Monday, January 30, 2017

Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis

Image result for global warming liePeer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis:
"It is becoming clear that not only do many scientists dispute the asserted global warming crisis, but these skeptical scientists may indeed form a scientific consensus.
Don’t look now, but maybe a scientific consensus exists concerning global warming after all.
Only 36 percent of geoscientists and engineers believe that humans are creating a global warming crisis, according to a survey reported in the peer-reviewed Organization Studies.
By contrast, a strong majority of the 1,077 respondents believe that nature is the primary cause of recent global warming and/or that future global warming will not be a very serious problem..."

Why Do Democrats Fear Trump’s Probe of “Fake” Voter Fraud? - Deroy Murdock

Why Do Democrats Fear Trump’s Probe of “Fake” Voter Fraud? - Deroy Murdock:

"This impending probe follows Trump’s private remarks to congressional leaders Monday night that some 3 to 5 million illegal ballots cost him the popular vote last November 8.
Democrats, in response, are foaming at their mouths, although one wonders if they have any foam left. How odd. They should welcome this examination. If voter fraud really is a fevered, baseless, Right-wing fantasy, as they reliably insist, this investigation will vindicate them and make Trump look like a cranky, paranoid conspiracist. Liberals should smile and egg Trump on."

The Final Obama Scandal

The Final Obama Scandal | The Weekly Standard:
"Less than 24 hours before the official end of the Obama presidency, while White House staffers were pulling pictures off the walls and cleaning out their desks, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) posted without fanfare another installment of the documents captured in Osama bin Laden’s compound during the May 2011 raid in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
The press statement that accompanied the release made an unexpected declaration:
This batch of newly released documents would be the last one.
"Closing the Book on Bin Laden: Intelligence Community Releases the Final Abbottabad Documents," the statement was headlined.
According to a tally on the ODNI website, this last batch of 49 documents brings the total number released to 571.
For analysts who have paid attention to the Abbottabad documents, the numbers immediately caused alarm.
For years, the Obama administration told the American people that the haul from the bin Laden compound was massive and important.
In an interview on Meet the Press just days after the raid, Barack Obama's national security adviser, Thomas Donilon, said the material could fill "a small college library." 
A senior military intelligence official who briefed reporters at the Pentagon on May 7, 2011, said: "As a result of the raid, we've acquired the single largest collection of senior terrorist materials ever." 
Sources who have described the cache to THE WEEKLY STANDARD over the years have claimed that the number of captured documents, including even extraneous materials and duplicates, totals more than 1 million.
Can it really be the case that this release "closes the book"?
The short answer: No, it can't.
"[Director of National Intelligence James] Clapper and the old administration may want this to be closed, but it's far from closed," says Representative Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI).
"Now the truth will begin to come out. It's just the beginning."
The documents have been at the center of an intense, five-year political battle between Republicans on Capitol Hill and the Obama administration, and an equally pitched bureaucratic battle between the Central Intelligence Agency and ODNI on one side, and U.S. military intelligence agencies on the other..."

AM Fruitcake

History for January 30

Image result for Mahatma Gandhi Quotes On Truth
History for January 30 -
Anton Chekhov 1860, Franklin D. Roosevelt (U.S.) 1882, Gene Hackman 1931

Louis Rukeyser 1933, Dick Cheney 1941 - U.S. Vice President for George W. Bush, Phil Collins 1951 - Singer, drummer (Genesis)

1862 - The U.S. Navy's first ironclad warship, the "Monitor", was launched.

1933 - "The Lone Ranger" was heard on radio for the first time. The program ran for 2,956 episodes and ended in 1955.

1933 - Adolf Hitler was named the German Chancellor.

1948 - Indian political and spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi was murdered by a Hindu extremist.

1962 - Two members of the "Flying Wallendas" high-wire act were killed when their seven-person pyramid collapsed during a performance in Detroit, MI.

1968 - The Tet Offensive began as Communist forces launched surprise attacks against South Vietnamese provincial capitals.

