Tuesday, August 13, 2024

#1 This day 1956-----Elvis Presley- Don't Be Cruel( Music Video)

I grew up in ‘Black America’ – and DEI is not about ‘equality’ - Larry Fuqua | Minding the Campus

Whites are not the only group of people that can be racists. Black racism—racism against whites by blacks—is real, and DEI makes it worse. 
  • Black racism—racism against whites by blacks—is real, and DEI makes it worse...
  • The shift in perception, however, was not, as leftists argue, a sudden awakening among whites. 
  • Instead, blacks began treating whites differently. 
In high school, I began to experience racism from some black students...
The racial turmoil intensified in high school when the “Black Power” movement began to gain traction among many black students, leading some to target their white peers without cause...

People who lie...


2 small additions to our Constitution are our ONLY protection!


Trump campaign hacked, internal memos sent to progressive news agency * WorldNetDaily * by Keely Bastow, Washington Examiner

Trump campaign hacked, internal memos sent to progressive news agency * WorldNetDaily * by Keely Bastow, Washington Examiner

(WASHINGTON EXAMINER) – Former President Donald Trump's campaign has reported it has been hacked, and Politico confirmed confidential memos from the campaign were sent to them.

"These documents were obtained illegally from foreign sources hostile to the United States, intended to interfere with the 2024 election and sow chaos throughout our Democratic process," Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said in a statement to the Washington Examiner.

Seriously! She's been there 3 years! Now gonna wait til the end of Jan. 2025 to start her "fix"??!!

(20) Post from Fox News - YouTube
Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, questions why Kamala Harris has not brought down inflation in her three years as vice president. More on her role in inflation here: https://youtu.be/zuF0cJkmNdM

AM Fruitcake


History for August 13

History for August 13 - On-This-Day.com  
Annie Oakley 1860
  • 1521 - Present day Mexico City was captured by Spanish conqueror Hernando Cortez from the Aztec Indians.
  • 1792 - French revolutionaries took the entire French royal family and imprisoned them.
  • 1912 - The first experimental radio license was issued to St. Joseph's College in Philadelphia, PA.
  • 1932 - Adolf Hitler refused to take the post of vice-chancellor of Germany. He said he was going to hold out "for all or nothing.
  • 1942 - Henry Ford unveiled his "Soybean Car." It was a plastic-bodied car that weighed about 1000 lbs. less than a steel car.
  • 1961 - Berlin was divided by a barbed wire fence to halt the flight of refugees. Two days later work on the Berlin Wall began.

Monday, August 12, 2024

WATCH: Biden goes public on Democrat coup forcing him to quit 2024 race * WorldNetDaily * by Joe Kovacs

WATCH: Biden goes public on Democrat coup forcing him to quit 2024 race * WorldNetDaily * by Joe Kovacs

On July 27, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh released a report indicating he had spoken with a senior White House official who told Hersh that Obama was "deeply involved" with the coup to remove Biden. Obama reportedly called Biden on July 20, following Biden's medical emergency, and threatened him with the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to oust the president, saying he had "Kamala's approval" to force him out.

The way we were-----"The 21st Century": Autos and All That Traffic (1969)

Global excess deaths

"Spatiotemporal variation of excess all-cause mortality, in the world (125 countries), during the Covid period 2020-2023, regarding socio economic factors, and public-health and medical interventions.

FOIA Files: How Feds, Press, and Academia "Coordinate" on Speech

Digital content moderation was closer relationship than we've been led to expect. - James Rushmore
In March 2023, the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public (CIP) put out an article asserting that the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP)...was not a “government cut-out” controlled by the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).
  • Racket has sent out numerous Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests about the Election Integrity Partnership. 
  • Recently, we received several new batches of results from the University of Washington that cast doubt on their earlier assertions. 
  • These disclosures, which have been added to the Racket FOIA Library, hint at a dynamic perhaps more intimate than reported. 
This is the first of a series of disclosures we’ll be publishing this week...


The rise of academic hate.


'Food security is national security,' but America is losing that war * WorldNetDaily * by J.M. Phelps

'Food security is national security,' but America is losing that war * WorldNetDaily * by J.M. Phelps

Tommy Waller, president and CEO of the Washington, D.C.-based think tank the Center for Security Policy, says most Americans do not understand that "food security is national security". And that currently, the safety of American citizens is, indeed, being jeopardized by the U.S. government. The retired Marine Corps lieutenant colonel, in an interview with WND, explained that "at the federal level, our nation has catastrophically failed to prioritize food security while all of our adversaries, both hostile nations and globalists, have had their crosshairs on food for quite a while."

PragerU v. YouTube | 5 Minute Videos

Media cheerleaders lie more than they breathe!-----Feds award $1.5 billion for Palisades nuclear plant restart | Great Lakes Now

The effort to restart the shuttered Palisades nuclear plant just won a $1.5 billion federal loan - Bridge Michigan
  • The money comes in addition to $150 million in state dollars for the effort, with more state and federal subsidies likely...
  • Joined by current Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and an array of state and local officials and Palisades employees, Granholm made the announcement before a packed crowd inside a dry fuel storage hangar at the nuclear facility on Michigan’s southwest coast....
  • The plant had struggled to remain cost-competitive against cheaper wind, solar and natural gas...

