Saturday, August 17, 2024

Pretty simple!


Secret Service leaves Trump vulnerable once again after female agent abandons post to breastfeed: Report | Blaze Media

Secret Service leaves Trump vulnerable once again after female agent abandons post to breastfeed: Report | Blaze Media

The U.S. Secret Service once again left former President Donald Trump vulnerable to attack after a female agent reportedly abandoned her post to breastfeed her child during a event in Asheville, North Carolina, on Wednesday.

Overpopulation: An Ancient Myth Refuted - Intellectual Takeout

It is certainly time to lay to rest Malthusian theory and the overpopulation hysteria it has aroused. - Aidan Grogan
  • Prince Philip once said, “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.” The late Duke of Edinburgh passed away in 2021, but the hysterical sentiment he expressed about overpopulation lives on...
  • The theory of overpopulation, and the collectivist idea that human reproduction must be limited, even by force, is nothing new...
  • At the time of the publication of Ehrlich’s doomsday book (1968) and the Club of Rome’s founding, the world’s population stood at 3.6 billion, and nearly half of people worldwide were living in poverty
  • Over the next five decades, the global population more than doubled to 7.7 billion, yet fewer than 9 percent of people remain in poverty today, and famines have virtually disappeared...

AM Fruitcake


History for August 17

History for August 17 - 
Sean Penn 1960 - Actor, screenwriter, director
  • 1790 - The capital city of the U.S. moved to Philadelphia from New York City.
  • 1863 - Federal batteries and ships bombarded Fort Sumter in Charleston, SC, harbor during the Civil War.
  • 1896 - The Klondike gold rush was set off by George Carmack discovering gold on Rabbit Creek in Alaska.
  • 1915 - Charles F. Kettering received a patent for the first electric ignition device.
  • 1961 - The Communist East German government completed the construction of the Berlin Wall.
  • 1996 - Ross Perot was announced to be the Reform Party's presidential candidate. It was the party's first-ever candidate.
  • 1998 - U.S. President Clinton admitted to having an improper relationship with Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Court unleashes stunning ruling that could impact Jan. 6 convictions * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

Court unleashes stunning ruling that could impact Jan. 6 convictions * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

But, he continued, "Hamstringing the government is the whole point of our Constitution. Our Founders recognized that the government will not always be comprised of publicly spirited officers – and that even good faith actors can be overcome by the zealous pursuit of legitimate public interests. 'If men were angels, no government would be necessary.' The Federalist No. 51 … 'If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.' But 'experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions.' It's because of 'human nature' that it's 'necessary to control the abuses of government.'"

The way we were-----Another Kind of Chaos: The 1972 Democratic National Convention

We're NOT at a Climate Tipping Point – The Climate Realism Show #123

The BANNED Professor's BRUTALLY Honest Opinion On COVID-19 & Dr Fauci......

Solzhenitsyn: ‘The next war may well bury Western civilization forever’ - Daniel Lattier

In 1978, Alexander Solzhenitsyn was invited to give the commencement address at Harvard University.
  • What he offered to the students and faculty some forty years ago was not your typical graduation speech filled with banal platitudes.
Instead—in a perhaps unsurprising move for a Russian who spent 11 years in labor camps and exile—he offered them one of the most sobering and penetrating diagnoses of the West in recent history.
And what was his diagnosis?
That the West is in decline...
“A decline in courage may be the most striking feature which an outside observer notices in the West in our days. The Western world has lost its civil courage, both as a whole and separately, in each country, each government, each political party, and, of course, in the United Nations.”...

Economist warns of ‘student loan disaster’ when bills come due this fall

There is an “imminent student-loan disaster” on the horizon that is being overlooked, according to a higher education scholar.
  • Cooper said there are 7.3 million borrowers, according to the latest data from March, who are delinquent
  • Millions more are in default or not paying anything due to the latest Biden student loan bailout, currently being challenged in the courts. 
  • Through various programs, 20 million total borrowers are not paying on their loans...

'Unretirement': Massive and troubling phenomenon plaguing seniors victimized by Bidenomics * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

'Unretirement': Massive and troubling phenomenon plaguing seniors victimized by Bidenomics * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

That would be the agendas Biden has pursued that have given Americans inflation of more than 20% since he took office, that have priced food and fuel up by 20%, 30%, even 40% since Biden's reign in the Oval Office began. A study from reveals the tragic situation facing America's seniors because of Biden's tenure:

Situation in Europe August 2024

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming | No, it is not climate change, nor sea level rise | Facebook

The land is sinking.  - Julius Sanks
No, it is not climate change, nor sea level rise. 
The land is sinking. 
  • Not my opinion; that's what USGS says. 
  • It is rebounding after the glaciers retreated. 
  • They never made it this far south, but their weight pushed the bedrock up south of them. 
  • Now that weight is gone, and the land is returning to its pre-glacial state.

Lunch video-----This Is Just Insane

"UK.  The First Nation conquered because they didn’t want to offend the invaders.