1979 - The civilian government of Iran announced it had decided to allow Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to return. He had been living in exile in France.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

REMINDER: Trump Didn't Choose The 'Muslim Ban' Nations, The Obama Administration Did | The Sean Hannity Show

REMINDER: Trump Didn't Choose The 'Muslim Ban' Nations, The Obama Administration Did | The Sean Hannity Show:

"Earlier this week, left-wing outlets reported the restricted nations do not include those in which the Trump organization has ties, implying that countries like Saudi Arabia were omitted due to their business dealings with Trump. There's just one problem with this line of reasoning: the Trump Administration did not choose which countries would be restricted.

As a matter of fact, if you read the executive order, the only nation mentioned by name is Syria. All nations affected by the executive order are referred to as "countries of concern", a list of six nations named in a 2016 law signed by President Obama concerning immigration Visas."

Trump's Immigration Actions Reverse Open Border Policies

Trump's Immigration Actions Reverse Open Border Policies:

"It has been a long time coming, but it seems to be finally happening: The federal government is actually enforcing our immigration laws.

As the first order, “Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements,” "


LetterEditor-26-01-2017-CarbonWhat.pdf - Google Drive:
Carbon what?
Dear Sir, there is still much pressure on our politicians to reduce the amount of our CO2 emissions and so avoid catastrophic global warming. 
Looking at satellite pictures on the internet, I note Arctic and Antarctic ice has increased from 2012 to 2017. 
The records show CO2 in air has also increased in that time. 
Sea level rise is still negligible and consistent with historical trends so I doubt the science that claims that our CO2 is a problem. 
It does not seem smart for the Western World’s governments to be throwing billions of dollars each day at CO2 reduction schemes while they are so short of money. 
To quote Jo Nova on page 155 of the book Climate Change the Facts 2014: “a trillion dollar industry is based entirely on a guess made in 1896 about relative humidity, and that guess appears to be wrong.” 
This industry being the total of the excessively subsidised so called “green” power generation world wide. 
Robert Brooks ASTC FAusIMM, CPMin, MIEAust, CPEng, (ret) NM. Mining Engineer, 6 Cooper St, Waggrakine (Geraldton) WA 6530. Phone: 08 9938 1712"

Final Tally: Obama's Subpar Economy Cost Americans $2.4 Trillion

Final Tally: Obama's Subpar Economy Cost Americans $2.4 Trillion | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD:
gdp-forecasts"Economics: The GDP report for the fourth quarter last year was a fitting end to President Obama's time in office. At a tepid 1.9% growth, it means that the economy once again underperformed everyone's expectations.
As late as June 2016, the Obama administration was forecasting that real GDP would climb 2.2% for the year. Actual growth for 2016 was 1.6%, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
The latest numbers mean that Obama's economic forecasters missed their growth targets every year that he was in office. And, once again, economists who had been promising that strong growth was just around the corner — most recently because of a relatively strong third quarter — had to eat crow.
It also means that GDP growth has not exceeded 3% for 11 straight years..."

Look What Trump Has Planned For Syrian Refugees... It's Brilliant | The Federalist Papers

Look What Trump Has Planned For Syrian Refugees... It's Brilliant | The Federalist Papers:

"President Trump received a lot of criticism from both sides of the aisle regarding his plans to deal with the Muslim immigration crisis. The media seemed confused, with some sites saying that he’s calling for a total ban of Muslim travel to the United States. Others reported it as a “temporary ban” and many said that immigrants and travelers from only certain countries will have to undergo “extreme vetting.”

Well now you don’t have to trust the political pundits and know-it-all talking heads on television, because Trump has decided exactly what he’s going to do to keep America as safe as possible."

6 signs that you’re a liberal who is out of touch with reality

6 signs that you’re a liberal who is out of touch with reality | informed owners:
"Great compilation from Downtrend
Image result for 6 signs that you’re a liberalI would also add the “pro-choice” liberal who thinks we shouldn’t be able to decide what size Slurpee to drink, light bulb to buy, etc.
1. You think that George W. Bush caused the recent recession...
2. You get your “news” from Jon Stewart, Trevor Noah and Comedy Central...
3. You watch MSNBC...
4. You’re still concerned about institutional racism
5. You think that raising taxes improves the economy
6. You’re surprised that regulations on insurance companies are causing them to raise their premiums"

Trump to publicize crimes by illegal immigrants in ‘sanctuary cities’

