Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Do it!


Goal? Follow-up to see if goals met???---YOUR money well "invested"?-----Sports, wellness program aimed at Black youth asked for 1 year of funding; they got double -

WASHTENAW COUNTY, MI – A program bringing free sports, nutrition and creative activities to underserved Black youth in the Ypsilanti-area got double the funding in an unexpected decision from Superior Township leaders.
  • When CLR Academy leaders asked for another year of funding from the township, the board granted enough for two years.
  • The 4-2 vote to allocate $176,480 to CLR Academy – whose name stands for Community, Leadership, Revolution – was met with applause from audience members at the Monday, Aug. 19 meeting...
  • The board approved funding for other community-oriented activities in the area at the meeting, including $80,000 to a program teaching middle and higher schoolers trade skills 
  • and $10,500 to local organization Survivors Speak to host educational events encouraging voter registration and other forms of civic engagement.

#1 This day 1984-----Ray Parker Jr. - Ghostbusters (Official Video)

Did You Know? Democrats Are Using Organization with 50,000 Physicians and Software Giant Epic to Sign Up Patients to Vote - Includes a Script for Undocumented Aliens - Led By Harvard Dr. Linked to Kamala Harris | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Vot-ER is an organization with 50,000 doctors with leadership connected to Kamala Harris who are registering patients to vote.

Tom Basile: A code blue for election integrity. Why do doctors need to know your voter registration status? Why would they be tapped to help ensure you’re registered to vote? Healthcare software giant Epik recently announced that they would be making it possible for patients to register to vote and for doctors to help them through their popular MyChart app. All this in conjunction with the Biden-Harris and activist group, Vote-ER, which just so happens to be headed up by a former senior advisor to Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris...

Cuz up to 70% of democrat city folks don't pay any car insurance!


'Toxicity' plagued Trump's Secret Service detail before security failure * WorldNetDaily * by Susan Crabtree, Real Clear Wire

'Toxicity' plagued Trump's Secret Service detail before security failure * WorldNetDaily * by Susan Crabtree, Real Clear Wire

Rancor, recriminations, and serious formal misconduct complaints have plagued all levels of the Secret Service detail assigned to protect former President Donald Trump over the last year, distracting the team from its core mission of securing Trump from physical harm and preventing an assassination.

Trump's regular detail team, a force of 60 employees – special agents and support staff – has been beset by internal division, long workdays and weeks, and constant stress. Last year, the team lost one of its members to suicide.

Video--Legacy Sky News basically implying, that if you go to prison for a Facebook meme, there’s a good chance you’re not coming out.

This is terrifying.
Concerned Citizen@BGatesIsaPyscho
  • Holy Shit UK “Someone who told me - who knows about these things - said ‘Far Right’ prisoners can expect a very ‘cold’ reception in jail” 
  • Legacy Sky News basically implying, that if you go to prison for a Facebook meme, there’s a good chance you’re not coming out. 
This is terrifying.

AM Fruitcake


History for August 21

History for August 21 - 
Jim McMahon 1959

  • 1831 - Nat Turner, a former slave, led a violent insurrection in Virginia. He was later executed.
  • 1841 - A patent for venetian blinds was issued to John Hampton.
  • 1878 - The American Bar Association was formed by a group of lawyers, judges and law professors in Saratoga, NY.
  • 1888 - The adding machine was patented by William Burroughs.
  • 1923 - In Kalamazoo, Michigan, an ordinance was passed forbidding dancers from gazing into the eyes of their partner.
  • 1959 - Hawaii became the 50th state. U.S. President Eisenhower also issued the order for the 50 star flag.
  • 1991 - The hard-line coup against Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev ended. The uprising that led to the collapse was led by Russian federation President Boris Yeltsin.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Normalcy advocate Robby Starbuck makes Harley-Davidson do a U-turn on woke policies | Blaze Media

Normalcy advocate Robby Starbuck makes Harley-Davidson do a U-turn on woke policies | Blaze Media

Harley-Davidson claimed that pursuant to an internal stakeholder review initiated earlier this year, the company has kicked its supplier diversity spend goals to the curb and does not have hiring quotas. It noted further that its "DEI function" has been dead since April 2024 and the company does "not have a DEI function today." Harley-Davidson also indicated it will no longer participate in HRC scoring going forward and "will focus exclusively on growing the sport of motorcycling and retaining our loyal riding community." "Socially motivated content" in training sessions will apparently disappear in the rear view mirror along with the company's race obsession and HRC participation.

