Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Will it happen here...soon??!!


It's not what's said, it's WHO said it!-----Here's an old clip of Don Lemon asking the same questions as Trump about Kamala's heritage 😂 Harambe

I guess it's not racist when Don Lemon makes the same point as Trump about Kamala being a race phony.
This old CNN clip from 2019 features Don Lemon taking the Donald Trump position that Kamala Harris is being disingenuous when she talks about being black...

Again, it's racist if Donald Trump points it out.
But if Don Lemon calls Kamala a phony then it's OK...

Renowned Pollster Says Donald Trump Can End Kamala's Campaign With One '10-Word Question'

Renowned Pollster Says Donald Trump Can End Kamala's Campaign With One '10-Word Question'

Trump can defeat Harris at the ballot box if he asks voters “can you name one thing she accomplished as Vice President?,” Luntz told FOX 11 Los Angeles’ Elex Michaelson during an appearance on “The Issue Is Show,” which aired Friday. Focusing on Harris’ record, rather than launching personal attacks, will be an effective strategy for beating her in November, he said.

Toyota Won’t Help w/Engine Failure b/c Owner Drove 85 MPH

How Trump Can Win—or Lose—the Election - By Victor Davis Hanson

Moving forward, Donald Trump needs to focus his attack on the disastrous Biden governance of the last four years. By Victor Davis Hanson 
  • Make Harris own it. 
  • And contrast it with 2017-21 and what will follow in 2025.
The Good News
  • The good news for the Trump campaign is that the sure Democratic nominee Kamala Harris is a lifelong California hard leftist at a time when the state is emblematic of progressive nihilism. 
  • Her extremist advocacies as a San Francisco county and city attorney, state Attorney General, and senator are on record. 
  • And they are consistent with what has virtually destroyed the state...
The Bad News
  • However, the bad news for Trump is that there are only roughly 90 days left to expose Harris’s extremist record. 
  • And like cognitively challenged Joe Biden in 2020, her handlers will not allow her to speak extemporaneously or to give interviews to real journalists...
  • There is, then, almost no time to redefine the reclusive Harris...

Women’s Issues’ and the 2024 Election By John F. Di Leo

In the political world, it is often assumed that -- all things being equal -- a female candidate has an advantage of a couple points over a male candidate. - John F. Di Leo
This isn’t necessarily unfair, on its own. 
It’s just the way it is...
Now, no male candidate of either party ever campaigns as being better “for men’s issues.” It never happens. 
But female Democrats campaign for office all the time, claiming that they are the clear choice “for women’s issues.”
  • It is fair, therefore, to ask the question: what are these “women’s issues” they speak of?...
Sometimes you have to drill down a couple of layers to get this honest answer, but in the end, it is undeniable: To the modern Democrat campaign -- not to the voters, necessarily, but to the candidates -- the only “women’s issues” are about abortion.
So, the voter needs to ask a question: aren’t any other issues also women’s issues? 
And if so, where do the candidates stand on them?
For example:
  • ...Crime is a women’s issue. The mugger, carjacker, home invader, rapist, or convenience store robber who might have second thoughts before attacking a potential male will likely think of the female pedestrian, driver, jogger, or store clerk as an easier target...Voters deserve to know whether the candidate supports prosecuting and jailing criminals, or setting criminals free. They deserve to know whether the candidate supports the wholesale emptying of prisons and the defunding the police, or keeping our jails and police forces operating at full strength...
  • So immigration, too, is a women’s issue. The damage done by tens of millions of illegal immigrants who can’t or won’t assimilate into our society and our economy is simply incalculable...
  • Now, turn to the Biden-Harris regime’s war on forms of energy...directly caused a doubling of the cost of gasoline and diesel, while simultaneously contributing to the degradation of the electric grid...
Where do the candidates and their parties stand on these issues?
You know. 
We all know...

Lunch video-----The Truth About the English Riots



Kamala Harris's Brother-in-Law, Who Defended Terrorist, Joins Her Campaign

Kamala Harris's Brother-in-Law, Who Defended Terrorist, Joins Her Campaign

Vice President Kamala Harris (D) has added her brother-in-law Tony West, who defended a convicted terrorist, to her campaign as an adviser. West is also a former Obama Justice Department attorney, the Washington Free Beacon reported on Friday.