Trump to publicize crimes by illegal immigrants in ‘sanctuary cities’ | New York Post
"President Trump plans to publish a weekly list of crimes committed by illegal immigrants in the Big Apple and all other sanctuary cities that do not cooperate with federal immigration authorities.
The list will inform citizens and others about “public safety threats associated with sanctuary” cities, according to an executive order Trump signed Wednesday.
“The [Homeland Security] Secretary shall utilize the Declined Detainer Outcome Report or its equivalent and, on a weekly basis, make public a comprehensive list of criminal actions committed by aliens and any jurisdiction that ignored or otherwise failed to honor any detainers with respect to such aliens,” the order said.
Mayor de Blasio said that New York — one of about 300 sanctuary cities across the US — would not change it’s policy in the face of Trump’s threat to withhold federal funding from cities that do not play ball with his order.
The NYPD said Wednesday the city has a list of roughly 170 criminal offenses that are not covered by the sanctuary policy, and that the department notifies the feds when illegal immigrants are charged with those crimes.
The list includes serious crimes such as felony assault, rape, murder and terrorism as well as gun smuggling and witness tampering."

Lunch video-----Keith Olbermann Sinks Deeper Into Anti-Trump Insanity


Democrats FREAK Over Trump's Call For Voter Fraud Investigation

Democrats FREAK Over Trump's Call For Voter Fraud Investigation:

"Naturally the Democrats who called for investigation when they thought  Russia’s Putin stole the election for Pres. Trump had a cow. They were joined by the liberal media who just yesterday was asking Sean Spicer questions such as. “but if the president believes there were 2-3 million illegal aliens I mean criminally trespassing aliens, why isn’t he doing an investigation.”
The Clinton News Network was all over the story (in their own biased way). Liberal CNN morning"

The Lead CNN on Twitter: "US Ambassador Nikki Haley at UN: "For those who don't have our backs, we're taking names."

The Lead CNN on Twitter: "US Ambassador Nikki Haley at UN: "For those who don't have our backs, we're taking names."":

Epic – Is Team Trump Baiting Liberal Media and Refugee Protesters By Using Obama’s Own Policy?… | The Last Refuge

Epic – Is Team Trump Baiting Liberal Media and Refugee Protesters By Using Obama’s Own Policy?… | The Last Refuge:
"Why would the text of President Trump’s Executive Order suspending travel visas be readily available on CNN (HERE), New York Times (HERE), Wall Street Journal (HERE),  but not on White House page (HERE)?
Image result for trump immigrationI don’t think it’s accidental.  
The limiting Visa program was President Obama’s action, not President Trump.
If you review the actual text of the executive order (copied below in full) what you will immediately notice is the order doesn’t specify ANY countries to be included in the Visa suspension (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen).
President Trump is not suspending visas from countries his team selected, they are simply suspending visa approval from countries President Obama selected.  
Additionally, Trump is suspending ALL visa applications from those countries – nothing to do with Muslim applications.
• In 2013 President Obama suspended refugees from Iraq for six months.  • In 2015 Congress passed, and Obama signed, a law restricting visas from states of concern; • and in 2016 Obama’s DHS, Jeh Johnson, expanded those restrictions.  …. all President Trump is doing is taking the same action as Obama 2013, and applying Visa restrictions to the nation states Obama selected in 2015 and 2016.
...The President Obama  Department of Homeland Security already targeted those seven listed countries for the past several years as nations of concern.
President Trump is carrying out an executive action in support of the US Customs and Border Protection Act of 2015, which relates to “the Visa Waiver Program and Terrorist Travel Protection Act of 2015“.   
President Trump did not select seven countries – the US Congress and Obama’s Department of Homeland Security had singled out these countries.
Nowhere in President Trump’s executive order does he single out any country for VISA suspension.  
Instead what his XO does is say he’s suspending visa approvals from countries already outlined by the Obama administration as representing a specific threat such that they were categorized for extreme visa vetting by:  8 U.S.C. 1187(a)(12)..."