The way we were-----First Bombs on Berlin: The Tide Turns in WWII

Mike Rowe: Selected Garbage from Families of Distinction w/ Frank H. McC...

Dave Agema - Jihad update: Everywhere Muslims immigrate to, these things happen!

Coming soon to a neighborhood near you thanks to the Biden/Harris immigration fiasco. It will happen!
  • British Media Repeats Hamas Casualty Figures Uncritically, Remains Skeptical of Israeli Reports. Why? They fear Muslims.
  • Ireland: Muslim teen who stabbed Army chaplain ‘holds a radical Islamist mindset’. Of course he does. The Quran mandates such behavior.
  • European Union funds NGO that paid tribute to ‘martyr’ Ismail Haniyeh. They fear Islam!
  • Utah: Qur’an teacher charged with sexually abusing teen, wanted to make her his second wife. Of course, the Quran authorizes this.
  • Muslim migrant with journals vowing ‘jihad’ admits to stealing New Jersey school bus. For what purpose-jihad!
  • Egypt: Muslims attack Coptic Christian families heading to a procession in a historic church.
  • Bangladesh: Muslims attack two more Hindu temples....

Two Heroes and a Marxist Airhead - American Thinker - Clarice Feldman

Last Monday, Thierry Breton, Commissioner for the EU internal market, warned Elon Musk that the planned Musk-Trump interview could run afoul of the EU’s overreaching online censorship laws. - Clarice Feldman 
  • Stifling of free speech remains in full force in Great Britain and attempts continue by the worst power-hungry leaders in Europe to extend their self-serving censorship here...
Musk ignored the warning of Mr. Thierry, a man who is the very avatar of “Eurotrash.” (Musk has been threatened by a variety of autocrats around the world for refusing to bow to their censorship dictates.)

1. Censorship King: Thierry is pushing for draconian internet censorship laws under the guise of "protecting public discourse," while silencing dissenting voices. 2. Tax Evasion Mastermind: He is perfecting the art of dodging European taxes by acquiring Senegalese citizenship, all while collecting a hefty salary funded by EU taxpayers. 3. Globalist Puppet: He is acting as a key enforcer of the globalist agenda, stripping European nations of their sovereignty in favor of centralized EU control. 4. Woke Enforcer: He is forcing the EU to adopt increasingly radical woke policies, even when they contradict traditional European values or public opinion. 5. Election Meddling Architect: Last but not least, he is trying to influence elections in other countries by censoring inconvenient truths and shaping public opinion through controlled narratives, all while claiming to "defend democracy."...

How The Media Are Lying Right Now: 'Violent Crime Drops' Edition

And it comes surely by coincidence as freshly anointed Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris gives herself a makeover as a hard ass on crime rather than the effusive “defund the police” candidate she ran as in 2020. - Eddie Scarry 
  • ...starting with what Axios admitted in its own report — that some states and cities, including the biggest one, New York, aren’t disclosing their violent crime numbers, or they fail to submit them to organizations like the FBI. 
  • It’s similar to when Democrats and the media claim that more violent crime is taking place in red states than blue ones, while deliberately concealing that it’s concentrated in Democrat-run metropolises with elected Democrat prosecutors and mayors.
  • But more importantly, Democrats and their co-conspirators in the media are deliberately specifying “violent crime,” rather than simply “crime,” for a reason. Violent crime, broadly speaking, includes murder, homicide, and assault...

'I might ... pull off a leg or two': WATCH abortionist in confiscated video * WorldNetDaily * by Cassy Fiano-Chesser, Live Action News

'I might ... pull off a leg or two': WATCH abortionist in confiscated video * WorldNetDaily * by Cassy Fiano-Chesser, Live Action News

In a newly-released undercover video from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), initially seized in 2016 by then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris, Planned Parenthood staffers can be heard discussing how to skirt federal laws surrounding illegal D&X (or 'partial-birth') abortions. After eight years of confiscation by a judge, two videos were finally able to be released after a San Francisco court ruled that CMP cannot be prohibited from republishing any videos released by Congress.

