Thursday, September 12, 2024

#1 This day 1964-----The Animals - House Of The Rising Sun (Music Video) [4K HD]

Bibi's Flawless Two Minute Speech - Israel Unwired

Bibi's Flawless Two Minute Speech - Israel Unwired -  Phil Schneider 
  • Yes, Bibi Netanyahu is in an impossible situation. 
  • But he is doing the right thing. 
The Hamas terrorist network has Israel in a major bind. 
  • In order for Israel to win the war and eradicate Hamas once and for all, Israel must not give in to the demands of Hamas, and that probably will seal the fate of the remaining hostages. 
What a terrible situation to be in. 
It is all about capitulating to or eradicating the terrorists. 
Bibi has chosen right this time. 

Woke destroys. EVERYTHING!


ABC Gets Called Out for Sneaky Pre-Debate Poll Trick: 'Trying to Set Up a Particular Narrative'

ABC Gets Called Out for Sneaky Pre-Debate Poll Trick: 'Trying to Set Up a Particular Narrative'

It would almost be impressive if the naked brazenness of it all wasn’t so abhorrent.

Believe it or not, the establishment media is shilling for the Democratic presidential nominee — Vice President Kamala Harris — going into Tuesday’s highly-anticipated presidential debate against former President Donald Trump.

Now, this is actually expected behavior from Democratic apparatchiks, but this particular instance has two extra problems:

Three Baltimore Zones Achieve Dubious Homicide Record - Jazz Shaw

A few years ago, the City of Baltimore, Maryland introduced a new, community-led program to combat gang violence and hopefully reduce the city's spiraling homicide rate.
Known as "Safe Streets," the program dispatched civilian "violence interrupters" wearing distinctive orange t-shirts who would seek to step in when gang members appeared to be preparing to exchange gunfire. 
The most violent neighborhoods were broken up into ten Safe Streets zones...
  • Of the ten Safe Streets zones, three of them recorded a one year period with no homicides. 
  • But a closer look at the figures suggests that the success of the program remains marginal at best.
  • 70% of them (a very significant majority) were unable to make the same claim. In fact, three or four of the worst saw almost no decrease in killings at all. As for the three that did record zero homicides, they didn't all do it in the same calendar year...
  • At least five violence interrupters have been killed by the same gun violence they sought to prevent since the program launched, with the last one coming in July of this year.

AM Fruitcake


History for September 12

History for September 12 - 
H.L. Mencken 1880
  • 1609 - English explorer Henry Hudson sailed down what is now known as the Hudson River.
  • 1873 - The first practical typewriter was sold to customers.
  • 1922 - The Episcopal Church removed the word "Obey" from the bride's section of wedding vows.
  • 1954 - "Lassie" made its television debut on CBS. The last show aired on September 12, 1971.
  • 1963 - The last episode of "Leave it to Beaver" was aired. The show had debuted on October 4, 1957.
  • 1983 - Arnold Schwarzenegger became a U.S. citizen. He had emigrated from Austria 14 years earlier.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Californians Lose Power Again in Heat Wave Amid 'Green Energy' Push

Californians Lose Power Again in Heat Wave Amid 'Green Energy' Push

California residents are once again struggling to keep the lights on after as many as 50,000 people lost electricity in a heat wave this past weekend that caused the famed Hollywood Bowl to cancel a concert due to the power outage.

The way we were------9/11, 2001 as it happened

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (2016) - The First Wave Scene ...

How they "think", with a "boomer" slur added!-----MSNBC-Why the tragedy of 9/11 is also a lesson about leaders like Trump

A wounded, angry nation would be better led by almost anyone than the bigoted boomer who loves fake internet conspiracy theories. - By Anthony L. Fisher, Senior Editor, MSNBC Daily
  • America’s military misadventure in Iraq was such a fiasco, in fact, that it’s oft-cited as a major factor in Donald Trump’s hijacking of the Republican Party, which is now more a personality cult than a political organization with coherent politics.
  • When Trump announced his presidential run in 2015, there were plenty of reasons to be concerned. He was overtly racist. He encouraged violence among his followers. He promised a “Muslim ban.”
  •  The thought of what he might do in a national crisis, like 9/11, was terrifying to some of us...

WEEKLY WRAP: Gang Take Over, ESPN Exposed, and LGBTQ Indoctrination

Earlier this week, I reported on a 911 dispatch call that detailed how a group of 32 armed Venezuelans took over a building in Chicago.  - Libs of TikTok
This marks the second building, following the apartment complex in Aroura, CO, to be forcibly occupied by a Venezuelan gang.
However, they aren’t just targeting buildings…
I released an exclusive report on an internal safety memo from within a Texas oil company warning its employees about violent Venezuelan and Cuban gangs attacking and stealing from oil fields.

Massive retailer files for bankruptcy as Biden-Harris inflation continues to wreak havoc on economy * WorldNetDaily * by Owen Klinsky, Daily Caller News Foundation

Massive retailer files for bankruptcy as Biden-Harris inflation continues to wreak havoc on economy * WorldNetDaily * by Owen Klinsky, Daily Caller News Foundation

U.S. discount retail chain Big Lots filed for bankruptcy Monday as Biden-Harris era inflation continues to weaken consumer spending and push retailers out of business. The company filed for Chapter 11 protection after posting consecutive quarterly losses since 2022 and being forced to close numerous stores, operating roughly 1,300 stores in the U.S. as of May compared with 1,425 in early 2023, according to The Wall Street Journal. Big Lots also announced it had secured over $700 million in funding to guide the company through the bankruptcy process and ensuing sales process, with an affiliate of private equity firm Nexus Capital Management expected to acquire the company.

