Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Obama IRS Teaming Up with Atheists in New Attack on Christianity

Obama IRS Teaming Up with Atheists in New Attack on Christianity:
"The Obama IRS is teaming up with an atheist legal group, the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FRFF), to monitor and investigate political activity of churches. The two groups entered into an agreement as a settlement to a 2012 lawsuit, FRFF vs. Koskinen. "

The Obama Admin Just Proved How Corrupt It Is, And What They Did Will Make You Want To Scream

The Obama Admin Just Proved How Corrupt It Is, And What They Did Will Make You Want To Scream: "What’s more, a recent study of college graduates shows that those who entered the workforce during the great recession might never make the same wages as their peers who graduated just a few years earlier.
All told, the future looks bleak… That is, unless you happen to be an Obama donor.
That’s right. Even in the midst of a sluggish economy, Obama donors have been scoring incredible windfalls.
Crony Capitalism at its Finest"

Well worth the read-----The Absurd, Bureaucratic Hell That Is the American Police State

Commentary: The Absurd, Bureaucratic Hell That Is the American Police State:
"Whether it’s the working mother arrested for letting her 9-year-old play unsupervised at a playground, the teenager forced to have his genitals photographed by police,
the underage burglar sentenced to 23 years for shooting a retired police dog,
or the 43-year-old man who died of a heart attack after being put in a chokehold by NYPD officers allegedly over the sale of untaxed cigarettes,
the theater of the absurd that passes for life in the American police state grows more tragic and incomprehensible by the day."

Are You On A Government Watchlist?

Are You On A Government Watchlist? | Ben Swann Truth In Media:
"Placement on the TIDE or TSDB must be based on “articulable intelligence or information”.
The document also says “single source information” such as posts on social media sites “should not automatically be discounted”.
Under the guidelines if you are suspected of terrorism ties your family and “associates” can also be placed on the list.
Another worrisome detail of the document is known as “threat-based expedited upgrade.”
This upgrade is unilaterally initiated by the assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism and allows for whole “categories of people” to be placed on the list based on intelligence that a certain type of person may commit terrorism.
If the upgrade is approved by senior officials it could potentially last until “until the threat no longer exists.” The lack of oversight creates a situation where individuals could be placed on the list and left on indefinitely.
The guidelines also state that after a suspect has been acquitted of terrorism-related crimes they can remain on the list, even after death.
The authorities state that it is common practice for terrorists to use names of the deceased as aliases in an attempt to go unnoticed. 
For this reason you may find yourself on a watchlist in the afterlife."

How Valerie Jarrett Is Shaping the Size of the Next Big Bailout | TheBlaze.com

How Valerie Jarrett Is Shaping the Size of the Next Big Bailout | TheBlaze.com:
"U.S. taxpayers could pay $1 billion by the end of the year to bail out insurance companies taking a loss from providing Obamacare-compliant plans, and President Barack Obama’s most trusted adviser helped cut the deal, according to a report from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee released Monday."

What could possibly go wrong............Kevyn Orr Hands Over Water Department to Mayor Duggan

Kevyn Orr Hands Over Water Department to Mayor Duggan  –  Deadline Detroit:
At a time when the water department is under attack for shutting off service, Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr is handing over the responsibility of running it to Mayor Mike Duggan.
The order came Tuesday.
Under the order, Duggan will manage the utility and make appointments to the Board of Water Commissioners.
“This order provides additional clarity to the powers already delegated to the Mayor,” Orr said in a statement. “As the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department works to operate more efficiently and communicate more effectively with customers, it is important to ensure there are clear lines of management and accountability."
Duggan welcomed the move.
"I welcome the Emergency Manager's order this morning giving me the responsibility for dealing with the Water Department issues," he said in a statement "We need to change a number of things in the way we have approached the delinquent payment issues and I expect us to have a new plan shortly.  There are funds available to support those who cannot afford their bills - we need to do a much better job in community outreach to tell our residents how to access those funds."
Duggan also welcomes the day that he takes over all the operations of the city.

