Sunday, October 20, 2024

Now Lizzo Stumps for Desperate Harris, Makes Terrifying Prediction About What Kamala Would Do to Country - Bob Hoge

Oops. Not sure the Kamala HQ wanted to hear that.

I'm so proud to be from this city, you know they say if Kamala wins then the whole country will be like Detroit.

Proud like Detroit, resilient like Detroit. The same Detroit that innovated the auto industry and the music industry. Put some respect on Detroit's name.

Oops. Not sure the Kamala HQ wanted to hear that.


Naturally, the singer was ratioed into next week because, you see, there’s just one little problem with wanting to make the rest of America just like Detroit: the Motor City is pretty much the poster child of urban decay, crime, and decline in the United States. The once proud metropolis now features rows of empty houses and a dystopian downtown...

Lunch video-----The Climate Empire Strikes Back

AM Fruitcake


WATCH: Police taking kids away from 'non-gender-affirming' parents! 1 family's fight to get their son back * WorldNetDaily * by Megan Brock, Daily Caller News Foundation

WATCH: Police taking kids away from 'non-gender-affirming' parents! 1 family's fight to get their son back * WorldNetDaily * by Megan Brock, Daily Caller News Foundation

John told the Daily Caller News Foundation that he and his wife were accused of abuse surrounding their son's apparent LGBT identity, an allegation that shocked the family who had never seen evidence of their son expressing an alternative sexual orientation. In fact, about a month after Nimley's police-escorted visit, John said he and his wife received a letter saying the child welfare case was closed. But less than six months later, John and Jane would lose custody of their son after refusing to affirm him as a transgender girl during a stay at Children's National Hospital.

Why is the media covering this up??!!


Lyin' Brian "back"!-----Staff Salaries Slashed at CNN, and We Will Have Brian Williams to Kick Around on Election Night After All

Staff Salaries Slashed at CNN, and We Will Have Brian Williams to Kick Around on Election Night After All - Brad Slager 
The news is a deal has been finalized for Brian Williams to return to election coverage, as he will preside over a live broadcast on Amazon Prime...
  • The question here is, what is the demand? 
...Who will be curious about trying the untested Prime platform? 
How much of a draw Brian Williams represents seems a curiously small target audience...

Don't waste your money OR your TIME!


Dave Agema - Harris wants your vote even after ruining our economy... | Facebook

Americans are hurting across all sectors:
  • 78% of Americans (262 million) are living paycheck to paycheck, unable to keep up with skyrocketing costs of goods and services.
  • 63% can’t afford to buy a home or manage increasing rent, due to surging home prices and interest rates—affordability is at a 37-year low.
  • Gas prices have nearly doubled, from $2.39 per gallon in January 2021 to over $4.57 today. In states like California, gas prices hover around $5.
The cause? 
Biden’s policies to dismantle U.S. energy independence...

#1 This day 1982-----John Mellencamp - Jack & Diane (Official Music Video)

Dead Terrorists Are a Good Thing Jim Treacher

Bye-bye, Yahya. If you didn’t want to go out like a bitch, you shouldn’t have picked a fight you knew you couldn’t win. - Ed Morrissey
Score one for the good guys. 
If only our government had agreed when it mattered.
I’m glad Israel didn’t listen to our stupid, incompetent president or his stupid, incompetent vice president. If they’d had their way, all those dead Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists would still be live terrorists, plotting more terror.
“Ceasefire” just means “surrender.”...
  • They don't want Israel to win. They want to hand control of the region to Iran so they can claim to have re-proportioned American power and influence to our own shores and no farther. That's been the Obama-clique project since 2009. Read More From Jim Treacher

Where'd all the money go??!!


Harris' Achilles' heel: The one question Kamala can't seem to answer | Blaze Media

Harris' Achilles' heel: The one question Kamala can't seem to answer | Blaze Media

Vice President Kamala Harris has repeatedly insisted that American voters "turn the page" but has struggled to explain how she plans to do so. Most recently, Fox News anchor Bret Baier held Harris' feet to the fire during an interview Wednesday night when he pressed the presidential hopeful on her administration's unpopularity. Baier pointed out that the majority of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track under the Biden-Harris administration. "Why are they saying that if you're turning the page?" Baier asked Harris. "You've been in office three and a half years."

