Monday, September 02, 2024

AM Fruitcake


History for September 2

History for September 2 - 
Peter Ueberroth 1937
  • 31 B.C. - The Roman leader Octavian defeated the alliance of Mark Antony and Cleopatra. Octavian, as Augustus Caesar, became the first Roman emperor.
  • 1666 - The Great Fire of London broke out. The fire burned for three days destroying 10,000 buildings including St. Paul's Cathedral. Only 6 people were killed.
  • 1789 - The U.S. Treasury Department was established.
  • 1901 - Theodore Roosevelt, then Vice President, said "Speak softly and carry a big stick" in a speech at the Minnesota State Fair.
  • 1969 - NBC-TV canceled "Star Trek." The show had debuted on September 8, 1966.
  • 1973 - Billy Martin was fired as manager of the Detroit Tigers. Martin was relieved of his duties three days after ordering his pitchers to throw spitballs against Cleveland Indians batters.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Judge: Elon Musk's Lawsuit Against Media Matters Can Proceed to Trial

Judge: Elon Musk's Lawsuit Against Media Matters Can Proceed to Trial

A U.S. District Judge has ruled that Elon Musk’s X (formerly Twitter) can move forward with its lawsuit against the leftist censorship organization Media Matters, setting a trial date for April 7, 2025.

The Independent reports that U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor has given the green light for Elon Musk’s X to proceed with its lawsuit against Media Matters, a left-wing blacklisting organization. The lawsuit, filed by X in November 2023, accuses Media Matters of sparking an advertiser exodus from the social media platform by publishing a misleading article that alleged X allowed top brands to display advertisements alongside antisemitic and pro-Nazi content.

The way we were-----Unabomber - Ted Kaczynski - Forgotten History

Crime and Punishment | Tommy Robinson | EP 476

With "leaders" who denigrate enforcement of laws and disparage local police, it seems too many communities are fine with these shootings. Sad.-----Man shot, killed after party in Muskegon, police say |

The man was shot after an apparent argument broke out at a party, police say.
MUSKEGON, Mich. - There, they found a Muskegon Heights man in his 40s with a gunshot wound. He died at the scene.
  • The man was shot after an apparent argument broke out at a party, police say.
  • No arrests have been made and the Muskegon Police Department is still investigating.
  • If anyone has any information on this incident, please call Muskegon police at 231.724.6750 or Silent Observer at 231.722.7463.

CNN, Washington Post: A Modern Press Gang -Clarice Feldman - American Thinker

CNN, Washington Post: A Modern Press Gang - American Thinker
Press-gang is a term used to describe the use of troops working to round up and press free men into military service. 
  • Looking at the work of Dana Bash at CNN and the entire Washington Post staff, I think we need another definition: People posing as journalists working to bend our minds to untruths designed to fluff up the Democrats. 
From the absurd Dana Bash “interview” of Kamala Harris, her first since being nominated to the highest office without ever having received a single vote, to the slavish coverage in the Post, it’s clear they cannot defend the Democrats’ unpopular policies...

Watchdog warns government's 'Deep State CIA agency trolls' are snooping on Americans * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

Watchdog warns government's 'Deep State CIA agency trolls' are snooping on Americans * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

"These documents show how the Deep State CIA agency trolls social media to snoop on Americans," said Fitton. "The woke protocol sweeping the federal bureaucracies allows CISA snoopers to target individuals who are supposedly sharing First Amendment-protected content." Judicial Watch has its own experience with government message controls.

Michael Shellenberger: How Our Leaders Lost All Credibility

Sooo. She lied/stole money. Got caught, never fired. Got "separation agreement". Heck, it's not the county's money, no prob!-----Equity officer investigated for travel expenses resigns in Washtenaw County -

Equity officer investigated for travel expenses resigns in Washtenaw County -
WASHTENAW COUNTY, MI — A top Washtenaw County official who has been on unpaid leave as her travel expenses were investigated has resigned.
County Racial Equity Officer Alize Asberry Payne resigned effective Friday, Aug. 16, County Administrator Gregory Dill confirmed.
“I accepted her resignation, and she is moving on,” Dill said.
There is a separation agreement with Asberry Payne, but Dill declined to make it public...

Lunch video-----The Dire State Of America ( with RFK Jr. and Robert Kiyosaki)



Watchdog to states: Clean up voter rolls or be invited into court * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

Watchdog to states: Clean up voter rolls or be invited into court * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh

Or else they could end up in court.

"[W]hat if these one million ineligible voters were not removed from the voter rolls in Texas?" he commented during an interview on Washington Watch. "I will tell you that that would be called Michigan. … [W]e've been in litigation against Michigan because Secretary [of State] Jocelyn Benson won't remove at least 2[7],000 dead voters from the voter rolls. … We're now in the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals against her. … [That] 27,000 [number] was only looking at people over the age of 70. So if you died at the age of 40 or 50 or 55 or 60, even in Michigan, we wouldn't have necessarily made that part of our lawsuit. So it's clearly more than 27,000."

Her threats are clear!


Michael Smith - I woke up this morning thinking about a couple of...

The first one was this quote often attributed to Abraham Lincoln: “The Constitution is not a suicide pact.” - Michael Smith
  • The second is the clear evidence the enemy has made it inside the perimeter wire – and I’m not talking about the illegal alien gangs in Colorado and everywhere else, I’m also thinking about the legal immigrants who are clearly anti-American, several who represent communities of legal and illegal anti-American immigrants.
To justify their criticism of people opposing an open border, some people use these lines from this sonnet by Emma Lazarus. 
You will recognize the words from a plaque bolted to the base of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. The poem is called “The New Colossus”:
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
However, when you consider the sonnet in its entirety, the line immediately preceding this well-known section changes its meaning entirely:
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she with silent lips.”
  • We aren’t welcoming the random huddled masses and giving them the opportunity to come to America only to isolate and reestablish their countries and culture here. 
  • We are saying that if you want to be free, accept what America is and leave your past allegiances behind...