"I've heard complaints from many Detroiters who are trying to make payment arrangements, but who have faced long waits on the telephone or long lines at the DWSD offices.  We've got to do a much better job of supporting those who are trying to do the right thing in making those payment arrangements. . . .
"We will be developing a plan that allows those who are truly needy to access financial help."

Lawmakers Get an Earful: The Powerful Grassroots Effort to Block Amnesty

Lawmakers Get an Earful: The Powerful Grassroots Effort to Block Amnesty:
"With nearly 800,000 illegals already having received deferred action, the president seeks to grant another 5 to 6 million more illegal immigrants the same. "

No Child Left Outside: Another Mom Arrested for Letting Kid Play in Park

No Child Left Outside: Another Mom Arrested for Letting Kid Play in Park - Hit & Run : Reason.com
A Port St. Lucie, Forida, mom has been arrested and charged with child neglect for daring to let her son, 7, play in the park half a mile from home. 
He was happily walking there when a busybody noticed him and asked where his mommy was. 
Then the busybody called the cops, since apparently no child should ever be outside without a private security detail.
The police descended upon the scene of the crime and later arresting the mom for the usual charge of child neglect. What if something bad had happened?
As the mom, Nicole Gainey, told ABC Action News:
"My own bondsman said my parents would have been in jail every day," says Gainey who paid nearly $4,000 to bond out.
The officer wrote in the report that Dominic was unsupervised at the park and that "numerous sex offenders reside in the vicinity".
"He just basically kept going over that there's pedophiles and this and that and basically the park wasn't safe and he shouldn't be there alone," says Gainey.
Never mind that research has shown living on the same block as a registered sex offender does not make kids less safe.
It seems the cops bought into the idea that predators are everywhere, always waiting to pounce, and simply because the worst could happen—no matter how extremely unlikely—children can never be left unsupervised in well-lit, popular public parks.

Obama: 'You Don’t Get to Pick Which Rules You Play By' | The Weekly Standard

Obama: 'You Don’t Get to Pick Which Rules You Play By' | The Weekly Standard:
"In making the case for closing tax loopholes used by corporations, President Obama says in his weekly address that the American people "don't get to pick which rules you play by." Neither should corporations, Obama argues. "

Well, Detroit is certainly being "rebuilt" without much of its citizen's (or these "corporate heroe's) moolah----Critiquing The NYT: Is Detroit Being 'Rebuilt' Without Citizens' Participation?

Critiquing The NYT: Is Detroit Being 'Rebuilt' Without Citizens' Participation? –  Deadline Detroit:

Two local writers, Joshua Akers and John Patrick Leary, critique a recent cover story in the New York Times Magazine, "The Post-Post-Apocalyptic Detroit," which examines the numerous attempts underway to revitalize Detroit.
As people who have lived in Detroit and studied its history, we were not surprised to see this city invoked once again as a benevolent mogul’s grateful creation in Ben Austen’s New York Times Magazine feature, “The Post-Post Apocalyptic Detroit” (titled “Detroit Through Rose-Colored Glasses” on the print edition’s cover, in what seems like a bit of editorial trolling). Detroit has spawned so many of these corporate heroes, from Henry Ford to the pizza-and-sports tycoon Mike Ilitch and finally the Quicken Loans CEO Dan Gilbert, that one starts to wonder if there’s something in the Great Lakes water that encourages the growth of corporate mythologies.
Gilbert, to his credit, has political tact and personal charm that those predecessors lacked, and this partly explains his appeal. Less ruthless than the authoritarian Ford and less creepy than the reclusive cryogenic specimen Ilitch, Gilbert sunnily promotes the city without the racial condescension or outright bigotry still common even among public figures in metro Detroit’s white elite (see, for example, the suburban political boss Brooks Patterson). Gilbert also has a great sense of timing. He saw an opening in Detroit’s historic downtown after the 2008 financial crisis and exploited it. Even before 2008, a generation of shuttered factories and cynical real-estate speculation helped produce the very conditions—low prices, high vacancy, and, since many banks still won’t extend mortgages in Detroit, accessibility for those who can pay in cash—that now lure investors to town.
Gilbert also benefits from an acute ear for the feel-good capitalist bromides of our era: his maxim, he tells Austen, is “do well by doing good.” But embracing the feel-good fog of confidence in “innovation” and “entrepreneurship” leaves two fallacies dangerously unexamined: 1) that private-sector innovation is basically benevolent and 2) that it can revive a city of 700,000, with Depression-like levels of unemployment, picked over by other generations’ innovations. (What is predatory subprime lending, after all, but an innovation?) One of Gilbert’s PR triumphs — putting aside his basketball missteps in Cleveland — is how he has managed to earn a reputation for civic-mindedness mostly by attempting to lure tenants to his properties. Tycoons of an earlier era had to pursue something besides their main hustle to earn the laurels being heaped on Gilbert. Henry and Edsel Ford founded hospitals, endowed schools, built museums. The charitable giving Gilbert makes, however, isn’t an especially big part of his image. He is portrayed as a Detroit benefactor simply for doing what he does: run mortgage and real-estate companies.