Lunch video-----Greenland Turning Green Again in Our Lifetimes? Nope

"Climate activists, including government bureaucrats, claim the Greenland ice sheet is melting six times faster than it was 30 years ago. But 30 years ago, the Greenland ice sheet was barely melting at all. As The Heartland Institute's Linnea Lueken explains in this Climate at a Glance video, six times almost no ice loss is hardly an example of a climate change crisis.





Kamala Harris Vows Amnesty for Millions of Illegals, Nationwide Mail-In Voting

Kamala Harris Vows Amnesty for Millions of Illegals, Nationwide Mail-In Voting

“What that essentially means is that all of the job growth we have seen [under Biden and Harris] has been going to foreign-born workers — a category…which the Bureau of Labor Statistics admits includes illegal aliens,” Heritage Foundation economist E.J. Antoni has told Breitbart News.

Also during her speech, Harris said she would “finally pass” the Freedom to Vote Act to, among other things, enact nationwide no-excuse mail-in voting. The legislation would ensure that registrants could use drop boxes to turn in mail-in ballots.

You know the media would go nuts if this was Trump.


DDOT's Deadly Bike Lanes

Majority of recent cycling fatalities occurred in bike lanes. 
  • So why is DDOT so intent on building more of them?
The District Department of Transportation ("DDOT") has built more than 113 miles of bike lanes...
  • The bike lane network has caused congestion, a lack of parking and headaches for many businesses. 
  • These hassles have caused many workers to no longer want to commute downtown, exacerbating the city's economic decline.
DDOT dismisses these concerns by arguing that bike lanes are critical safety infrastructure needed to save cyclists' lives. 
The bike lobby has made building the bike lane network their main area of focus...

#1 Movie this week 1954-----Magnificent Obsession (1954) trailer

California Energy Commission Proposes State Takeover Of Oil Refineries

The state obviously does not understand that if you can’t make any money you’ll have to curtail production, and you won’t be able to produce a product – or you’ll have to sell the product elsewhere. -By Katy Grimes
...But the study had other interesting conclusions:
Like most product prices, gasoline prices should ideally obey the laws of supply and demand.
  • However, supply dynamics in California’s transportation fuels market differ from many other markets in the United States...
For example, in the last two years (2022 and 2023), California had two gasoline price spikes in September and October.
“Spikes were not seen in regions outside of the western part of the United States.”...

#1 This day 1966-----Summer in the City

Ten Slides on the Looming Mess in MISO

In total, 42 million people depend on MISO to provide reliable power to their homes and businesses. -Isaac Orr and Mitch Rolling
As we’ve noted before, MISO is the regional transmission organization (RTO) serving all or parts of 15 U.S. States and the Canadian province of Manitoba. 
According to the North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC) Long-Term Reliability Assessment (LTRA), MISO is the region most at risk of rolling blackouts from 2024 to 2028, and the trends moving forward make it unlikely that the situation will improve...

Calling Your Tongue Your Own - American Thinker

Calling Your Tongue Your Own - American Thinker - Clarice Feldman 
Very scary things are happening in the United Kingdom.
  • Sir Mark Rowley, Met Police Commissioner, has threatened to jail U.S. citizens over online posts he deems hateful or disinformation. 
  • At the same time, the UK is openly enforcing a two-tier system of justice where antisemitic rioters, pro-jihadi and pro-open borders thugs are given free rein to terrorize citizens, and those who object are beaten and jailed. 
  • One jurist has, in fact, just sentenced someone for being a just a looker-on and even retweets of anything the UK overlords object to subjects one to arrest...

This on ABC??!!


WATCH: Democrat Unhappy with How Tim Walz Handled Minnesota Riots

WATCH: Democrat Unhappy with How Tim Walz Handled Minnesota Riots

Republican National Committee Chair Michael Whatley has expressed the same sentiments, telling Breitbart News Daily this week that it is crucial that voters do not forget that Walz — Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate — owns the riots in Minneapolis.

“The number one image that I think needs to be burned literally into every American’s mind is Minnesota rioting and Minnesota burning to the ground for four days while he refused to call in the National Guard,” Whatley said of Walz, also calling out Walz’s wife for speaking so highly of smelling the city burning.

WATCH: Elon Musk Lists Seven Reasons He Endorses Trump in Fascinating Interview By Bob Hoge

He broke down his reasons for supporting Trump in the former president’s battle to re-take the Oval Office:

...MUSK: ...But we have to pick; we've got two choices really for... president, and it's not just for president, but the entire administrative structure changes over. 

And I thought Trump displayed courage under fire. Objectively. You know, he just got shot. He's got blood streaming down his face, and he's, like, fist-pumping, saying, "Fight!" You know, like, that's impressive. 

You can't feign bravery in a situation like that. Most people would have been ducking. Because there could be a second shooter, you know?


...Then he got specific: why do we need new leadership in this country? His answer: the porous border, crime, and out-of-control spending...