Why They Hate Our Heroes - Jupplandia

Recalling the mechanistic underpinnings of a contempt for greatness - 
  • There was a very interesting post on my feed recently about the way the woke mainstream and the left hate heroes, about why they always try to destroy heroes from the past or people we might have good cause to celebrate today...
  • Partly this rejection of heroes, this refusal to teach a heroic narrative about your nation and its most illustrious figures, is of course simply a way of undermining that nation, of expressing your contempt for it and its people.
  • In the new morality, despising your own is a mark of sophistication and education. It is a key attitude to adopt if one wishes to be taken seriously by the current elite...
In contemporary champions who are worth admiring, and in the stories and heroes of the past, and in ourselves too. 
Recovering the sense of the heroic is not only a thing capable of lending us endurance when we seem to have no power, but a thing which is a power in its own right, a force to make us better and bolder defenders of the heritage and nations we cherish.

AM Fruitcake


History for October 20

History for October 20 -
Will Rogers, Jr. 1912 - Actor ("The Story of Will Rogers")
  • 1774 - The new Continental Congress, the governing body of America’s colonies, passed an order proclaiming that all citizens of the colonies "discountenance and discourage all horse racing and all kinds of gaming, cock fighting, exhibitions of shows, plays and other expensive diversions and entertainment."
  • 1803 - The U.S. Senate approved the Louisiana Purchase.
  • 1818 - The U.S. and Great Britain established the boundary between the U.S. and Canada to be the 49th parallel.
  • 1935 - Mao Zedong arrived in Hanoi after his Long March that took just over a year. He then set up the Chinese Communist Headquarters.
  • 1947 - Hollywood came under scrutiny as the House Un-American Activities Committee opened hearings into alleged Communist influence within the motion picture industry.
  • 1993 - Attorney General Janet Reno warned the TV industry to limit the violence in their programs.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Top agency issues tough message to criminal illegal migrants after new data released * WorldNetDaily * by Andrew Powell

Top agency issues tough message to criminal illegal migrants after new data released * WorldNetDaily * by Andrew Powell

However, former National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd told Fox News host Steve Doocy the bill Harris purports to have been nixed by Trump did not actually contain anything within it to secure the border. Rather, it would have given a pathway to citizenship to over 11 million illegal migrants residing in the U.S.

"There were no border security measures in that bill. Again … it was all about amnesty for those people that are currently here … When you look at that, that's the reason the Border Patrol agents right now just don't feel like their job means anything. That's why people are looking at leaving if she gets elected again. We all want to be able to feel like our job means something that we're able to accomplish," Judd said.

The way we were-----35 WORST TV Shows That Officially Ended After This Went Horribly Wrong

When a joke becomes a reality...

Tucker asked political prognosticator Halperin what it would be like if Kamala loses.

He said millions of Democrats would suffer from a psychological collapse that would create the “greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country”
  • Tucker asked political prognosticator Halperin what it would be like if Kamala loses
  • He said millions of Democrats would suffer from a psychological collapse that would create the “greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country”. 
  • The ramifications of this, including violence, will be all over society for a long time. This is no normal election...
  • The time between the election and inauguration could well be fraught beyond anything we have seen this century and quite a while before...

It sure stinks in Michigan!-----Judge's Acceptance Of Donation From Michigan Secretary Of State Spurs Call For Ethics Probe | ZeroHedge

Judge's Acceptance Of Donation From Michigan Secretary Of State Spurs Call For Ethics Probe | ZeroHedge - Steven Kovac via The Epoch Times
  • Braden Giacobazzi and former state Sen. Patrick Colbeck sent a formal request on Oct. 1 to the Judicial Tenure Commission, a panel that oversees the conduct of judges, asking it to look into Supreme Court Justice Kyra Harris Bolden regarding the propriety of an $82,500 donation received by her campaign.
  • According to Bolden’s campaign committee, the donation was received on May 17, 2024, from the Michigan Legacy PAC, which was founded by Benson. The PAC’s finance reports show that $82,500 was donated on April 26, 2024, to the Keep Kyra Harris Bolden for Justice committee.
  • The activists said the donation should be investigated because Bolden accepted it when the seven-member Supreme Court was deciding an appeal filed by Benson in November 2023, which was granted by the court with a 5–2 majority in August 2024.
  • The ruling overturned a decision by the Michigan Court of Claims, and a subsequent 3–0 Michigan Court of Appeals ruling upholding the lower court’s decision, that Benson’s guidance regarding poll challengers violated state law and, therefore, had to be modified...