Yikes! Meebee she did have a stroke--------Hillary shocks CNN: Says George W. Bush made her proud to be an American, takes a swipe at Obama

Hillary shocks CNN: Says George W. Bush made her proud to be an American, takes a swipe at Obama - BizPac Review:
We are in this period where we have to go back out and sell ourselves,” she said. “It is not to be taken for granted. What do we stand for and how do we intend to lead and manage? How do we enlist the rest of the world in this struggle between cooperation and order, and conflict and disorder, which is really at the root of so much that’s going on today – and I don’t think we’ve done a very good job of that.”
Zakaria’s eyes widened over Clinton’s insinuation that Obama is doing a less-than-stellar job leading on the world stage.
“Let’s not forget the trend lines. 
George W. Bush is very popular in Sub-Saharan Africa. 
Because of the president’s emergency program for AIDS relief. Whether you agree or disagree with a lot of what else he did – and I disagree with a lot of it – I am proud to be an American when I go to Sub-Saharan Africa and people say, ‘I want to thank President Bush and the United States for helping us fight HIV/AIDS.’”
Clinton, who is heavily weighing a 2016 presidential run, took another swipe at Obama by suggesting he has little to show for all the money, time and effort spent on trying to influence world events.
“I think we would be able to succeed more effectively if we were clearer about who we are and what we stand for and the values we hold,” she told her host.

How could this happen?!! It was a GUN FREE ZONE!!!!!! Shockingly, the media sorta missed this one------Patient kills caseworker in Darby, Pa., hospital; doctor then shoots patient, authorities say

Patient kills caseworker in Darby, Pa., hospital; doctor then shoots patient, authorities say | lehighvalleylive.com:
"The prosecutor identified the caseworker killed at Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital as Theresa Hunt, 53, of Philadelphia. Hunt had accompanied Plotts to an appointment with Silverman at a psychiatric crisis center adjacent to the hospital in Darby, just southwest of Philadelphia, authorities said.
"When the caseworker was shot, (Silverman) crouched down behind the desk to avoid him being shot," Whelan said. "He was able to reach for his weapon, and realizing it was a life or death situation, was able to engage the defendant in the exchange of gunfire."
A struggle ensued and spilled out into the hallway, Whelan said.
Another doctor and a caseworker jumped in to help Silverman and secure Plotts' weapon, he said."
.......It is not known, however, if that is why Silverman was armed, apparently against hospital policy.

The Obama Admin Just Proved How Corrupt It Is, And What They Did Will Make You Want To Scream

The Obama Admin Just Proved How Corrupt It Is, And What They Did Will Make You Want To Scream:
The last eight years have been extremely tough on middle-class Americans.
Real wages have stagnated and even decreased, while full-time jobs are being replaced by part-time work waiting tables and delivering packages for online mega stores.
What’s more, a recent study of college graduates shows that those who entered the workforce during the great recession might never make the same wages as their peers who graduated just a few years earlier.

