Thursday, August 22, 2024

'Federal crime': Democrats accused of illegal action in pushing Biden out of race * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

'Federal crime': Democrats accused of illegal action in pushing Biden out of race * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

Jack Smith is the hand-picked "special counsel" the Democrats appointed to carry a large part of their lawfare war against President Donald Trump, and he's brought a number of cases that so far have been stalled because of his decision to ignore, while creating the charges, the fact confirmed by the Supreme Court that presidents have much immunity for their acts in office.

But if one is to accept his interpretation of the federal law, it is the Democrats now who have committed a federal crime –

Appeals Crt Says Police Can’t Keep Your Stuff Forever After Your Arrest

New Video Appears to Show DC Police Units Planting a J6 Pipe Bomb - The Last Refuge

One of the great mysteries about the January 6, 2021, events is the lack of curiosity by the FBI about who planted the pipe bombs at the DNC and RNC headquarters.
Amid all of the available CCTV video and surveillance technology exploited by the justice department, their transparent unwillingness to identify the pipe bomber has always been a dog that did not bark.
  • The Occam’s Razor explanation for why DC and federal law enforcement have been incurious, points to law enforcement actually planting the bombs.
  • New CCTV video seems to show exactly that...

Lunch video-----Milton Friedman - The Folly of Price Controls



Four of the biggest lies Joe Biden told at the Democratic National Convention | Blaze Media

Four of the biggest lies Joe Biden told at the Democratic National Convention | Blaze Media

By no means a comprehensive list. President Joe Biden took to the stage in Chicago, Illinois, to thunderous applause from the audience at the Democratic National Convention, but his speech was filled with misleading statements and outright lies. Here are four of the biggest whoppers.



Scott Jennings Stuns Other CNN Hosts: 'Democrats Have Controlled White House for 12 of Last 16 Years But Everything is Trump's Fault?' (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

and for all of the talk about division and the problems in the country, and people are hurting, Democrats have mostly controlled this country. Transcript via Real Clear Politics:
  • Democrats have controlled the White House for 12 of the last 16 years, and for all of the talk about division and the problems in the country, and people are hurting, Democrats have mostly controlled this country.
  • How do you explain all of the problems that will be solved by the person who is currently in there for the last 3.5 years and who is supposed to be already working on solving it?

If you’ve been watching the DNC, you know that Trump has been the most mentioned topic. Not the economy, the border or jobs, it’s just Trump, Trump, Trump.

Great political ad!


MPox/Monkeypox: Summer 2024 Update

Documented Truth versus Disaster Cronyism. - Robert W Malone MD, MS
So here we go again.
  • Having once again convened and received guidance from his hand-selected advisory board to advise him on risks and to recommend a WHO response, on August 14, 2024, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has declared a Mpox outbreak to be a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)” for the second time in two years...
  • Please keep in mind that Tedros is not a physician or a virologist. He sort of just plays one on TV. He is most definitely a well-connected African political operator of the CCP/Marxist/Bill Gates crony caste. Tedros previously was a senior capo for the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) gangster mafia that ruled Ethiopia from 1991 to 2018...

#1 This day 1979-----The Knack - My Sharona (1979)

EXCLUSIVE: Feds Are Helping Register AL Prisoners To Vote

Feds ‘deployed’ a ‘liberal’ org to help register Alabaman federal prisoners to vote, according to a statement from the secretary of state. - Logan Washburn
  • The Federal Bureau of Prisons has been registering federal prisoners to vote in Alabama, according to Secretary of State Wes Allen, an effort he claims is “illegal.”...
  • Allen said President Joe Biden’s “Executive Order on Promoting Access to Voting,” issued in March 2021, attempts to “mobilize and weaponize the entire federal government” to “register primarily Democrat leaning groups of voters.”...

" make room for..."

Confused crowds protest Kamala at heated DNC | Blaze Media

Confused crowds protest Kamala at heated DNC | Blaze Media

“I love the fact that they’ve got a Palestinian flag next to a Pride flag. It’s so perfect,” Matthew Marsden comments.

Though the protesters were yelling about “Christian fascists,” they were in Chicago to protest the DNC.

“I like that they can’t make up their minds, like, who is in their party?” Gonzales laughs. “

“This is the problem,” Marsden says. “The DNC have created this, right? They kind of fractured all these groups, and while they had one bad person to look at, which was obviously the right, anything on the right was bad.”

"This is the greatest interview with the BBC you'll see about Kamala Harris.