The South China Sea Is About To Become A War Zone – American Military News

Op-Ed: The South China Sea Is About To Become A War Zone – American Military News:
"The new Trump administration made clear recently it would prevent the People’s Republic of China from “seizing” international territory vis-à-vis its man-made islands in the South China Sea (SCS).
At a press briefing on January 23rd, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer echoed previous comments made by incoming Secretary of State Rex Tillerson at one of his earlier confirmation hearings, that the United States would defend its interests in the SCS.
Image result for South China Sea Is About To Become A War ZoneAt Monday’s press conference, Spicer continued.
“If those islands are, in fact, in international waters and not part of China proper, yeah, we’ll make sure we defend international interests from being taken over by one country,” he said.
Surely Press Secretary Spicer is aware that China, in fact, built those islands in international waters illegally; and surely the administration is aware that a United Nations tribunal ruled against China in July 2016 in a lawsuit over the islands filed by plaintiff nation, the Philippines. 
The incoming Secretary of State too must certainly be aware that Beijing itself has signaled its intention to protect its “sovereignty” over those islands to the point of armed hostilities: most are now equipped with surface-to-air missile batteries and military radar arrays, and they aren’t just for show.
Ergo and in light of Monday’s press conference, both sides must now be aware that 2017 just might be the year that Asia’s Cauldron comes to the boiling point. 
The question is, is the Trump Administration ready to handle it?

Bridgeport State Rep. Christina Ayala arrested on 19 voting fraud charges

Bridgeport State Rep. Christina Ayala arrested on 19 voting fraud charges:

"Ayala, 31, is accused of voting in local and state elections in districts she did not live, the Chief State’s Attorney’s Office said in a press release.

The arrest warrant affidavit also alleges Ayala provided fabricated evidence to state Election Enforcement Commission investigators that showed she lived at an address in a district where she voted while actually living outside the district, according to the release."

ABC Omits from Transcript Trump Shutting Down Muir on March for Life

ABC Omits from Transcript Trump Shutting Down Muir on March for Life:
"On Thursday afternoon, our friends at RedState flagged this peculiar development that ABC News transcript excluded an exchange from the David Muir-President Trump interview where Trump scolded Muir for the media’s lack of coverage of the March for Life versus the Women’s March on Washington. 
With an eagle eye for this detail, RedState’s “Streiff” provided a generous nod to Nicholas Fondacaro’s blog from Wednesday night and concluded it’d be pertinent to check out the full transcript. 
That’s where Streiff ran into trouble:
Guess what? This entire exchange is simply omitted from the ABC transcript.
Is it a clerical oversight? Did they not like seeing powdered and blow-dried empty suit that runs their news operation stuttering away? Did it interfere with their narrative about Trump? Did they, in short, intentionally cut it? I don’t know anything more than that, but the omission seems to make Donald Trump’s point about March for Life coverage in a much stronger way than Trump did. In other words, that they’re so committed to not covering the size of the March they couldn’t even let this point stand on their website."...

AM Fruitcake

History for January 29

History for January 29 -
Thomas Paine 1737, William McKinley (U.S.) 1843, W.C. Fields 1880

Katharine Ross 1942 - Actress, Tom Selleck 1945 - Actor (Television: "Magnum P.I."), Oprah Winfrey 1954

1820 - Britain's King George III died insane at Windsor Castle.

1848 - Greenwich Mean Time was adopted by Scotland.

1850 - Henry Clay introduced in the Senate a compromise bill on slavery that included the admission of California into the Union as a free state.
Image result for Henry Clay introduced in the Senate a compromise bill

1856 - Britain's highest military decoration, the Victoria Cross, was founded by Queen Victoria.

1886 - The first successful petrol-driven motorcar, built by Karl Benz, was patented.

1940 - The W. Atlee Burpee Seed Company displayed the first tetraploid flowers at the New York City Flower Show.

1958 - Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward were married.

1963 - Britain was refused entry into the EEC.

1990 - Joseph Hazelwood, the former skipper of the Exxon Valdez, went on trial in Anchorage, AK, on charges that stemmed from America's worst oil spill. Hazelwood was later acquitted of all the major charges and was convicted of a misdemeanor.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Democrat Congresswoman Returns From Syria with Proof Obama Funded ISIS, Exposes it Live on CNN | The Proud Conservative

Democrat Congresswoman Returns From Syria with Proof Obama Funded ISIS, Exposes it Live on CNN | The Proud Conservative:

"Gabbard went to Syria, then was interviewed by CNN afterward with Jake Tapper where she unloaded with information that Tapper didn’t want to hear. Tulsi Gabbard revealed solid proof that the Obama administration was funding the terrorist groups."