All told, the future looks bleak…
That is, unless you happen to be an Obama donor.
That’s right.
Even in the midst of a sluggish economy,
Obama donors have been scoring incredible windfalls.
Crony Capitalism at its Finest
Take, for example, David Grain. According to Federal Election Commission reports, Grain gave $60,000 to Obama’s campaign and the DNC in 2008; and he gave $22,500 in 2012.
Grain has also been a lucrative fundraising partner for Obama.
In 2008, Grain helped raise an additional $200,000 to $500,000 for Obama, according to a report in Bloomberg News.
And now, money is set to flow the other direction…
You see, Grain owns a private equity firm called Grain Management, LLC. that failed to qualify under existing rules as a small business for an upcoming Federal Communications Commission (FCC) airwave license auction.
Luckily for Grain, the FCC suspended the rules in a closed-door, party-line vote; and the Head of the FCC, Democrat Tom Wheeler, took the lead on a waiver to the action rules.
Republicans objected fiercely, but the final vote was 3 to 2. 
That means that when the auction is held, Grain Management will be designated as a small, struggling business by the FCC, in spite of its size. 
This will allow Grain to get exclusive discounts not otherwise available to major telecom firms.
The worst part is that Grain’s firm isn’t even a telecom company.
Instead, it’s a private equity and financial firm that has no real interest in the airwaves other than flipping them for a massive profit.
Essentially, Grain’s Obama connection helped him manipulate the system and facilitate a lucrative arbitrage deal.

VIDEO: Democrat Rep: ‘You Don’t Have a Right to Know’ What’s Going on in Your Government

VIDEO: Democrat Rep: ‘You Don’t Have a Right to Know’ What’s Going on in Your Government:
"To add insult to injury, the Democrats have continually fought to defend the president’s violations, abuses and secrecy with a hubris not seen in government since the days of King Louis XVI.
 On Friday, Eleanor Holmes Norton, the non-voting congressional representative for the District of Columbia, defended the Obama Administration angrily as she declared that Americans have no right to know what goes on in their government. "

New York Times Editorial Calling For Pot Legalization Has Not Changed President Obama's Mind

New York Times Editorial Calling For Pot Legalization Has Not Changed President Obama's Mind:
“The administration’s position on this has not changed,” Earnest said in response to a question about the Times editorial. 
“We remain committed to treating drug use as a public health issue, not just a criminal justice problem.”

History for July 29

History for July 29 - On-This-Day.com:
Birth anniversary of French politician and author Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-59): “America is a land of wonders in which everything is in constant motion and every change seems an improvement.”

Happy Birthday! Ken Burns, Elizabeth Dole,  Martina McBride

1874 - Major Walter Copton Winfield of England received U.S. patent for the lawn-tennis court. 

1914 - The first transcontinental telephone service was inaugurated when two people held a conversation between New York, NY and San Francisco, CA. 

1945 - Anniversery of the sinking of the American cruiser Indianapolis, which had just delivered the atomic bomb to Tinian Island. It was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine. Only 318 of 1,196 crew members survived.

1957 - Jack Paar began hosting the "Tonight" show on NBC-TV. The name of the show was changed to "The Jack Paar Show." Paar was host for five years. 

1957 - The International Atomic Energy Agency was established. 

1968 - Pope Paul VI reaffirmed the Roman Catholic Church's stance against artificial methods of birth control. 

1975 - OAS (Organization of American States) members voted to lift collective sanctions against Cuba. The U.S. government welcomed the action and announced its intention to open serious discussions with Cuba on normalization. 

1981 - England's Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer were married. 

1985 - General Motors announced that Spring Hill, TN, would be the home of the Saturn automobile assembly plant. 

1998 - The United Auto Workers union ended a 54-day strike against General Motors. The strike caused $2.8 billion in lost revenues. 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Court Rules Against Radical Atheists Wanting Cross Removed from Ground Zero

Court Rules Against Radical Atheists Wanting Cross Removed from Ground Zero:
"A federal court ruled against radical anti-God atheists on Monday, stating that the historic cross miraculously formed in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks can stay at Ground Zero."