Tucker Carlson Tonight 8/12/24 | Tucker Carlson Tonight August 12, 2024

Elon Musk Shares Devastating Video 'The Unraveling of Kamala Harris' on His X Page - Kamala Was So Bad She Folded Before First Primary Contest (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

The video reminds us that Kamala Harris was so shallow and unlikeable during her initial run for US president in the Democratic Party primary that she dropped out before the Iowa caucus.
  • Kamala Harris did not even last until the first election contest in 2020. She was so bad she was forced to drop out.
  • The video captures CNN hosts discussing an article from The New York Times on a key aide to Kamala Harris turning in a resignation letter....

Lunch video-----What Is Critical Immigration Theory? | 5 Minute Videos



Supreme Court rejects Biden admin request to reinstate rules on LGBTQ students in colleges | Blaze Media

Supreme Court rejects Biden admin request to reinstate rules on LGBTQ students in colleges | Blaze Media

"The US Supreme Court just shut down the Biden-Harris Admin’s latest attempt to violate girls’ privacy by forcing them to share locker rooms & shower spaces with boys. We’re fighting to keep the wins coming against the Biden-Harris war on women!" she wrote on X.

Former Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos also praised the ruling after criticizing Biden in April.

It is always intentional!


I never get tired of watching one of Milton Friedman’s greatest Donahue moments:

Phil Donahue died today at the age of 88



The Conflict in the Middle East Is About One Thing: Iran. | The Free Press - Bari Weiss

But the truth is that Hezbollah has been fighting—and winning—in Israel’s north since October 8
  • Since that time, Hezbollah has essentially redrawn the northern border of Israel by pummeling the border towns daily with rockets, leaving 225 square miles unlivable for Israelis and displacing around 80,000 Israeli citizens.
  • Israel—pounded by Iranian proxies from all directions—now faces one of the most perilous moments in recent history. 
  • The prospect of an all-out war with Hezbollah, which could very well spread to a larger, more dangerous regional war—perhaps directly with Iran—seems closer than ever.
  • What will Israel do?...

#1 This day 1981-----Diana Ross & Lionel Richie Endless Love 1981

Harris, Walz, and the UK Thought Police

What do they have in common? Contempt for free speech, support for doublethink. Robert W Malone MD, MS
The whole clip, some of which is linked here shows just what a slippery slope these types of totalitarian tools soon become. 
In the video, he states that people speaking out about what they believe was fraud in the 2020 election should be censored and even somehow punished for spreading such misinformation...

They're telling us the truth!


Progressives are faking their pro-family credentials | Blaze Media

Progressives are faking their pro-family credentials | Blaze Media

It’s no wonder that a party with such a low view of babies in the womb would confuse them about biology starting in kindergarten, put them on puberty blockers in the fifth grade, push mastectomies in middle school, and mutilate their genitals in high school. All of this is done with the approval of adults who pat themselves on the back for being open and affirming. I’m no political pundit or pollster, but there is nothing about destroying the bodies and corrupting the minds of children that sounds “pro-family” to me.

Soros Spends $117 Million to Elect, Control Leftist County Prosecutors Throughout U.S. | Judicial Watch

The investigation determined that the Soros enterprise dedicated at least $40 million to help elect 126 prosecutors and an additional $77,663,316 to the leftist nonprofits that issue their marching orders once they are in office. 
  • The documents expose how the Hungarian billionaire’s groups directed the liberal prosecutors to manipulate laws involving drugs, abortion, illegal immigration, election integrity, capital punishment and even childhood sex changes...
  • “At least 30 percent of the U.S. population currently lives under the boot of the Soros prosecutors who were pressured to sign pledges vowing to adhere to various Soros priorities,” the report says, adding that the “Soros machine” arranged dozens of joint statements and pledges signed by 123 of the 126 prosecutors vowing to adhere to the leftist billionaire’s priorities...
  • Soros’s Open Society Foundations (OSF) also dedicated $220 million for racial justice and black empowerment in the aftermath of Floyd’s death.