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Saturday, January 04, 2025
Green Electricity Costs a Bundle - WSJ
The data make clear: The notion that solar and wind power save money is an environmentalist lie. - Bjorn Lomborg
- As nations use more and more supposedly cheap solar and wind power, a strange thing happens: Our power bills get more expensive.
This exposes the environmentalist lie that renewables have already outmatched fossil fuels and that the “green transition” is irreversible even under a second Trump administration.
The claim that green energy is cheaper relies on bogus math that measures the cost of electricity only when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing...
The claim that green energy is cheaper relies on bogus math that measures the cost of electricity only when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing...
The Constitution Does Not Grant Birthright Citizenship to the Children of Illegal Immigrants - Just Facts Daily
Dozens of media outlets are reporting in unison that Donald Trump cannot stop the U.S. government from awarding birthright citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants.
They claim this is the case because the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution requires it. - James D. Agresti
- In reality, the legislative history of the 14th Amendment is clear that it only grants birthright citizenship to the children of people who are legally and permanently living in the United States.
- This does not apply to the children of illegal immigrants, temporary residents, visitors, or tourists.
- The children of such foreigners are currently granted U.S. citizenship and its benefits under a misinterpretation of the Constitution.
Although such citizenship could be conferred through legislation, no such law exists.
A Supreme Court ruling in 1898 presents mixed messages about this issue, but it is factually flawed on multiple levels and could justifiably be superseded by the current Supreme Court.
The Historical Background...
A Supreme Court ruling in 1898 presents mixed messages about this issue, but it is factually flawed on multiple levels and could justifiably be superseded by the current Supreme Court.
The Historical Background...
University of Michigan hosting ‘Pronouns 101’ seminar next month
While the school does not charge students and staff for these workshops, the public must pay $600, Campus Reform reports. - Tom Joyce The Spectrum Center at the University of Michigan will host a two-hour workshop called “Pronouns 101” on Jan. 29, according to the event website...
The workshop’s learning objectives include the following:
The workshop’s learning objectives include the following:
- Normalize the use of various pronouns.
- Identify two inclusive practices for sharing your pronouns.
- Understand the impact of using people’s affirming pronouns.
- Apply one action-oriented goal to be more inclusive of trans & nonbinary people.
Chief Justice Roberts highlights worsening attacks on judicial independence | Blaze Media
Chief Justice Roberts highlights worsening attacks on judicial independence | Blaze Media:
Chief Justice John Roberts highlighted the efforts of certain elected officials and other ne'er-do-wells to undermine the independence and legitimacy of federal courts in his annual year-end report.
Echoing former Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Roberts noted that the independent federal judiciary established in Article III and preserved for the past 235 years remains "one of the 'crown jewels of our system of government.’" The trouble, according to Roberts, is that independence is under attack.
While figuring passionate reactions to judicial rulings as inevitable and strong criticism as occasionally warranted, Roberts stressed that "not all actors engage in 'informed criticism' or anything remotely resembling it."
More Data Manipulation By NOAA, NASA, HadCRUT…Cooling The Past, Warming the Present
Global Temperature Data Manipulation - Kenneth Richard
- 0.3°C Of Pause-Busting Warmth Added Since 1998
- 0.5°C Of Warming Removed From 1880-1950 Trend
Namely, there has been a concerted effort to cool down the past — especially the 1920s to 1940s warm period — and to warm up the more recent decades, especially after about 1950...
History for January 4
History for January 4 -
Jakob Grimm 1785
- 1884 - The socialist Fabian Society was founded in London.
- 1944 - The attack on Monte Cassino was launched by the British Fifth Army in Italy.
- 1951 - During the Korean conflict, North Korean and Communist Chinese forces captured the city of Seoul.
- 1965 - In his State of the Union address, U.S. President Johnson proclaimed the building of the "Great Society."
- 1981 - The Broadway show "Frankenstein" lost an estimated $2 million, when it opened and closed on the same night.
- 1999 - Former professional wrestler Jesse Ventura was sworn in as Minnesota's 37th governor.
- 2007 - Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. She was the first woman to hold the position.
Friday, January 03, 2025
Gunmen open fire at teens outside NYC nightclub, wounding 10; they were at memorial for 16-year-old shot to death, police say | Blaze Media
Gunmen open fire at teens outside NYC nightclub, wounding 10; they were at memorial for 16-year-old shot to death, police say | Blaze Media:
No arrests have been made.
At least 10 teens were wounded outside a nightclub in New York City when four gunmen opened fire; the venue at the time was hosting a memorial for a 16-year-old who had been shot and killed in a separate incident, according to police.
Investigators said three to four males walked up to a crowd outside the Amazura nightclub on 144th Street in Queens and started firing around 11 p.m. on New Year's Day. All the victims are expected to survive.
"Army spox tells FOX the suspect in the Las Vegas Cybertruck explosion was an active-duty Special Forces operations sergeant
I just don't understand how someone from the US Army 10th Special Forces Group doesn't know how to make a proper bomb, but instead used fireworks, gas cans, and propane tanks.
Jacqui Heinrich@JacquiHeinrich - Army spox tells FOX the suspect in the Las Vegas Cybertruck explosion was an active-duty Special Forces operations sergeant...
- Dissident Wookie@dissidentwookie - I just don't understand how someone from the US Army 10th Special Forces Group doesn't know how to make a proper bomb, but instead used fireworks, gas cans, and propane tanks. That's the weirdest thing for me.
- Youyoyotoo@youyoyotoo - Master Sergeant is no typical flunky, which continues to lead me to believe this was more accidental than intentional. But we will see. This seems more like a dude trying to show off at New Years. Rolling in with a Cybertruck to Vegas from out of town. I still maintain that IF it
- Sam Phillips@SamofSC - This does not add up. Would like to know more about what was recovered from the Cybertruck. A green beret knows enough about explosives to build a more effective bomb, but would also know to not carry around a bunch of incendiaries that could be accidentally detonated...