Ian Miles Cheong on X: "This is the greatest interview with the BBC you'll see about Kamala Harris. - Ian Miles Cheong@stillgray
  • Is he wearing a mask around his neck?
  • He’s either a complete idiot or a genius-level troll

AM Fruitcake


History for August 22

History for August 22 - 
Ray Bradbury 1920
  • 1770 - Australia was claimed under the British crown when Captain James Cook landed there.
  • 1775 - The American colonies were proclaimed to be in a state of open rebellion by England's King George III.
  • 1906 - The Victor Talking Machine Company of Camden, NJ began to manufacture the Victrola. The hand-cranked unit, with horn cabinet, sold for $200.
  • 1996 - U.S. President Clinton signed legislation that ended guaranteed cash payments to the poor and demanded work from recipients.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Watch: Kamala Harris Can't Answer Question About Her Own Policy in Shocking Moment with Press - 'It Pays for Itself'

Watch: Kamala Harris Can't Answer Question About Her Own Policy in Shocking Moment with Press - 'It Pays for Itself'

Harris blathered on: “And then, what we’re doing in terms of the tax credit — we know that there’s a great return on that investment. When we increase home ownership in America, what that means in terms of increasing the tax base — not to mention the property tax base, what that does to fund schools — again, return on investment.”


The Democratic presidential nominee then inadvertently admitted that she has no plan for how to pay for her “communist” programs.

The way we were-----Forgotten Service: The US Coast and Geodetic Survey in WWII

How Philadelphia Got Ruined

"Full North Korea"

Aging dictator Xi Jinping forced every single Chinese Olympics athlete to assemble in a grand reception hall and applaud him on state television for twenty minutes.

There’s more gaslighting than on a London street in the 1800s.

Amazing how two different women had the exact same conversation with two completely different strangers. - Rick Hammett
  • There’s more gaslighting than on a London street in the 1800s.
  • Amazing how two different women had the exact same conversation with two completely different strangers.
  • Amazing I say.
May be an image of 2 people and text
All reactions:
You, Sev Onyshkevych, Jacques Dupuis and 77 others

Humiliating Mistakes Quickly Spotted as Democrats Release 2024 Platform: 'They're Accidentally Telling the Truth'

Humiliating Mistakes Quickly Spotted as Democrats Release 2024 Platform: 'They're Accidentally Telling the Truth'

The blatant incompetency in the Democratic party’s platform emulates the incompetency the American people have been experiencing since Biden took office. It is nothing new.

What is new, however, is the inarguable confirmation by the Democrats, themselves, that the party’s switch to Harris won’t offer anything different from what Biden’s already been dishing out and would have continued had he remained the Democratic presidential candidate.

Feds Pass Rule to Get Rid of Fake Online Reviews

Cooking the books!-----US jobs growth in the last year could be revised down by ONE MILLION

US jobs growth in the last year could be revised down by ONE MILLION - refueling concerns the economy is headed for a downturn | This is Money - By Tilly Armstrong Assistant Consumer Editor For Dailymail.Com
  • As many as a million jobs could vanish from US jobs data in revised numbers released this week...
  • This could refuel concerns that the US economy is not as robust as it has appeared, and that the Federal Reserve is falling behind in its aim to lower interest rates...
  • A downward revision of more than 501,000 would be the largest in 15 years, Bloomberg reported, and would suggest the labor market has been cooling for longer than was originally thought...

View gallery

As many as a million jobs could vanish from US jobs data in revised numbers released this week, experts have warned

Lunch video-----Instantly Improve Balance with 1 Simple Trick (Ages 50+)



'So out of touch': Cash-strapped state inches closer to handing taxpayer home loans to illegal migrants * WorldNetDaily * by Jason Hopkins, Daily Caller News Foundation

'So out of touch': Cash-strapped state inches closer to handing taxpayer home loans to illegal migrants * WorldNetDaily * by Jason Hopkins, Daily Caller News Foundation

"Many legal California residents can't afford a home in their own state," California Sen. Brian Jones said to the DCNF. He is one of only two GOP members on the Senate Appropriations Committee. "Instead of addressing the housing crisis, radical Democrat lawmakers want to help illegal immigrants buy houses with the gift of taxpayer funds," Jones continued. "With a $62 billion budget deficit, we need to focus on preserving essential government functions, not unfair political spending for those here illegally."



Former NIH Head Francis Collins Confronted on Behalf of COVID Vaccine Victim Who Tells Him He and Fauci 'Deserve to be in Prison for the Rest of Your Lives' (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

A video shared online shows Collins being confronted on behalf of a COVID vaccine injury victim.
The man told Collins, “Hey Dr. Collins….you and Ralph Baric and Anthony Fauci deserve to be in prison for the rest of your lives.”
“You have so much blood on your hands, I hope you sleep well at night.”
“And remember the name Breanne Dressen because you left her stranded after she was severely injured by the COVID vaccine.”

Collins mumbles something, and the man continues, “In your study…you do know her. Her name is Breanne Dressen. Have a good night.”