Institute for Justice Suit Gets City to End ‘Predatory Impound Racket’

Shocker: Captured Hamas Document Shows Sinwar Playing the West Like a Fiddle Ed Morrissey

Shocking? Well, maybe. Could anyone feel shock at seeing the same Hamas playbook getting run for the nth time since 2006?
  • The document, if authentic, lays out the full hostaging strategy Hamas planned to employ in this war. 
  • It will come as no surprise to anyone at this point -- outside the White House, anyway -- that Sinwar has no interest in cease-fires or a two-state solution.
  • His real interests? Psychological torture and the annihilation of Israel, with his own survival somewhere in between...

Lunch video-----Benghazi, the attack and the scandal, explained

Never Forget!


Illegal alien votes in 'multiple' US elections after stealing identity of American citizen, DOJ alleges | Blaze Media

Illegal alien votes in 'multiple' US elections after stealing identity of American citizen, DOJ alleges | Blaze Media

The bill passed the House in July, after 216 Republicans and five Democrats voted in favor of it, and it now moves on for consideration in the Senate, currently under Democrat control. To increase the chances that it will become law, congressional Republicans have pushed to tie the SAVE Act to a continuing budget resolution. "If Senate leadership truly believes our democracy is sacred, and that the SAVE Act is redundant because it's already illegal for undocumented immigrants to cast a ballot in federal elections, then passing a CR with the SAVE Act included shouldn't be an issue. If it is a problem for Democrats, they should explain to the American people what the hang-up is," wrote Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) in a recent Newsweek op-ed.

And she is still is revered by democrats!


Victor Davis Hanson: The Truth About World War II | The Free Press

Germany and its fascist allies started the war. They felt empowered to do so not because of supposed Allied aggression, but because of Western appeasement and isolationism. - By Victor Davis Hanson
  • On the Treatment of Russian Prisoners - ...The virtual extinction of these POWs in the first six months of the war was a natural consequence of a series of infamous and so-called “criminal orders” issued by Hitler in spring 1941 to be immediately implemented in his planned “war of extermination” in the East...
  • Who Was Responsible for Starting World War II? - As for Cooper’s claim that the Allies were to blame for starting a world war, nothing could be further from the truth. Hitler may have been frustrated that Britain and France declared war on him after his unprovoked invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939. But he had been warned by some advisers that the two allies would be finally forced to war, given that he had broken almost all his prewar promises to them about ceasing his serial territorial acquisitions...

Nothing is ever meant to get solved...

TRUTH about the Benghazi Attack - Forgotten History

#1 This day 2001-----Jennifer Lopez - I'm Real (Remix) ft. Ja Rule

A Remembrance of September 11 Guest Post by Melanie Kornondy, Gulf Breeze News

“Two separate airplanes crashed into both Twin Towers at the World Trade Center, another crashed into the Pentagon, and the United States is under a terrorist attack.” - Adm Jim
The following editorial about September 11 was published in the Gulf Breeze News and captures the essence of how we all feel about that day of indescribable pain and anguish and terror we all felt when first hearing the news of the attack on New York City, the Pentagon and the planned attack, foiled by the bravery of real Americans, on the Nation’s Capitol...
It was a normal Tuesday morning and I sat on the second row of my zoology class during my senior year at my Mississippi Gulf Coast high school. My teacher had already taken attendance and we were well into working on a group project.
The teacher, who sat on a pub-style stool behind a pedestal at the front of the class, opened an email from another teacher which said something along the lines of: “Two separate airplanes crashed into both Twin Towers at the World Trade Center, another crashed into the Pentagon, and the United States is under a terrorist attack.”...

What is this woman cooking in New York?

RadioGenoa on X: "What is this woman cooking in New York?" / X - RadioGenoa@RadioGenoa

The feds can use THIS shady new law to SEIZE private land | Blaze Media

The feds can use THIS shady new law to SEIZE private land | Blaze Media

The SUSTAINS Act is a new law in the works that in classic tyrant fashion would drastically harm Americans’ ability to own land.

The law would give the USDA the power to monitor “natural processes” and decide who owns “environmental services.”

“The USDA now is monetizing natural processes under the SUSTAINS Act,” Glenn Beck says, disturbed. “It doesn’t look like it’s going to be stopped.”

9/11: How America’s worst terror attack unfolded

History for September 11

History for September 11 - 
D.H. Lawrence 1885
  • 1842 - 1,400 Mexican troops captured San Antonio, TX. The Mexicans retreated with prisoners.
  • 1954 - The Miss America beauty pageant made its network TV debut on ABC. Miss California, Lee Ann Meriwether, was the winner.
  • 2001 - In the U.S., four airliners were hijacked and were intentionally crashed. Two airliners hit the World Trade Center, which collapsed shortly after, in New York City, NY. One airliner hit the Pentagon in Arlington, VA. Another airliner crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. About 3,000 people were killed.
  • 2012 - Terrorists attacked the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Four Americans were brutally murdered and ten others were injured.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Dems Tried to End Clarence Thomas Over This: Now Joe Biden Is Doing Much Worse

Dems Tried to End Clarence Thomas Over This: Now Joe Biden Is Doing Much Worse

“Side question: Biden spent the week at the estate of billionaire mega donor Joe Kiani,” the post read.

“Didn’t Dems just [spend] a year+ arguing that Clarence Thomas going on vacations with and using the boat/lodging of a rich friend was indisputable evidence of corruption?”

The way we were-----Canada's Forgotten Hurricane 1775