Kamala Harris' Post About Constitution Backfires as Internet Sees Immediate Issue

Kamala Harris' Post About Constitution Backfires as Internet Sees Immediate Issue

In 1852, the great runaway slave-turned-abolitionist Frederick Douglass referred to the Constitution as a “GLORIOUS LIBERTY DOCUMENT.”

Imagine: A former slave, who had every cause for bitterness, saw that document for what it is.

Meanwhile, an incompetent fraud of a politician, who has spent her entire career failing upward, shows no gratitude and no reverence toward that glorious document but instead uses it as a prop, abdicates every responsibility it imposes on her and pledges to eradicate every freedom it guarantees to the American citizens whom she despises.

Man Forced to Arbitrate After Ridiculous Bank Screw Up - and Wins

How the CCP Is Trying to Influence the US Election - The Epoch Times

How the CCP Is Trying to Influence the US Election - Andrew
  • Entities backed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are creating thousands of social media profiles impersonating Americans in an attempt to sway the 2024 presidential election.
  • What separates these newer profiles from other China-based efforts to sow discord online is that they appear to be tailor-made to appeal to target demographics...
  • That operation, dubbed “Spamouflage,” is a state-backed campaign from communist China with links to Chinese law enforcement...
  • While foreign attempts to influence U.S. elections are nothing new, their increasing stridency and varying levels of success are.
  • What makes the Harlan Report persona unique, in other words, is its success in finding a following and its pioneering role in targeting a niche audience the same way any advertiser would...

Lunch video-----Flexible Climate Data

""Climate scientists" seem to be unable to distinguish between accelerating sea level rise and decelerating sea level rise.



Another town in America's heartland stretched thin over influx of immigrants: 'We need some federal help' | Blaze Media

Another town in America's heartland stretched thin over influx of immigrants: 'We need some federal help' | Blaze Media

Locals in the small town of Logansport, Indiana, are sounding the alarm about the community's overwhelmed resources due to a massive influx of foreign nationals who have arrived in the area over the past three years under the Biden-Harris administration. The community's concerns mirror recent reports out of Springfield, Ohio, and Charleroi, Pennsylvania, two small cities that have experienced a significant increase in immigrant arrivals.

She'll do same for the entire country!


Watch what they DO. Ignore what they SAY!-----Climate Crisis? There is NO Climate Crisis! | Facebook

Climate Crisis? There is NO Climate Crisis! | Facebook - Robert Bissett

The U.S. Postal Service REFUSES to disclose who paid for them. --Clarice Feldman - Rasmussen Reports

Imagine having to fight The U.S. Postal Service for years in Federal courts just for the names of who paid these trucking companies?
Rasmussen Reports@Rasmussen_Poll
  • 9 trucks, 1-1.5 million counterfeit 2020 mail ballots in each
  • The U.S. Postal Service REFUSES to disclose who paid for them. 
Federal judge to rule this week...
  • Imagine having to fight The U.S. Postal Service for years in Federal courts just for the names of who paid these trucking companies?
  • As rotten as it gets.
DC Case -
Maryland Case -

Eco-lib's scheme for USA!-----Cuba slowly starts restoring power after island-wide blackout

HAVANA (Reuters) -Cuba restored a trickle of power to its grid by mid-evening on Friday, officials said, hours after the island plunged into a countrywide blackout following the collapse of one of its major power plants. - By Dave Sherwood and Marianna
  • The vast majority of the country's 10 million residents were still in the dark on Friday night, but scattered pockets of the capital Havana, including some of the city's major hospitals, saw lights flicker back on shortly after dark...
  • The blackout marks a new low point on an island where life has become increasingly unbearable, with residents suffering from shortages of food, fuel, water and medicine...
  • Prime Minister Manuel Marrero this week blamed worsening blackouts during the past several weeks on a perfect storm well-known to most Cubans - deteriorating infrastructure, fuel shortages and rising demand...