Tuesday, August 20, 2024

History for August 20

History for August 20 - On-This-Day.com 
Ron Paul 1935
  • 1866 - The National Labor Union in the U.S. advocated an eight-hour workday.
  • 1939 - The National Bowling Association was founded in Detroit, MI. It was the first bowling association in the U.S. for African-Americans.
  • 1940 - France fell to the Germans during World War II.
  • 1964 - A $1 billion anti-poverty measure was signed by U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson.
  • 1968 - The Soviet Union and other Warsaw Pact nations began invading Czechoslovakia to crush the "Prague Spring" liberalization.
  • 1997 - Britain began voluntary evacuation of its Caribbean island of Montserrat due to the volcanic activity of the Soufriere Hills.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Gunfight Breaks Out as San Antonio-Lackland Air Force Base Gate Guards Return Fire on Multiple Shooters Trying to Gain Entry

Gunfight Breaks Out as San Antonio-Lackland Air Force Base Gate Guards Return Fire on Multiple Shooters Trying to Gain Entry

For Spears, one of his biggest concerns is the fact that the directives apply not only to active-duty Army personnel, but also to inactivated members of the Reserve and National Guard. "When reservists and guardsmen are activated, they fall under the Uniform Code of Military Justice – but when not activated, they fall under civil law, like all other civilians," he explained. "The Army's new rules on so-called 'extremism' further erode the line between civilian and military life."

"This is a terrifying development that extends the Defense Department's intrusive reach into the personal lives of non-activated Reservists and National Guardsmen," Spears argued. And this, he concluded, "sends a chilling message across the force that must be overturned by the courts."

The way we were-----Dirty Harry on feminism and women's quotas

Douglas Murray on riot sentencing, online hate & the 'far-right'

Yeah, a lot of DEI goin' on.-----Our AmeriCorps Programs - ServeMinnesota

Our AmeriCorps Programs - ServeMinnesota
ServeMinnesota provides AmeriCorps grants to organizations across the state that focus on a wide variety of issues, including education, housing insecurity, community building, youth mentorship, digital divide, environmental preservation, recovery from substance use disorders, public health, and more.
Click to see the entire list!

Environment Programs

Climate Impact Corps logo

Climate Impact Corps

Help communities mitigate and adapt to climate change by expanding the urban canopy, improving home energy efficiency, and leading community action.

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One Thug Away... - by Peter Venetoklis

One Thug Away
Elon Musk interviewed Donald Trump on X-formerly Twitter the other day...but people of stature and importance believed it proper that this interview needed to be stopped before it began.
  • One EU commissioner and "digital enforcer," Thierry Breton, sent an ominous letter to Musk ahead of the interview....
  • One Washington Post reporter suggested to the White House that it should intervene in stopping "misinformation" and "disinformation."...
  • Others suggested that users engage in a "Twitter blackout" during the interview's streaming, so as not to give the Trump campaign "numbers...

'Terrifying development': New U.S. Army policy spells trouble for Christians * WorldNetDaily * by J.M. Phelps

'Terrifying development': New U.S. Army policy spells trouble for Christians * WorldNetDaily * by J.M. Phelps

For Spears, one of his biggest concerns is the fact that the directives apply not only to active-duty Army personnel, but also to inactivated members of the Reserve and National Guard. "When reservists and guardsmen are activated, they fall under the Uniform Code of Military Justice – but when not activated, they fall under civil law, like all other civilians," he explained. "The Army's new rules on so-called 'extremism' further erode the line between civilian and military life."

"This is a terrifying development that extends the Defense Department's intrusive reach into the personal lives of non-activated Reservists and National Guardsmen," Spears argued. And this, he concluded, "sends a chilling message across the force that must be overturned by the courts."

'IF HE WANTS TO WIN...' Victor Davis Hanson's Advice for Trump

The Myriad Projections of the 2024 Campaign - Victor Davis Hanson

If you don’t want what the people want, you have to project.
  • Projection is a Freudian psychological term. It describes a particular defensive mechanism, when people, often unconsciously, attribute their own (usually undesirable) behaviors to others who do not have them.
  • These mental gymnastics are intended to alleviate one’s own guilt or sense of inadequacy at the expense of another.
Sound familiar?
But in the political sphere, projection involves more overt dissimulation. 
  • It is increasingly common for leftist candidates or political parties to falsely accuse their opponents of the very destructive behaviors and unpopular agendas that they themselves embrace, but out of political necessity must deny...

Lunch video-----The British are Second class Citizens in their own Country: David Starkey



New Harris ads spread blatant LIES | Blaze Media

New Harris ads spread blatant LIES | Blaze Media

“If anyone’s aware of a Republican who’s calling for a ban on birth control, I’d love to hear from you,” Pat Gray of “Pay Gray Unleashed” laughs. “This is a completely manufactured thing by the Democrats so that they can claim that Republicans are so extreme.”

“The entire Democrat base of voters are low information voters, that’s why they’re Democrats. So they’ll buy a 30 second ad, hook, line, and sinker,” Keith Malinak adds.

Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

#10 - Attorney reveals global plan to push monkeypox into PLANdemic territory.

Don Lemon Went to Atlantic City to Ask Voters Who They're Supporting. He Wasn't Expecting These Answers.

By the number of Trump 2024 flags I saw in Ocean City this month, roughly 30 minutes, you’d think the Garden State was ruby red.  - Matt Vespa
  • I don’t know what Don Lemon was thinking with this segment because anyone who visits the Jersey Shore knows it’s Trump country. 
  • The former CNN host traveled to Atlantic City, New Jersey, to ask voters on the boardwalk who they’re supporting. 
  • These weren’t the answers he sought, as most of those who spoke to him said, Donald Trump...

