Sunday, August 25, 2024

Asleep in the Deep (State) :: SteynOnline

And, given that American elections have degraded to the point where the opposition candidate is now being indicted, convicted and shot at, I find myself more interested in the disturbing abandonment by key US institutions of all remaining norms. - by Mark Steyn
And, given that American elections have degraded to the point where the opposition candidate is now
  • being indicted, 
  • convicted and 
  • shot at,
I find myself more interested in the disturbing abandonment by key US institutions of all remaining norms.
  • For example...
As my friend Conrad Black, one of its victims, put it over a decade ago:
Those who do exercise their constitutional right to a defense receive three times as severe a sentence as those who plead guilty; 95 percent of cases are won by prosecutors, 90 percent of those without trial.
Those last two numbers have ticked up even higher in the years since, but that first one is important too: if you insist on your "constitutional" (ha!) right to a defence and it pans out as the ninetysomething stats suggest, you'll be gaoled for thirty years instead of ten. 
They'll punish you for having the temerity to insist on being tried and convicted according to due process...

Wait for the media to attack HIM!


INSANE: Venezuelan Gangs are taking over multiple apartment complexes with firearms in Aurora, Colorado

This comes after a Venezuelan illegal alien advised on a viral TikTok post all illegal aliens to take advantage of “squatter rights” in America

#1 This day 1962-----Little Eva - Loco-motion(1962)


Even taking a fleeting second to explain who the “+” people are appears to have been too much for them.
However, it seems the speakers at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) could not summon “the courage” to speak “authentically and proudly” about their full-throated endorsement of the most radical LGBT policies ever implemented...
While the Democrats might lack the fortitude to highlight their “accomplishments” on these issues, here is just a brief summary of what the Biden-Harris administration has done:
  • On the first day of the Biden-Harris administration, it implemented an executive order allowing boys into the girls restrooms and locker rooms and to compete in girls sports.
  • The Biden-Harris administration has rolled back religious liberty protections for medical providers compelling them to provide “gender affirming care.”
  • The Biden-Harris administration has routinely championed the Equality Act. This act would effectively gut religious liberty protections and eviscerate women’s sports and other legal protections. It would compel Catholic Hospitals to provide “gender affirming care.”
  • The Biden-Harris administration adopted a rule that if foster parents refused to support “gender affirming care” they would have their children taken from them...
You would not have heard any mention of these policies from the DNC speakers...

The media lies!


CNBC anchor obliterates Elizabeth Warren in debate over Harris' price control plan: 'Those are fallacious and misleading' | Blaze Media

CNBC anchor obliterates Elizabeth Warren in debate over Harris' price control plan: 'Those are fallacious and misleading' | Blaze Media

Joe Kernen of CNBC schooled Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts on the history of price controls in a debate about the economic policies of Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Kernen explained the free market argument against price controls to Warren on "Squawk Box" Friday a day after Harris accepted the nomination for the presidency at the Democratic National Convention. "I can paint you a picture of how that would work and how it's worked in the past where we've artificially tried to hold prices down, competition doesn't come in," said Kernen.

Africans Fight Back Against Green Energy Poverty Policy of the West | Africa and the World

The African Energy Chamber (AEC) is preparing to take Western financiers to court over what the energy advocacy group’s chairman, NJ Ayuk, has described as their discrimination against financing African oil and gas investments.
  • Chairperson of the African Energy Chamber (AEC), NJ Ayuk denounced the discriminatory withholding of investment in fossil fuels by Western financial institutions as very unjust, hypocritical, and colonial.
  • Natural gas is treated as a fossil fuel in Africa, but it’s seen as green energy in Europe…It’s clear discrimination, it’s outrageous and it should not be happening. You can’t have one set of standards for the European and American energy industries and another for the African energy industry...

  • Energy Poverty Kills

Without doubt, the single biggest cause of death in Africa, is the pathetic paucity of available energy. This is not hyperbole! It is absolutely true...