Bat Scares Egghead Couple: Trump Blamed - Matt Taibbi

Terror of self-sufficiency grips the New York Times editorial page, and comedy ensues - Matt Taibbi
The New York Times ran a guest editorial by Belle Boggs, a North Carolina author who had a bat fly in her house. 
It didn’t bite her, but she needed a sheriff’s deputy, a county health nurse, state animal control, the CDC, and an E.R. doctor to tell her what to do about that. 
Naturally, the episode led her to think of Donald Trump:
After our visit from the bat, our sheriff’s department, public health department and university hospital all functioned exactly as designed. The C.D.C., a huge federal agency that works to protect every one of us from infectious disease, food-borne illness and emerging threats like bird flu, pulled through. The C.D.C. is part of what Mr. Trump’s allies would call the administrative state and is in the cross hairs of Project 2025, which proposes breaking up the agency… I want to believe Kamala Harris is right when she says “we are not going back” to a time when every calamity leaves us on our own.
Leaving aside the problem of the ubiquitous personality who answers “Donald Trump” to every stain on the Rorschach test of life, the Boggs essay made me wonder about America’s prognosis. 
  • Early citizens packed kids in wagons and rode into forests teeming with human and animal predators. 
  • Now people reach middle age needing the federal government to tell them what to do if a bat flies past...

It's democrat controlled cities vs the rest of America!

Biden last week: “I cured the economy.”

  • Carl Cottingham@cottinghamcarl---Probably has been told that he did.
  • Shelly MacDonald @honorahbluemoon -The President now claims he cured the economy & the environment ?  Will America & the world survive the fact is his wife, Harris, Blinken, Sullivan & others withheld his neuro degenerative disorder in order to remain in power ? We are in deep sh*t

#1 This day 1971-----Bee Gees - How Can You Mend a Broken Heart, live 1975

Manistee County Sold a Michigan Woman's Home Over Unpaid Taxes and Kept the Profit

She Underpaid a Property Tax Bill. So the Government Seized Her Home, Sold It—and Kept the $102,636 Profit. - Billy Binion
  • In 2021, Manistee County, Michigan, took the title on Chelsea Koetter's home in response to a small debt she owed on her 2018 property taxes...
  • Her situation instead only grew more absurd. Four months after seizing her home, which she shared with her two sons, the government auctioned it off for $106,500. Then it kept the profit.
  • All told, Koetter owed the government $3,863.40, which included her initial tax debt, as well as penalties, interest, and fees. She does not contest she was obligated to pay that. At issue is whether or not the county acted lawfully when it pocketed the remaining $102,636 after selling her house, in a practice known as home equity theft...

Protests now illegal in UK??!!


U.S. Senate now putting Secret Service 'culture' under magnifying glass * WorldNetDaily * by Susan Crabtree, Real Clear Wire

U.S. Senate now putting Secret Service 'culture' under magnifying glass * WorldNetDaily * by Susan Crabtree, Real Clear Wire

A Secret Service counter sniper who called for the firing or resignations of all top agency leaders in a scathing email confirmed to colleagues Monday night that he meant to send the missive to every employee in the agency's Uniform Division. The sniper told his colleagues in two emails Monday night that he no longer could contain his anger after enduring a "CYA culture" for years at the agency and after two weeks of obfuscation and out-right lies by Secret Service leaders in the wake of the July 13 assassination attempt against President Trump that killed firefighter Corey Comperatore and critically injured two others.

Kamala is asked how she will fix inflation...

Click for video

AM Fruitcake


History for August 6

History for August 6 - On-This-Day.com 
Lucille Ball 1911
  • 1806 - The Holy Roman Empire went out of existence as Emperor Francis II abdicated.
  • 1945 - The American B-29 bomber, known as the Enola Gay, dropped the first atomic bomb on an inhabited area. The bomb named "Little Boy" was dropped over the center of Hiroshima, Japan. An estimated 140,000 people were killed. (8:16am Japanese time)
  • 1960 - Nationalization of U.S. and foreign-owned property in Cuba began.
  • 1965 - The Voting Rights Act was signed by U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson.
  • 1998 - Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky spent 8 1/2 hours testifying before a grand jury about her relationship with U.S. President Clinton.