#1 Movie this week 1982-----The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas Official Trailer #1 - Burt Reynolds ...

The Department of Justice and the FBI uncovered a massive 2020 ballot fraud operation based in Michigan

Holy Fvck! Michigan Gov. Whitmer signed bills into law that will prohibit election recounts conducted due to allegations of fraud. - RealRobert - @Real_RobN 
And here it is, Documents obtained by investigative journalist @yehuda_miller through the Freedom of Information Act, CONFIRMS, BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT 
  • The Department of Justice and the FBI uncovered a massive 2020 ballot fraud operation based in Michigan and operated in multiple swing states funded by Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign. 
  • GBI strategies BUSTED for submitting fraudulent voter registrations during 2020. Following a raid, Michigan authorities discovered caches of pre-paid gift cards, firearms equipped with silencers, and disposable burner phones. 
  • Throughout the 2020 election period, these Democratic cartel election committees provided more than $4,000,000 to this criminal organization...

#1 This day 1983-----The Police - Every Breath You Take (Official Music Video)

Democrats are out of touch with the American people.

Gretchen Whitmer who is the co-chair of Kamala's campaign, says it's very important to provide driver's licenses, free college, and free healthcare for illegal aliens.

Best case: she’s drunk. Worst case: she’s not

(19) Home / X

'USA Made' meat may be from China; vaccines may be in it | Blaze Media

'USA Made' meat may be from China; vaccines may be in it | Blaze Media

If there’s one issue that a growing number of Americans are skeptical about — it’s our food supply. And according to Ben and Corley Spell, the founders of Good Ranchers, that skepticism is not misplaced.

“It’s getting harder and harder now that they keep changing laws and passing different things, and it’s so hard for consumers to know who to trust,” Ben tells Allie Beth Stuckey of “Relatable.”

“It’s mostly coming from Mexico, but you can import as long as it’s in a feedlot in the United States for 90 days,” he continues. “It can now get a USDA grade, where before it could only be USDA inspected.”

USDA prime or USDA choice labels used to be limited to meat that was born and harvested in the United States, but that has since changed.


Harvard leftist summer reading list recommends book on how to indoctrinate students with CRT

History for August 19

History for August 19 - On-This-Day.com 
Fred Thompson 1942 - Actor, politician
  • 1856 - Gail Borden received a patent for his process of condensing milk by vacuum.
  • 1909 - The first car race to be run on brick occurred at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
  • 1929 - "Amos and Andy," the radio comedy program, made its debut on NBC starring Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll.
  • 1934 - Adolf Hitler was approved for sole executive power in Germany as Fuehrer.
  • 1960 - Two dogs were launched in a satellite into Earth's orbit by the Soviet Union.
  • 2004 - Google Inc. stock began selling on the Nasdaq Stock Market. The initial price was set at $85 and ended the day at $100.34 with more than 22 million shares traded.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Kamala Does It Again: She's Straight Up Stealing Another Trump-Vance Campaign Promise

Kamala Does It Again: She's Straight Up Stealing Another Trump-Vance Campaign Promise

Vice President Kamala Harris campaign for the presidency continues to have an identity crisis.

While a campaign that is approaching a month old should certainly have a set of clearly defined goals for what Harris wants to accomplish should she be elected this November, she’s opted for a different route — just copy the positions of her Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump.

Notably, Harris adopted Trump’s “No Tax on Tips” position and now has the audacity to take another one of his campaign positions.

The way we were-----The Shadow - The Plot Murder

Douglas Murray on Tommy Robinson

Behold Kamala Harris BRAGGING About All the Ways She Can Be a Joyful Dictator (Videos)

First up, her enthusiastic assertion she can take patents from companies: - Amy Curtis
For a candidate who says Trump is a tyrant and a threat to democracy, here are two more examples of Kamala bragging about all the ways she can be a dictator...

"Board-Up" businesses thrive in democrat controlled cities??!!-----Businesses Aren't Take Any Chances During the DNC. Here's What Downtown Chicago Looks Like.

Businesses Aren't Take Any Chances During the DNC. Here's What Downtown Chicago Looks Like.
Scott Schapiro, who owns the Syd Jerome menswear shop on Clark Street, said he wasn’t taking any chances during this convention — where thousands of protesters are expected — since his store has been looted by vandals four separate times in the past.
“You get that phone call in the middle of the night and your heart jumps out of your chest,” he told the outlet....

Trump, economic experts blast Kamala's economy scheme as 'absolute socialism' * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

Trump, economic experts blast Kamala's economy scheme as 'absolute socialism' * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

"For an economist, this is about the most terrifying proposal I've ever seen. Because What Kamala Harris is saying is that the government needs to set the price of things and she's starting with food, but I guess if they set the price of food, they might as well set the price of everything else. "They've also come out, you might recall, the Biden administration saying that they want to set rents, they think rents are too high, so they're going to have the government decide what the rent for your apartment should be. This is absolute socialism and it never ends well. If you go back and look at countries that have tried this, like Cuba, Venezuela, Ukraine back when the Soviet Union organized it, then it leads to famine and shortages."

Second Fakest July On Record

"By tampering with data, NOAA has created a fake past and future for the US

Buying power from Chicago will "lower blackout risk and costs"??!! What moron believes this?-----Are submarine cables through Lake Michigan the best way to help Michigan go green? | WOODTV.com

According to WPC, the state requires power drawn from Indiana and Ohio corridors almost 90% of the time.
  • Michigan already imports electricity. 
  • According to WPC, the state requires power drawn from Indiana and Ohio corridors almost 90% of the time. 
A project like the Lake Michigan Connector would allow Michigan to tap into other markets — easing the burden of drawing from Chicago-based networks, lowering the risk of blackouts and likely even lowering costs...