America is enabling fraud!

And here it is, why your overthrown government denied the Trump campaign to forensically examine the Dominion Voting Systems during the overthrow of the U.S. government on Nov 3, 2020.

In other words our evidence has never been refuted only arrested, charged, indicted, prosecuted, persecuted, incarcerated and killed. - RealRobert@Real_RobN
“Two Clark County technical employees came forward completely independent of each other, and explained that they discovered that the number of votes recorded by Dominion voting machines stored on USB drives would change between the time the polls were closed at night, and when they were reopened the next morning.” 
Lara Logan
Wow. When you put it like that…

#1 This day 1955-----The Yellow Rose Of Texas - Mitch Miller

Good news?-----Private Equity Targets $30 Billion Youth Sports Industry - Bloomberg

Kids’ sports have become an expensive, high-pressure affair. An industry famous for squeezing out value claims it will make the experience better. - Ira
  • Now they’re bringing their big league expertise and very deep pockets to an industry that’s traditionally been left to mom-and-pop operators...
  • Smaller clubs and leagues are combining to form regional powerhouses at the same time that private equity firms are scooping up camps, tournaments and other assets across the country...
Among other examples, in 2019 Washington D.C.-based firm Juggernaut Capital Partners LP took a stake in 3STEP Sports, a national operator that has since gone on a buying spree and now owns more than 1,800 club teams across nine sports...
  • The sandlot era when kids played sports largely unsupervised is long gone..

Will the media investigate??!!


What's CUT OUT of 18-minute CNN interview with Harris, Walz? | Blaze Media

What's CUT OUT of 18-minute CNN interview with Harris, Walz? | Blaze Media

“How shameful it is that this person cannot stand up on her own and she needs to have this crutch, or she needs to have a series of crutches, but yet she wants to be the commander in chief, she wants to be the president of the United States of America. So I think this is all going to just backfire and fall apart,” he adds.

This is why they don't let her speak 🤣

AM Fruitcake


History for September 1

History for September 1 -
Ann Richards 1933 - Texas Governor
  • 1878 - Emma M. Nutt became the first female telephone operator in the U.S. The company was the Telephone Dispatch Company of Boston.
  • 1887 - Emile Berliner filed for a patent for his invention of the lateral-cut, flat-disk gramophone. It is a device that is better known as a record player. Thomas Edison made the idea work.
  • 1922 - The first daily news program on radio was "The Radio Digest," on WBAY radio in New York City, NY.
  • 1939 - World War II began when Germany invaded Poland.
  • 1945 - The U.S. received official word of Japan's formal surrender that ended World War II. In Japan, it was actually September 2nd.
  • 1969 - Col. Moammar Gadhafi came into power in Libya after the government was overthrown.
  • 1972 - America’s Bobby Fischer beat Russia’s Boris Spassky to become world chess champion. The chess match took place in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund fires back in response to Pelosi's attempts to deflect blame for Jan. 6: 'I am stunned' | Blaze Media

Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund fires back in response to Pelosi's attempts to deflect blame for Jan. 6: 'I am stunned' | Blaze Media

“Itake the full responsibility.”

Those words by former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) — the polar opposite of what she has publicly proclaimed for nearly 44 months — were uttered on Jan. 6 as she and Democratic colleagues watched the unfolding protests and violence at the U.S. Capitol on television, new video shows.

While claiming she takes responsibility in one video clip, she lashed out at former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund in another, putting the blame for Jan. 6 on his head.

The way we were-----The Tide Show: FS At Last, At Last (4/8/52)

A Donald Trump Short Film (feat. Creed) #MAGA2024

Berkeley Law School Dean Tells MSNBC It’s Time To Ditch US Constitution

Law professor Erwin Chemerinsky claims U.S. Constitution "undermines democracy" -
  • Alex Jones breaks down the dean of the University of California at Berkeley’s law school calling for the scrapping of the Constitution, claiming that failing to make changes to it would cause the U.S. to “drift toward authoritarianism.”

How to destroy a nation in five easy steps - The Conservative Woman

How to destroy a nation in five easy steps - The Conservative Woman - Dr Campbell Campbell-Jack
  • Certain steps can be taken to undermine and ultimately to destroy the culture and the cohesive identity of a people.
  • The United Kingdom today functions as a laboratory where we can witness them being played out in real time. 
Here are some of them.

First, recognise that Britain is a Christian nation, and proceed to undermine that concept...
Second, ..Emphasise the wrongs that have been done by the British as though the UK is unique in having blots in its history.
Third, open the borders and actively encourage mass legal immigration. At the same time break election promises to stop illegal migration...
Fourth, ...Institute a de facto two-tier policing system.
Fifth, make acceptance of the new ideology an unstated but mandatory requirement for entry into the power-wielding caste...

Texas Continues Border Wall Projects Abandoned by Biden-Harris Admin

Texas Continues Border Wall Projects Abandoned by Biden-Harris Admin

Not only did the Biden-Harris administration stop the construction of the Trump-era border wall projects, they spent approximately $6 million per day to store the materials and leave construction sites abandoned, Breitbart Texas’s Randy Clark reported.