
And excitement about learning? That came in dead last with only 13% giving their schools an A grade...

AM Fruitcake


History for July 31

History for July 31 - 
Milton Friedman 1912 - Economist
  • 1790 - The first U.S. patent was issued to Samuel Hopkins for his process for making potash and pearl ashes. The substance was used in fertilizer.
  • 1919 - Germany's Weimar Constitution was adopted.
  • 1971 - Men rode in a vehicle on the moon for the first time in a lunar rover vehicle (LRV).
  • 1989 - A pro-Iranian group in Lebanon released a videotape reportedly showing the hanged body of American hostage William R. Higgins.
  • 1991 - U.S. President George H.W. Bush and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev signed the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

How the Trump campaign MUST fight Kamala Harris | Blaze Media

How the Trump campaign MUST fight Kamala Harris | Blaze Media

“Let’s stay above board. Let’s call it what it is. She is a radical communist-leaning tyrant who is bloodthirsty and the most pro-abortion politician that we’ve got. She has been in charge of the border for the last four years, and every single murder by an illegal alien happened on her watch,” she continues.

Rather than calling Harris a “ho” and pointing out her past relationships with men like Willie Brown, Stuckey believes we must attack her on policy.

The way we were-----WWII AFTERMATH FILM from 1947 "CHILDREN OF EUROPE" 34392

Climate Heretic

Why Global Warming Would be Good for You

GLOBAL WARMING: A Boon to Humans and Other Animals Thomas Gale Moore
Climate extremes would trigger meteorological chaos -- raging hurricanes such as we have never seen, capable of killing millions of people; uncommonly long, record-breaking heat waves; and profound drought that could drive Africa and the entire Indian subcontinent over the edge into mass starvation. ... Even if we could stop all greenhouse gas emissions today, we would still be committed to a temperature increase worldwide of two to four degrees Fahrenheit by the middle of the twenty-first century. It would be warmer then than it has been for the past two million years. Unchecked it would match nuclear war in its potential for devastation.[1] -  Senate Majority Leader (D) George J. Mitchell - 1991
Senator Mitchell's forecast and his history are both wrong. 
  • Warmer periods bring benign rather than more violent weather. 
  • Milder temperatures will induce more evaporation from oceans and thus more rainfall -- where it will fall we cannot be sure but the earth as a whole should receive greater precipitation. 
  • Meteorologists now believe that any rise in sea levels over the next century will be at most a foot or more, not twenty.[2] 
  • In addition, Mitchell flunks history: around 6,000 years ago the earth sustained temperatures that were probably more than four degrees Fahrenheit hotter than those of the twentieth century, yet mankind flourished...

What Makes an Olympic Athlete Change Their Citizenship? - InsideHook

It's not a new phenomenon - TOBIAS CARROLL 
Why are two of the best divers in Mexico competing for a nation that is definitely not Mexico during this year’s Summer Olympics?...
“Any competitor in the Olympic Games must be a national of the country of the NOC which is entering such competitor,” the International Olympic Committee declares (and goes on to clarify that dual nationals can only compete for one nation)...
  • In a new article for El País, Daniel Morales Olea explained why Garza and Ruvalcaba have opted to seek Dominican citizenship in order to follow their Olympic dreams...
  • It’s not just elite divers and swimmers, either: El País details a number of other elite Mexican athletes who opted to represent other nations in Olympic competitions during the last decade or so...
  • In 2022, the Associated Press cited the example of bobsledder Kaillie Humphries, who has represented both Canada and the United States at the Olympic level...

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden 'have actively tried to bring down' America * WorldNetDaily * by Adam Schwarze, Real Clear Wire

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden 'have actively tried to bring down' America * WorldNetDaily * by Adam Schwarze, Real Clear Wire

The absence of a clear plan or redundancy for such scenarios is troubling. In times of emergency, there must be a seamless transition of authority and decision-making capabilities. The current state of affairs suggests that there is no adequate backup and contingency plan. This lack of foresight and preparation is not just a managerial oversight but a national security a nation, we cannot afford to have our highest office and critical government positions operating under such constraints. The world is watching, and our adversaries are keenly aware of any weaknesses. We need an administration that understands the importance of redundancy and has plans to ensure the continuity of leadership and operations.

Tucker Carlson : AMAZINGLY, this is Happening


A much more fruitful approach would be to consider the psychological profile of Crooks: it matches to a tee the characteristics of other mass shooters. - Bill Donohue
Also worthy of probing is the culture that gives rise to these shootings...
  • Crooks was a loner. 
  • He was quiet and had few friends; 
  • he was known to just stare at his classmates when they sought to engage him. 
  • A student who went to the same high school as Crooks, Kendall Spragg, noted that he would sometimes eat lunch by himself. “He really didn’t fit in with everybody else,” he said. 
These attributes are commonplace among mass shooters.
  • In 2023, Audrey Hale, a girl who mistakenly thought she was a boy, killed six people at Covenant School. Averianna Patton, who knew her, said she was “very quiet, very shy.”..
  • In 2022, Salvador Ramos... (many more listed!)
Being a loner does not cause someone to be a mass shooter, but when it is coupled with other factors, it manifests itself as a leading red flag indicator.
Loners crave the same type of bonds that all of us do. 
When they are unable to achieve them, it creates psychological havoc.
Unfortunately, we are mass producing the kind of social soil that makes it harder to bond with others...