Monday, August 05, 2024

DEI recruiting nightmare: 'We spent $1 million to get 1 kid in the Army' * WorldNetDaily * by J.M. Phelps

DEI recruiting nightmare: 'We spent $1 million to get 1 kid in the Army' * WorldNetDaily * by J.M. Phelps

Nearly two million dollars spent by one of the nation's Army recruiting brigades could not overcome the alienation of potential service members caused by the military's embrace of radical "diversity, equity and inclusion" policies under the Biden-Harris administration. After more than two decades of service, Col. Nicholas Braun (a pseudonym) recently retired from the U.S. Army. He spoke to WorldNetDaily on the condition of anonymity, concerned over likely reprisals he would face from the U.S. government for the information he shared with WND.

The way we were-----The Schlitz Mistake: The Rise and Fall of Schlitz Brewing Co.

The US Literally Cannot Repay Its National Debt.

Let's review this in a month-----And Suddenly Things Change - by James Howard Kunstler

“The global economy is becoming unburdened by what has been.” - Jordan Schachtel on “X” - by James Howard Kunstler
That two-by-four upside our country’s head you’ve been waiting to get whomped with? 
Looks like it’s landing now. 
  • We got a banger in 2008, but it didn’t make a much of an impression...Hank Paulson and Fed Chair Ben Bernanke came in like a code blue squad and hooked up the banks to an IV-drip speedball of cocaine and heroin, i.e., “money” that didn’t actually exist (a.k.a. “liquidity,” hallucinated capital), and that crew kept it coming for years.
  • And then Janet Yellen and her posse kept it coming with never-ending zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) until the national debt canceled America’s future. 
  • And that left Jerome Powell pretending there was a way out of this doom-loop. 
  • Then came the repo market spasm in September 2019 that freaked out the blob so badly they shut down the whole world with Covid and locked-down economies. 
And everything since then has been a waiting game.
The financial world was in hospice...
  • You understand this can’t play out like it did in 2008-9. 
  • The authorities are out of tricks and out of fake money...

Customers and workers will pay the price of cutting tipped wages, Michigan restaurant owners say - mlive.com

Those changes, they say, will result in higher prices for customers and risk jobs for workers...
  • GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Michigan restaurant owners are warning that recent changes to the state’s tipped wage laws will have a “devastating” effect on local businesses.
  • Under the new regulations, the lower wage for tipped workers would increase from $3.93 to about $6 next year, and it would be eventually eliminated altogether by 2029. 
  • Proponents of the changes say eliminating tipped wages will offer more stable earnings to the 125,000 tipped workers in Michigan’s hospitality industry...

Local Officer Shouted 'Long Gun' Into Radio 30 Seconds Before Trump Was Shot

Local Officer Shouted 'Long Gun' Into Radio 30 Seconds Before Trump Was Shot

There seems to be no end to the Secret Service’s incompetence.

Just when you think the July 13 shooting of former President Donald Trump couldn’t have gone any worse, a new detail proves that it did.

A Thursday report from The New York Times offered another one of those details.

Ford Patents System to Have Your Car Report Speeders to the Police

American hurdler jogs the entire way during Olympic race and bizarrely explains why in interview

An American hurdler has explained why he jogged an entire race at the Olympic Games in Paris. - Alex Brotherton 
  • That includes using event rules to your advantage, as American hurdler Freddie Crittenden did on Sunday morning.
  • The Paris Games is the first Olympics to have repechage rounds in some track events...
  • However, in 2022 World Athletics - the governing body of athletics - introduced repechage rounds in some events, which are essentially second chances for athletes who fail to qualify for the semi-finals though their performance in the heats...

Lunch video-----Renewables causing unbelievable amount of ‘environmental destruction’ fo...

  • “Yet basically unseen by all the inner city loveys who are calling for even greater extension of renewable energy,” Ms Sloan told Sky News Australia.
  • “I actually reckon we should be saying sorry today and stopping it.



Kamala blames Trump for horrible jobs report during Biden-Harris economy * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

Kamala blames Trump for horrible jobs report during Biden-Harris economy * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

It continued, "Inflation has raised prices by more than 20% since President Joe Biden first took office in January 2021. The combination of high inflation and the increased borrowing costs from elevated interest rates have weighed on American wallets, with the percentage of credit card balances more than 60 days overdue reaching 2.59% in the first quarter, the highest rate of delinquency since records began in 2012."