Security Sources Say Hamas Planned a Massive ‘Terror Tunnels’ Attack for September 24 | Video | TheBlaze.com

Security Sources Say Hamas Planned a Massive ‘Terror Tunnels’ Attack for September 24 | Video | TheBlaze.com:
"The Israel Defense Forces have uncovered so far more than 30 tunnels meticulously dug over years by Hamas as a means to infiltrate under the border from Gaza and launch attacks on Israel.
Now, the Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv has reported one brazen and chilling way Hamas had been planning to use its tunnels before Israel began uncovering some of them this week and dismantling them."

The biggest threat to private property you’ve never even heard of

The biggest threat to private property you’ve never even heard of | Rare:
"Suppose you decide to buy a used car from a guy on Craigslist.
You’ve found the car you want, and you’re going to buy it outright.
It’s only $4,000, and you decide to pay cash because it will be more convenient for both of you.
So, on the day of the sale, you get the money and go to purchase the car.
On the way there, you roll through a stop sign.
Bad luck—a cop saw you.
He pulls you over, and while he’s writing up a ticket, catches a glimpse of your bank envelope in the passenger seat.
Suddenly, he asks to search your car.
You don’t have anything to hide, so what’s the harm, right?
The next thing you know, the officer is thumbing through your twenties.
He grills you on why you’re carrying this much cash.
It’s suspicious, he says.
A check would have been easier if you’re really just buying a car.
“I’m going to have to confiscate this,” he finally concludes.
You immediately protest:
“On what charge?
Am I being arrested?
Can I call my lawyer?”
You’re not being arrested, and you can’t call your lawyer.
In fact, you’re not being charged with any criminal activity.

This is called civil asset forfeiture—and you’re never going to see a dime of that money again.
“Civil asset forfeiture” sounds like some obscure legal thing. 
It’s not. 
In fact, it’s probably the biggest threat to private property you’ve never even heard of.
Here’s how it works: Civil asset forfeiture is basically a law which allows a police officer who finds you “suspicious” to just take your stuff."

Your tax dollars down the drain..... again!---------------The University Of Notre Dame Sociology Department And Huffpo Has The Tea Party All Figured Out Now

The University Of Notre Dame Sociology Department And Huffpo Has The Tea Party All Figured Out Now - Chicks on the Right:
"They'll give grant money for anything these days, huh?
Case in point.
Some dude named RoryMcVeigh, a University of Notre Dame political sociologist, did a "study" in which he "posited that the tea party ideology, which advocates for limited government and low government spending, might resonate more among people who don't interact much with low-income individuals who may benefit from government programs."
And because his findings were published in the journalistic mecca known as Huffpo, the study obviousy has merit now.
Screw JAMA, y'all!
It's the HUFFPO, dontchaknow.
Basically, Rory and three of his sociology buddies found that "individuals with a bachelor’s degree are more likely than people who do not have any college education to support the Tea Party; this relationship is strongest in counties with higher levels of educational segregation."  
You can read the abstract here, especially if you're a real scientist who wants to laugh your assular area off."

Boston ‘Teeming With Protesters’ in Giant Rally Against Housing Illegal Immigrants in the State | Video | TheBlaze.com

Boston ‘Teeming With Protesters’ in Giant Rally Against Housing Illegal Immigrants in the State | Video | TheBlaze.com:
"Illegal immigration protesters descended upon historic Boston on Saturday decrying Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick’s decision to offer shelter in the state to unaccompanied minors."

Scum!------------------Labor unions pass resolution defending cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, school lesson comparing him to MLK

Labor unions pass resolution defending cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, school lesson comparing him to MLK - EAGnews.org powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.:
"OAKLAND, Calif. – A collection of labor unions is demanding that leaders of California’s Oakland Unified School District allow a lesson plan that compares convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal to civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to appear on the district’s website.
In a resolution passed on July 14, the Alameda Labor Council condemned Oakland Unified school leaders for censoring the pro-cop killer lesson plan, entitled “Urban Dreams,” and accused them of buckling to the intimidation tactics of the Fraternal Order of Police and Fox News.
The Alameda Labor Council – which is affiliated with the AFL-CIO – is an umbrella organization that coordinates the political activities of more than 100 unions, including the Berkley Federation of Teachers and the California School Employees Association.
“ … (I)t is dangerous and unacceptable to allow the police to determine the curriculum of a major school district like Oakland, or any school district,” the group declares in its resolution.
The Alameda Labor Council, on the other hand, sees nothing dangerous about Mumia Abu-Jamal who was convicted of killing Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner on Dec. 9, 1981."