EXCLUSIVE: Feds caught MANIPULATING images at Trump shooting | Blaze Media

EXCLUSIVE: Feds caught MANIPULATING images at Trump shooting | Blaze Media

Baker pulled screenshots from the videos he obtained, and one of them is incredibly suspicious.

One man is pictured in plain clothes, with a weapon in his hand and a badge around his neck. When Baker zoomed in to see details on the badge, he found it’d been blurred out. Not only that, but the black around the badge had been digitally reshaped.

“Otherwise we would be able to identify what the badge was, just by its shape. Just by the badge,” Baker explains.

The man was also dressed like several other undercover cops — and so was someone else.

“The bottom line is that for some reason, Crooks showed up dressed like undercover cops,” Baker says. “Did he know that he was covered by what he was wearing? I have to ask those questions, right? If I don’t ask those questions, I’m not being honest even with myself.”

Are there better place to spend this money?


Instapundit - WELL, YES, AND IT WOULD

Instapundit - Implicit in this argument...

What part do you disagree with?


#1 This day 1960-----elvis presley - its now or never (1960)

Joyously reported by ABC News!-----Harris to propose up to $25K in down-payment support for 1st-time homebuyers - ABC News

...with more generous support for first-generation homeowners.
The campaign is vowing that during its first term, the Harris-Walz administration would provide working families who have paid their rent on time for two years and are buying their first home up to $25,000 in down-payment assistance, with more generous support for first-generation homeowners.
Harris is also proposing two acts, the 
  • Preventing the Algorithmic Facilitation of Rental Housing Cartels Act and the 
  • Stop Predatory Investing Act to help bring down the cost of rent. 
These acts aim to take on "corporate and major landlords" to stop them from "jacking" up prices...

Sounds like what we are seeing today!


Wyoming newspaper editor apologizes after reporter caught fabricating quotes, writing stories through AI | Blaze Media

Wyoming newspaper editor apologizes after reporter caught fabricating quotes, writing stories through AI | Blaze Media

Baker spoke with Pelczar and Enterprise editor Chris Bacon last Friday after finding that some of Pelczar's articles used unnecessarily lofty words or language that would otherwise be inappropriate in news pieces.

White Riot: Anarchy in the U.K. - Taki's Magazine

White Riot: Anarchy in the U.K. - Taki's Magazine - Steven Tucker
Well, now Britain has numerous white riots of its own, all across the country, following the recent mass stabbing of little girls at a dance class in the seaside town of Southport on 29 July, the named suspect for which is a supposed “Welshman” of black Rwandan parentage...
The specific way schools teach white kids “how to be thick” is by grooming them into supinely obeying the laws set up by their parliamentary overlords to keep them in their place. 
  • The message is clear: By ignoring these same laws and rioting, non-whites often seem to get exactly what they want these days, with apparent impunity. So wouldn’t it be perfectly rational for native white folk to do the same, as the Clash once advised? Not necessarily…
“It has been obvious such violence has been coming for some time now—obvious to everyone, that is, except the blind men who actually rule us.”

AM Fruitcake


History for August 16

History for August 16 - 
Menachem Begin (Israel) 1913
  • 1777 - During the American Revolutionary War, the Battle of Bennington took place. New England's minutemen routed the British regulars.
  • 1812 - Detroit fell to Indian and British troops in the War of 1812.
  • 1937 - Harvard University became the first school to have graduate courses in traffic engineering and administration.
  • 1984 - The U.S. Jaycees voted to admit women to full membership in the organization.
  • 1995 - Voters in Bermuda rejected independence from Great Britain.
  • 1999 - In Russia, Vladimir V. Putin was confirmed as prime minister by the lower house of parliament.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Major medical association breaks from the herd on the issue of sex-change mutilations for kids | Blaze Media

Major medical association breaks from the herd on the issue of sex-change mutilations for kids | Blaze Media

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, several of whose members are currently being sued by detransitioners, has reportedly distanced itself from the practice of providing children with sex-change mutilations, casting doubt on such procedures' value and efficacy.

The organization, which represents roughly 11,000 members in the U.S. and Canada, recently told Manhattan Institute fellow Leor Sapir that it "has not endorsed any organization's practice recommendations for the treatment of adolescents with gender dysphoria" — an apparent reference to the recommendations advanced by the radical and scandal-plagued World Professional Association of Transgender Health.

The way we were-----What Your Teacher Didn’t Tell You About Native Americans

How Did Planned Parenthood Become One of the Country’s Largest Suppliers of Testosterone?

When she was a teenager, Cristina Hineman started testosterone after a 30-minute consult at Planned Parenthood. She’s now suing them. ‘I regretted everything.’ By Jennifer Block
It was testosterone...
It has also, in less than a decade, become the country’s leading provider of gender transition hormones for young adults, according to insurance claim data. 
  • In 2015, around two dozen of their clinics began offering this service. 
  • Now it’s available at nearly 450 locations...