AM Fruitcake


History for August 25

History for August 25 - 
Allen Pinkerton 1819
  • 1718 - Hundreds of colonists from France arrived in Louisiana. Some settled in present-day New Orleans.
  • 1875 - Captain Matthew Webb swam from Dover, England, to Calais, France making him the first person to swim the English Channel. The feat took about 22 hours.
  • 1939 - The movie "Wizard of Oz" opened around the United States.
  • 1949 - NBC Radio debuted "Father Knows Best." The show went to TV in 1954.
  • 1998 - A survey released said that 1/3 of Americans use the Internet.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Nolte: Tim Walz Isn't Mocking JD Vance and Yale; He's Trashing the American Dream

Nolte: Tim Walz Isn't Mocking JD Vance and Yale; He's Trashing the American Dream

But, of course, this is what Democrats have always done: keep people down. Keep them ignorant and poor and dependent. This is the message Democrats send to black kids by refusing them private school vouchers and telling them they can’t succeed in a white supremacist country. This is what they do to welfare recipients through the creation of a system that discourages marriage and work. And now, A-Walz is telling the rural poor that striving is selling out your own.

Walz sold out his men in the Minnesota National Guard just as they were headed into a war zone, and now he’s selling out every poor, rural kid hoping for a way out.

The way we were-----Walter Cronkite, "The 20th Century," 1962, "The Airport Jam."

Oprah Is An Idiot

Harris wins? These fools get medals!-----Secret Service Never Picked Up Radios Set Aside For Them by Local Law Enforcement at Trump's Butler Rally | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

Another ‘coincidental’ Secret Service failure that led to the attempted assassination of President Trump.
Credit: AP
Bodycam footage shows a Butler Township police officer flipping out after his warnings about Crooks on the roof over the radio went ignored. That’s because Secret Service agents never picked up their radios.
“Before you motherf*ckers came up here, I popped my head up there like an idiot by myself, dude,” the police officer who was hoisted onto the roof said. “Then he turned around and I f*cking dropped, and I started f*cking, I was calling out, ‘Bro, f*cking on top of the roof.’ F*cking, we’re not on the same frequency?”

...CNN reported:

The day before the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, a tactical team of local police officers set aside radios for their Secret Service partners so the two agencies could communicate during the former president’s July 13 campaign rally.

But those radios were never picked up...

Of course they'd do this!-----TAPS Attack: Biden Administration vs. Alaska - Robert Bradley Jr.

“It is now time for DOI and BLM to prove their worth, and whether they are truly working in the public interest, or merely pandering to the Lower-48 radical environmental elite … trying to shut down the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) … [and] Alaska.” ( – U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan) — August 20, 2024

  • Termite aspirations. That term from Ayn Rand toward the enemies of modern living and human betterment is applicable to many energy issues today.
One of the most recent examples regards the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System, which since 1977 has been transporting crude oil from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez (800 miles) for tanker shipment to markets...
This June, these environmental groups filed a legal petition to the U.S. Department of Interior to phase-out and decommission TAPS...

Black Caucus speaker's stunning admission: 'The quiet part out loud' * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

Black Caucus speaker's stunning admission: 'The quiet part out loud' * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

A posting at RVM News said, "The comments appeared to suggest that supporters should avoid any actions that could potentially harm the Democratic Party's prospects until after the election

Venezuela is the Most Mismanaged Economy in the World

The Kamala Harris Video That Might Finally Wake Up Americans

But Kamala Harris, who indeed has a record that is way off the mainstream of America is very close to becoming the leader of the free world.  - Leah Rosenberg
  • Kamala Harris supports government intervention in order to create what she thinks is equality between men and women. 
  • She supports government forcing of pharmaceutical companies in order to enforce her progressive ideas on private companies. 
  • She doesn’t just believe in big government. She believes in a super-centralized idea of federal power. 
  • She believes in enforcing gun mandates in order to take guns back... 