Obama’s offensive ‘rise or fall together’ reeks of socialism, angers Americans

Obama’s offensive ‘rise or fall together’ reeks of socialism, angers Americans - BizPac Review:
President Obama’s attempt at rallying America in his weekly address on Saturday was nothing short of chilling – especially coming from him.

The Worst Funded Pension Systems In Michigan

The Worst Funded Pension Systems In Michigan [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:

Sorta makes sense as celebs are nuts and love drugs------Celebrities Jumping on Bandwagon to Help the Motor City

Celebrities Jumping on Bandwagon to Help the Motor City  –  Deadline Detroit:
"In the celebrity world, it's becoming hip to help the Motown.
Susan Whitall of the Detroit News reports that celebrities helping the city have included Madonna and a whole lot more.
Whitall writes:
Over the last year, comedian Ellen DeGeneres has helped fund and promote the Detroit Achievement Academy and the Detroit Academy of Arts and Sciences.
In March, “Law and Order: SVU” star Mariska Hargitay arrived to push for legislation and funding to process rape kits.
Last week, “Weeds” star Romany Malco Jr. visited several Detroit nonprofits after asking on his Facebook page for the names of Detroit organizations he should help.
Whitall goes on to write:
This fall, hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons, Detroit-born fashion designer John Varvatos and several “A-level” Motown stars are among the boldface names who will take part in a special Detroit campaign to be launched by Charitybuzz, a New York-based nonprofit.
“Whatever the reason, it’s a good thing for Detroit,” said TV Judge Greg Mathis, a Detroit native, of the celebrity interest.
“If the devil himself came down and said, ‘Today, I’m going to donate money to Detroit,’ I think we might have to forgive him and accept that money.”"

‘Embarrassing’: John Kerry Skewered over Cease-fire Talks and Compared to an ‘Alien Who Just Disembarked His Spaceship’ | TheBlaze.com

‘Embarrassing’: John Kerry Skewered over Cease-fire Talks and Compared to an ‘Alien Who Just Disembarked His Spaceship’ | TheBlaze.com:
“Other photographs show Kerry carousing romantically with the Turkish foreign minister in the pastoral grounds of the U.S. ambassador’s home in Paris, as if the Turkish official’s prime minister didn’t just say a few days ago that Israel is 10 times worse than Hitler,” Ravid observed."

Feds test how stoned is too stoned to drive

Feds test how stoned is too stoned to drive

A small group of volunteers spent much of the last year getting drunk and stoned on marijuana furnished by the federal government before getting behind the wheel.
The volunteers were part of what federal scientists say was the most comprehensive study ever conducted on how marijuana, and pot combined with alcohol, affect drivers. The data now being analyzed ultimately will help regulators decide how stoned is too stoned to drive. It's similar to the studies conducted to develop levels for drunken driving. Volunteers were recruited from around Iowa City, home to the University of Iowa's National Advanced Driving Simulator.
"They were happy to participate," says Dr. Marilyn Huestis, chief of chemistry and drug metabolism at the Intramural Research Program at the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

No, billionaires aren't the problem with student loans

No, billionaires aren't the problem with student loans:

During a break-out session entitled “Taking Action on College Affordability," a recently graduated panelist spoke on how to fight against the bourgeois for their tuition money. 
After lamenting his loan debt and the “Wall Street corporatization” of universities, he demanded that billionaires help subsidize his education because “[t]hey started a problem and they can afford to fix it.”
While the panelist never explained exactly how this was the billionaires’ fault, he insisted some CEO must fork over tuition payments on the fancy private college he attended to study sociology.