Resurfaced Video: Muslim Children in Houston Pledge to Be Martyrs
Resurfaced Video: Muslim Children in Houston Pledge to Be Martyrs After a New Orleans terrorist attack by an ISIS supporter from Houston, Texas, and amid intensifying warnings of Islamic terrorist threats within the U.S., a resurfaced clip showing hundreds of American children in Houston wearing traditional Islamic dress, chanting references to Iran’s supreme leader, pledging allegiance to him, and praising martyrdom has reignited concerns over growing homegrown Islamic extremism.
The chilling video, aired by Iranian state media in 2022, raises concerns about the spread of various forms of Islamic extremism within the U.S...
The chilling video, aired by Iranian state media in 2022, raises concerns about the spread of various forms of Islamic extremism within the U.S...
'Federal law supersedes state law': Sanctuary cities get serious warning * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh
'Federal law supersedes state law': Sanctuary cities get serious warning * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh:
The chief of America's Border Patrol union is warning "sanctuary" ideologues, those officials who set up their own cities and towns as "sanctuaries" for illegal aliens and claim they will not help, or even allow, federal deportation plans, to beware.
"Take President Trump and his administration at their word," explained union chief Paul Perez, "They're going to do the job of protecting Americans. And so it would be incumbent upon those sanctuary cities and jurisdictions to understand one thing. Federal law supersedes state law.
Woke at its worst!-----Did You Catch AllState's moronic Commercial About the Nola Terror Attack During the Sugar Bowl?
Did You Catch AllState's Horrific Commercial About the Nola Terror Attack During the Sugar Bowl? - Matt Vespa
AllState’s Chairman, President, and CEO Tom Wilson decided to lecture the audience, saying we need to curb our addiction to divisiveness and negativity and be more willing to accept people’s imperfections.
Are you kidding me?
That’s where you want to go with this, sir?
We don’t need to accept anything from an ISIS terrorist like Jabbar, who pledged allegiance to ISIS before he launched his senseless massacre in Nola.
Court Rules Biden Administration Cannot Take Back the Gift It Handed to Three 9/11 Architects
Court Rules Biden Administration Cannot Take Back the Gift It Handed to Three 9/11 Architects:
Biden and his staff choosing to spend their precious few remaining days in the White House haggling over deals with the most notorious alleged terrorists of the past quarter century is without a doubt damaging to his legacy.
Even worse, the dysfunction of his team is decreasing the odds that justice will be served for our nation in some of the most deadly attacks on our soil and against our people.
When They Say ‘Globalize The Intifada’ They Mean Like The New Orleans Terrorist Mass Murder
“The left loves to talk about intersectionality. Well talk about the intersectionality of violence and threats to our society that come from the pro-Palestinian movement.” - William A. Jacobson
- One of the most common phrases at ‘pro-Palestinian’ rallies and protests is the call to Globalize the Intifada, or as at Cornell, “There is only one solution, Intifada revolution.”
- The Intifada was the bloody suicide bombing campaign launched by Yassar Arafat in late September 2000 which lasted for almost five years, killing over 1000 Israelis.
- They bombed restaurants, buses, crowded markets, and even a Passover Sedar.
It only ended when Israel launched Operation Defensive Shield to take back parts of Judea and Samaria (the ‘West Bank’) it had previously ceded to the Palestinian Authority.
- So when they call for an Intifada, we know it is a call to violence...
Governor, I'm Not Sure Wolfing Down Steaks After a Terrorist Attack Is a Good PR Move
Governor, I'm Not Sure Wolfing Down Steaks After a Terrorist Attack Is a Good PR Move - Matt Vespa
The governor issued a statement and an emergency declaration after the New Year’s Day attack on Bourbon Street that left 14 people dead...
- Mr. Landry then proceeded to have a (very expensive!) steak dinner as investigators were trying to piece together events and get a firm total of the casualty count.
- There are still people being identified, with families being shattered.
It's not the best time to post this stuff, sir...
Michael Smith - If you are not following the child grooming... | Facebook
If you are not following the child grooming situation in the UK, you should be. - Michael Smith
A lot of this happened years ago, it was ongoing when we lived in Scotland from 2010 to 2013.
South Asian men, mostly Pakistanis were grooming white teenage girls and using them as sex toys to be passed around amount them. - Rotherham’s Collaborators - Washington Examiner
A lot of this happened years ago, it was ongoing when we lived in Scotland from 2010 to 2013.
South Asian men, mostly Pakistanis were grooming white teenage girls and using them as sex toys to be passed around amount them.
- The police harassed the girls when they complained to authorities and when their parents went to rescue them, the parents were arrested.
- Tommy Robinson, a journalist and activist, is sitting in jail right now for taking pictures of the perpetrators as they left court - allegedly because his actions were "inflaming the public."
- The UK government's response to this all has been to try to keep it quiet through intimidation of the victims and their families. - Rotherham’s Collaborators - Washington Examiner
New York Gov. Hochul's climate alarmist law will take $75 billion in reparations from energy companies for bad weather | Blaze Media
New York Gov. Hochul's climate alarmist law will take $75 billion in reparations from energy companies for bad weather | Blaze Media:
Critics say that New York Democrats' effort to punish the companies powering their cities will backfire on consumers.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) ratified climate alarmist legislation Thursday that will have the state confiscate billions of dollars from American oil, gas, and coal companies as reparations for bad weather.
Critics have suggested the law will likely face legal challenges and adversely impact consumers in the meantime.
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