Lunch video-----Michael Shellenberger on Why California Is Such a Mess



GOP rep says would-be Trump assassin had encrypted messaging accounts in 3 foreign countries, rips intelligence community | Blaze Media

GOP rep says would-be Trump assassin had encrypted messaging accounts in 3 foreign countries, rips intelligence community | Blaze Media

The gunman who nearly assassinated former President Donald Trump used encrypted messaging accounts on platforms in multiple foreign countries, according to a GOP representative appointed to a congressional task force investigating the assassination attempt.

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-Fla.) — a member of the Bipartisan House Task Force on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump — revealed the three countries linked to encrypted messaging accounts used by would-be Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks.

"Depression increased the most among liberal young women, where it went from 15% in the late 2000s to 46% in 2021-22 — more than tripling in a little more than a decade."


If this sounds insane, it’s because it is insane. Communism is insane.

I don’t think people fully appreciate how communist and evil an unrealized capital gains tax is. - Sean Davis@seanmdav
  • Understand that government controls asset prices via its control of the money supply: if it wants asset prices to go up, all it has to do is print money. 
  • Which means all a corrupt government needs to do to destroy you with a massive tax bill on unrealized gains is to print a crap ton of money, create massive asset inflation due to the deliberate devaluation of the currency, then bill you for the asset bubble it created. 
  • If you bought a house for $200k, and the government fires up the money printer to juice asset prices resulting in your house being worth $600k, you now have $400k in unrealized gains the government can tax you on...

We know why they're hiding the truth!


Tonga’s volcanic eruption could cause unusual weather for the rest of the decade, new study shows Martin Jucker

Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai (Hunga Tonga for short) erupted on January 15 2022 in the Pacific Kingdom of Tonga
Our findings show the volcano can explain last year’s extraordinarily large ozone hole, as well as the much wetter than expected summer of 2024.
The eruption could have lingering effects on our winter weather for years to come...
Animation of the Hunga Tonga eruption recorded on January 15 2022 by Japan’s Himawari-8 weather satellite. 
The plume is just under 500km across. Japan Meteorological Agency, CC BY...

#1 This day 1954-----The Crew Cuts - Sh Boom Sh Boom

Taxpayer-Funded Corporation Offers $30,000 for Non-Citizens to Buy Homes -Brett T.

Mind you, this is only for illegals.
  • As Twitchy reported earlier this week, California Gov. Gavin Newsom is getting ready to sign legislation that would allow illegal aliens to buy homes with a $0 down payment and 0 percent interest. Mind you, this is only for illegals.
  • Oregon appears to be saying, "Hold my beer." Hacienda Community Development Corporation is offering $30,000 to buy a home, but only if you're a non-citizen … Americans need not apply.
  • The only requirement?
  • You can't be an American citizen.

Ivy=good if dems. Ivy=BAD if GOP


WATCH: Even CNN is calling Biden a liar in brutal fact-check | Blaze Media

WATCH: Even CNN is calling Biden a liar in brutal fact-check | Blaze Media

Joe Biden’s speech at the DNC this week was so chock-full of lies that even CNN — one of the most left-leaning news outlets in existence — called him out.

Dave Rubin plays a clip of CNN’s Jake Tapper and Daniel Dale discussing the various lies and half-truths in the president’s speech.

Why Old Wind Turbine Blades Aren’t Being Buried In Landfills Anymore

Until a few years ago, it was common for old wind turbine blades to be discarded in local landfills. That’s not happening much anymore as landfills require them to be ground up “into really tiny pieces,” which is expensive. Pat Maio  
  • If you’re wondering where those huge wind turbine blades go after they age and can no longer generate electricity in about 20 to 30 years, there’s a good chance that you’re not the only one wondering.
  • Landfills across the northern plains states from Casper, Wyoming, to Sioux City, South Dakota, and Lake Mills, Iowa, once accepted old wind turbine blades and buried them in their landfills.
  • No longer.
  • These landfills either won’t accept the fiberglass blades or won’t return phone calls to discuss their policies. 
  • Utility companies won’t explain the working relationship with landfills and the extent of their recycler efforts...